英语人>词典>汉英 : 道义 的英文翻译,例句
道义 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

morality and justice · moral principle
更多网络例句与道义相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In chapter 2, I make an introduction of the concept of the deontology, its development phases, detailed contents and Kantian's deontology.


In some deep senses, deontology and utilitarianism reflect the ethical trend of market economy.


The gist lies in righteousness." A noble man may not necessarily stick to minor faith and minor deed. The key is to treat "faith from an overall situation of righteousness. Be faithful to what is righteous and don't be faithful to what is not.


Therefore,this traditional morality can play its role in practical life on one hand,namely,the gains-pursuing and perceptual desire are kept on the right track;but on the other hand,it is characterized by "cheating strangers","heteronomy"," non-purity ",favors "talents' foresight" and has lost its intrinsic characters: rational consciousness,emotional willingness and saintliness.


Therefore, this traditional morality can play its role in practical life on one hand, namely, the gains-pursuing and perceptual desire are kept on the right track; but on the other hand, it is characterized by "cheating strangers","heteronomy","non-purity", favors "talents' foresight" and has lost its intrinsic characters: rational consciousness, emotional willingness and saintliness.


When there is Dao under the sky, be visible; when lacking Dao, be seclusive.


We have got to show moral support for Georgia, we have go to show moral support for Ukraine.


Having thought of deontological constraints as sui generis, they not only usually fail to justify such constraints, but also lack adequate resources to resolve moral conflicts.


Deontic Logic ; Logic of Willing ; Mally's Deontic System ; Standard Deontic Logic


On the basis of this discussions, the author gives the standard system of deontic logic which was created by Von Wright and abstracts the development from the classic system to the standard system of deontic logic.


更多网络解释与道义相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


withholdingitsauthority,忍住最爱吃嫩树皮 | wasthefriendshipofastar,aloof,假装大腕儿道义,逃避, | withnomoreintimacythanwascalledfor,杀人不过头点地高呼亲密,

moral cowardice:道义上的怯懦

moral courage 道义勇气 | moral cowardice 道义上的怯懦 | moral philosopy 道德哲学


odontologist 牙科医生 | deontologist 道义论者,义务论者 | paleontologist 古生物专家


关于善是自成目的性的还是服务于非伦理生活价值的手段,这是伦理学中"效果论"(Consequencialism)与"道义论"(Deontology)、"德性论"(Virtue ethics)之间长期争论的理论焦点,从另一角度上看,这一论辩的实质是关于"为何(人应该讲)道德?

Normative ethics: deontology, consequentialism, or virtue ethics:[规范伦理:道义论,后果论,或,德性伦理学

19. Newcomb's problem: one box or two boxes? [Newcomb问题:要B盒,或,两盒... | 20. Normative ethics: deontology, consequentialism, or virtue ethics? [规范伦理:道义论,后果论,或,德性伦理学?] | Denmark[丹麦...

I cannot honorably refuse:在道义上我怎么能拒绝呢

Two friends together?|两个老朋友再回到一起 | I cannot honorably refuse.|在道义上我怎么能拒绝呢? | I'm so happy.|我还真是高兴啊

immorality:不道德, 无道义

instantaneous short circuit 瞬时短路 | immorality 不道德, 无道义 | cyclopin 圆弧素

moral obligation:道义责任

"在司马瑞看来,基于法律服务的特殊性,同其他专业人士相比,律师对客户乃至社会负有更多的道义责任(moral obligation). 所以在他看来,上市不像是个好主意. 眼下一个总体趋势是,律师事务所,至少大型律师事务所已经变得更加商务导向、更关注利润与效率,

moral obligation:道义

总会长重申,在道义(moral obligation)与责任上他必须辞去总会长职位. 在场的中委向他表达挽留之意,他说,这不是他的个性,不必挽留,更谢绝做戏. "同样的,总会长在当天提出的所谓的'大团结方案'(Great Unity Plan)并没有提呈中委会讨论,

Moral suasion:道义劝告

道义劝告(Moral Suasion) 所谓"道义劝告",指中央银行利用其声望与地位,对商业银行 和金融机构经常发出通告,指示或与各金融体系的负责人举行面谈,劝告其遵守政府 ...