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道德上 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Kohl Bergh, The contemporary morals philosopher, educationalist in the USA, opposed to instill and proposed the famous"dilemma story law"and so on, and developed student\'s moral cognitive capacity in order to able to realize the self-discipline.


Nietzsche"s political philosophy is not piled up a dish of messy sand by maxim form, the writer thinks that Nietzsche"s political construction has his continuous logicality. It"s an expression of political philosophy that is constructed on the base of force will and life will, it makes life reach at a transitional bridge that can supply condition for the salvation of art. Thus, there are three understandings here. Firstly, politics is an objective expression of power will, also is an external expression of power will. The real politics depends on power will and services to their requirement and regulation; Secondly, the life faces on the double crises, on the one hand, the life falls into denial of Christian morality. Morality of Christianity presumes another world that life never touch for. This is world of soul belief and pursue, meanwhile, life is depreciated and degenerated as "evil", so the value of life suffers from misunderstanding and denial. Things of presence are subverted as things of exeunt."Uprising of slave in morality" results in the denial of ",master morality, at the same time, although modern democratic politics that based on morality of Christianity makes person return secular life and makes life identity and trite. This kind of politics creates privation of special vulture and race. On the other hand, internal requirement of power will results in the crisis of life because the characteristics of power will is continuous making and destroy.


Cruelty of disposition; malice and ill-nature; that most anti-social and odious of all passions, envy; dissimulation and insincerity, irascibility on insufficient cause, and resentment disproportioned to the provocation; the love of domineering over others; the desire to engross more than one's share of advantages; the pride which derives gratification from the abasement of others; the egotism which thinks self and its concerns more important than everything else, and decides all doubtful questions in its own favour;—these are moral vices, and constitute a bad and odious moral character: unlike the self-regarding faults previously mentioned, which are not properly immoralities, and to whatever pitch they may be carried, do not constitute wickedness.


Mele (2001), for example, argues that many sources of bias are controllable and that self-deceivers can recognize and resist the influence of emotion and desire on their belief acquisition and retention, particularly in matters they deem to be important, morally or otherwise.


We must distinguish, at least prima facie, between what is morally good or morally right and what is good in a nonmoral sense; between the morally good life and a life that is desirable, good, or worthwhile in itself in the sense in which a pleasant, happy, contemplative life, or a life of excellent activity or exercises of one's powers, may and have been said to be the good life; in this sense it is not a pleonasm to say, as many have, that the morally virtuous life is the good or best life.


For example, including the complete genetic dynamics of in- and outbreeding might lead to completely different conclusions in the above-mentioned theories of the adaptive nature of racism.


It is to be remarked, however, that the act does not draw to itself the Obligation in consequence of any moral necessity,. it is the law which annexes it in the plenitude of its power, a point the more necessary to be noted, because a different doctrine has sometimes been propounded by modern interpreters of the Civil Law who had moral or metaphysical theories of their own to support.


In order to show that it is not morally reprehensible he must, of course, appeal to some ethical premiss about what is or is not morally wrong, bad, or vicious, and at least sometimes also to a factual premiss.


It is said that the importance of excusing conditions in criminal responsibility is derivative, and it derives from the more fundamental requirement that for criminal responsibility there must be 'moral culpability', which would not exist where the excusing conditions are present On this view the maxim actus non est reus nisimens sit rea refers to a morally evil mind Certainly traces of this view are to be found in scattered observations of English and American judges—in phrases such as 'an evil mind with regard to that which he is doing ',' a bad mind ', or references to acts done not ' merely unguardedly or accidentally , without any evil mind.


For individual, it is the entrepreneurs self-development, self-affirmation and self-realizing on moral that developing ideal moral personality and establishing healthy moral self.


更多网络解释与道德上相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

double standard:双重标准, 不同标准(尤指性道德上男宽女严的标准) (货币)复本位制

up to the standard 合格, 达到标准 | double standard 双重标准, 不同标准(尤指性道德上男宽女严的标准) (货币)复本位制 | under the standard of 在...旗下, 在...的军队里

ethically wrong:道德上或伦理上是错误的

在线犯罪online crime | 道德上或伦理上是错误的ethically wrong | 违背自然规律violation of the law of nature

be morally and ethically wrong:伦理和道德上都是错的

51.sth. requires某事需要. . . | 52.distinguish A from B 区别AB | 53.be morally and ethically wrong伦理和道德上都是错的


在我看来,人们从别人那里能够得到的几乎所有教育都是道德上的(moral),而非智力上的(intellectual). 智力教育的主要部分并非获取事实,而是学会如何让事实变得生动. 举例来说,在无用知识(fruitless knowledge)的意义上,我痛恨文化.


这种抱怨的另外一大部分是道德性的批判:对排他主义在道德上(morally)有所质疑,即他是武断的、在理智上是自大的,或帝国主义的. 正如温素(Joseph Runzo)所提到的那样,排他主义"面对当代其他信仰的知识,既不宽容,也不再理智诚实.


992. ideological 思想的 | 993. morally 道德上,道义上 | 994. boredom 讨厌,无趣

and hardly a mortal sin:更不是道德上的罪过

if I was alright, which is stupid but not a crime|我是不是没事 很蠢 但也不是什么错 | and hardly a mortal sin.|更不是道德上的罪过 | What? What are you laughing about?|怎么了? 你笑什么?

moral rectitude:清廉的(道德上)

scandal:n.丑事, 丑闻,流言蜚语; 闲话; 诽谤 | moral rectitude:清廉的(道德上) | FBI: 美国联邦调查局

unedifying:无启发性的, 无益于教化的,(道德上)令人厌恶的

pump rotor 泵转子, 泵(叶)轮, 泵工作轮 | unedifying 无启发性的, 无益于教化的,(道德上)令人厌恶的 | entry coil conveyer 供卷运输机

moral scruples:道德上的顾虑,良心上的不安

take precedence over 优先于 | moral scruples 道德上的顾虑,良心上的不安 | benefaction 恩惠,善行,施予,捐助