英语人>词典>汉英 : 道德 的英文翻译,例句
道德 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
moral  ·  morality  ·  morals  ·  moralities

更多网络例句与道德相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Solution to social moral anomy must based on constructing laws consistent with human morality. What's more, a kind of moral resonance should be universally achieved in a multi-value level. Apart from that, the essence of Chinese nation's traditional culture should be actively promoted to strive to achieve the unity of moral obligations and moral rights in the process of moral education.


NARRATIVE IN MORAL EDUCATION brings its moral functions into play by putting the moral cognition, moral emotion, moral conation, moral action together. And the moral functions of NARRATIVE IN MORAL EDUCATION includes: helping the students understand the ethics and human; helping the students understand the meanings of life and spreads moral wisdom; giving guidance to the students as to moral needs; helping the students make moral choices freely; training the moral thinking of students—including training them thinking over moral questions carefully, the habit of thinking moral questions in transposition; helping students promote their moral level by making use of moral consensus; making effect on the ethic of students as a whole communication process.


The molding of an ideal moral personality is regarded as the basic object of moral teaching, because we need to make a response to the moral crisis in China. Moreover, the history of man's development is, to some extent, just the history of continuous pursuit and molding of an ideal personality. Furthermore, the sole and essential purpose of moral education is the successful molding of ideal moral personality as it is precisely in moral quality and action are its downright representation; and as moral personality is a somewhat motive force, and will definitely display its moral attribute constantly in practice.


In 1976, it is the first time for the conception to be put forward by Bernard Williams. Though he didn"t define this conception, his discussion showed the possibility of Moral Luck. And he emphasized particularly on the agent"s recept to apprehend the Moral Luck. Later, Thomas Nagel based on the life to classify the Moral Luck and expatiated. He wanted to integrate Moral Luck with the moral theory of Kant. As a result, it is disappointed. Whereafter, basing on the former philosopher, Anthony Kenny thought that it is impossible for him to abate the strain between Kantianism and Moral Luck. Whereas, Kenny had no intention to followed them.


Because of the development level"s restriction of moral integration"s subject and object, moral integrations realization inevitably has some limits, which include three aspects as the following: the incompleteness of social development limits the realization of moral integration; the incompleteness of moral development limits the realization of moral integration; the restriction and effect of traditional culture of morals make the realization of moralintegration have some limits.


The main manifestation of nonmoral Education in Ethics is nonmoral element infiltration and dissimilation,and even direct substitution for morality,while immoral Education in Ethics mainly embodies moral indoctrination against moral essence and moral deception contrary to moral basic principles.


The function of moral self acting as the channel of information meals that all information about an individuals morality must let moral self check up before it becomes useful information to him. The function of moral self subduing or making factors orderly meals that moral self can turn ataxic factors into a system. The function of moral self impulsing an individual take action meals that moral self can affect what an individual does.


Therefore,in the premise of connection among thetheory,history and actuality,the thesis has put forward theconception of China administrative morality:directed byMarxism-Leninism,Mao Zedong Thought and Deng XiaopingTheory,use the scientific theory,proceed from the actualsituation and follow the principle of collectivism,serving,efficiency and impartiality;make sure the basic content of thecontemporary China administrative morality construction andpush the compulsory administrative morality and the idealadministrative morality;cultivate the autonomic consciousness ofadministrative morality main body through strengtheningadministrative morality education and administrative moralityculture;strengthen heteronomous system of administrativemorality with the system construction as the safeguard ofadministrative morality construction;emphasize constructingforcible wide administrative morality regulation system-theevaluation and supervision of administrative morality,uniteautonomic and heteronomous,and make the administrativebehavior carry out administrative morality obligation consciouslyin the end.


The poeticized moral education introduces a esthetics to morality and makes it aestheticized to a certain degree.Its essence is to input and promote aesthetics into morality.The proposal of poeticized morality is of great importance.It inherits the morality tradition and helps to change rationality to nestle people in morality poetically;In contrast to rationality,in moral education,the poeticized education is characterized with great humanism,and with unobstrusively influence.In this article,I explore how to implement poeticized morality.It specifically includes how to foster students' viewpoint of poetry,the way to change from "monologue"to "dialogue",propose artistic outlook on life,combine spoken education with non-spoken education,and so on.


In addition to strengthening the socialism honor versus dishonor view education, the family must value the family moral education, change the family idea, paying attention to with the child"s communication, respecting the minor"s corpus position, attaining speech to spread and the body teach of unify; The school wants to strengthen the virtuous construction of teacher, set up the minor"s moral education mode to make people the center, improve the teaching method and means, change the form of the moral education, strengthen the development to the student studies the ability and creative ability, strengthen the mental health education, slice to strengthen the school actually to the farmer work son and daughter of moral educate the work, extend the national school does to learn the scale, strengthening to take charge of the work to the private school, build up a series contact system and improve the peripheral environment of campus etc; The all pay attention to the minor"s moral education together, carry on the right value leading, strengthen the market management that sells the book, guide the campus folk song toward healthy direction development, strengthen the management to the bad advertisement and the low level cultural amusement amenity, meanwhile , enlarge the strength to cure the net cafe, open the public cultural facilities, carry out 2004" central No.1 documents" hard, the department concerned can unite the community to open the exhibition cultural activity to accept the farmer work son and daughter, make widely available the moral knowledge and moral norm etc.


更多网络解释与道德相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


坏人是一个非道德的(amoral)人,不是一个不道德的(immoral)人. 74两者的不同在于,非道德的人眼里不存在道德,不道德的人只是不符合某一种道德,自己不见得不认同另一种道德. 坏人超然于一切体制,因为什么体制都对他不具规范意义,

lie outside the area of moral choice:不属于道德范畴,对待...时不用考虑道德问题

in...respect 在...方面 | lie outside the area of moral choice 不属于道德范畴,对待...时不用考虑道德问题 | moral reasoning 道德推理,运用道德进行推理

moral cognition:道德认识

道德认识(Moral Cognition)对客观存在着的道德关系及如何处理这种关系的规范,准则的认识,道德认识是个体道德品质形成的重要基础,离开或缺乏认识基础的情感或行为是没有多大道德价值和意义的,正确的道德认识有助于指导道德行为,

Moral Education:道德教育

在阐述孔子教育模式的特点之前,有必要强调一下"为了道德的教育"(education for morality)和"道德教育" (moral education) 的区别. "道德教育"有一个明确的道德目标,有相应的道德课程;"为了道德的教育"含义更加宽泛,


在西方古代文化中,"道德"(Morality)一词起源于拉丁语的"Mores",意为风俗和习惯. 通过以上对道德词源的了解,我们虽然可以对道德一词有个初步的认识,但如果深究起道德的内涵,还是显得有些鞭长莫及!因为这里既没有我国古人对道德的直接解释,


但是我在谈伦理或"教育"关注这样一个观念的时候最关注的其实是任何与道德(morals)或道德体系(morality)有关的内容. 本书并不提供任何一种道德体系,当然也不提供和启蒙有关的道德体系. 关注伦理与假定一种有关个人自己的道德权威完全不是一回事.

moral reasoning:道德推理,运用道德进行推理

lie outside the area of moral choice 不属于道德范畴,对待...时不用考虑道德问题 | moral reasoning 道德推理,运用道德进行推理 | in action 在起作用

moral relativism:道德相对主义

而且,对文化共同体之文化和道德伦理的传统理解立场,基于历史叙事(学)的"道德语境主义",所强调的都是道德文化的相对性,在某些特殊情况下,这两个基本方面的深刻影响还有可能导向尼采的"道德谱系学"(the genealogy of morals)和"道德相对主义"(moral relativism).

moral turpitude:违背道德,卑鄙 违背道德,卑鄙

moral standard 道德标准 道德标准 | moral turpitude 违背道德,卑鄙 违背道德,卑鄙 | motion 动议 动议

moral turpitude:违背道德、卑鄙 违背道德、卑鄙

moral standard 道德标准 道德标准 | moral turpitude 违背道德、卑鄙 违背道德、卑鄙 | motion 动议 动议