英语人>词典>汉英 : 通讯录 的英文翻译,例句
通讯录 的英文翻译、例句


address list
更多网络例句与通讯录相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I can't find my address book.


My address book is there and i can't access it anymore..


This is what I have written procedures, I feel very good, the realization of the address book management.


Let me see if I have his number in my address book.


The address will appear in your address book .


If this is your first time selecting an address from an external address book, you can Create Address Book Mapping.


We are all very familiar with the system of alphabetization - we see it every day in phone books, online directories, and a variety of other places.


The main problem is that your contact list has been generated automatically and has little to do with you.


Address Book source code, you can create an empty address book, insert a new directory, delete directory, query and output directory.


It separates your contacts into two groups:"My Contacts" and "Suggested Contacts."


更多网络解释与通讯录相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Address Book:通讯录

主要的功能有:可以在 Amiga 上使用 Palm OS 的应用程序,提供 Palm 的行事历(Date Book)、通讯录(Address Book)、待办事项(To Do List)以及记事本(MemoPad),以便浏览、键入及修改储存在电脑里的资料.

Address Book Card:通讯录卡

Print Message... 打印消息(P)... T r SN00 | Address Book Card 通讯录卡(C) B.]qrS| | Navigation Toolbar 游历工具栏 @?

address oneself to:致力于

address list 通讯录 | address oneself to 致力于 | address resolution protocol 地址分辨协议

Sort address book entries by name:按姓名排序通讯录条目

Sort address book entries by type 按类型排序通讯录条目 =o... | Sort address book entries by name 按姓名排序通讯录条目 :Q@/F;Z? | Sort address book entries by email address 按电子邮件地址排序通讯录条目...


建立一班级通讯录,同学(ClassMate)类,包括:学号、姓名、性别、宿舍、宿舍电话、手机、家庭地址等信息. -通讯录(ClassMateMng)类要求提供通讯信息的增加、修改、删除、查找(可按姓名、宿舍等方式查找)等方法接口.

Customer has address book:客户通讯录

Customer can view Order History顾客可以查看历史命令 | Customer has address book客户通讯录 | Customer one click re-order any prior order顾客点击一次再以任何事先秩序

field type:字 段 类 型

分析通讯录(Address Books)字段类型(Field Type),还发现名(First)和姓(Last)字段类型都是0x20,那麼通讯录(Address Books)的选项(Options),排列顺序(Sort By)中选择名(First)或者姓(Last)或者公司(Company),那麼整个数据库都要「乾坤大挪移」了?

Show Anniversaries:显示通讯录中的周年纪念日,默认选中

Show Reminders:显示备忘,默认选中 | Show Anniversaries:显示通讯录中的周年纪念日,默认选中 | Show Complete Tasks:显示已完成的任务

Address Book Card:通讯录卡

Print Message... 打印消息(P)... T r SN00 | Address Book Card 通讯录卡(C) B.]qrS| | Navigation Toolbar 游历工具栏 @?<N +qdH>

Show names using display name (from address book card):按通讯录卡中的名字信息显示(H)

When displaying full names: 当显示全名时... | Show names using display name (from address book card) 按通讯录卡中的名字信息显示(H) Gm> =s | Show names using last name, first name 使用"姓氏, 名字"的形...