英语人>词典>汉英 : 通便 的英文翻译,例句
通便 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
defecation  ·  purgation  ·  purge  ·  purged  ·  purges  ·  defaecate  ·  defaecation

relaxing the bowels · free movement of the bowels
更多网络例句与通便相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Objective To investigate the defecating feces function of aloe in the human body.

目的 探讨芦荟对人体的通便作用。

Objective To investigate ease-constipation action of capsulae aloes.

目的 研究芦荟胶囊润肠通便的作用。

The public also has the use of honey aperient, in fact, honey must be effective against the cold red, warm water does not work, so that newborns, infants喝凉水, stimulate peristalsis, can catharsis, but it will cause gripes, which in turn Why?


Overview of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine has fall gas relieves a cough, bowel of smooth asthma, embellish is aperient, can promote functional metabolization, exciting hydrochloric acid in gastric juice is secreted, help blood pressure of aid digestion, stomachic, balance, hematic fat, cleared oxygen is free base with hydroxide freedom base, have fight anile action very well.


The dried exudate of certain plants, as that of the Mediterranean ash tree, formerly used as a laxative.


North Almond Bitter, can lower gas relieving cough and asthma, relax bowel, and therefore detoxification effect.


Borage is said to be a good diuretic, laxative, depurator, and sudorific .

琉璃苣据说是一个良好的利尿药、通便剂、 depurator 、和发汗剂。

The main raw materials: Dragon's blood, Crocus sativus, catechu, Bidens, Houttuynia, cassia Features: Skin-dimensional Herbalife follow the principle of combination of Chinese medicine, scientific formula to blood circulation, mainly to stop bleeding myogenic the Dragon's blood, with open-end West San Yu Honghua Baidu and anti-cancer, the convergence of bleeding children Supplemented by tea, combined with heat-clearing and detoxifying, eliminate drainage carbuncle, in Tonglin diuresis Houttuynia promoting blood circulation and healing, anti-inflammatory detoxification, swelling of expelling wind Bidens, and the purge Runchang cassia, so sore itch Swelling and remove any drug in vitro, which has a combo-dimensional anti-virus treatment and skin sores, bleeding myogenic role, mainly for soft tissue injury, a variety of wounds, insect bites, such as ants Zhu Zheng.


objective to understand and master the stachyose's function which is extracted from the fibre of plants.methods adopt the experimentation of animal function.results this product which is animal's defecation experimentation indicates that compare with the control group , there is obvious difference .

目的 了解植物提取膳食纤维水苏糖产品润肠通便功能情况。方法采用动物功能学试验。结果该产品经动物通便功能试验,体现小肠运动和排便功能与对照组有高度显著性差别。

O What is the difference between stool softeners and laxatives?


更多网络解释与通便相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

aperient:轻泻剂 通便的

apercu | 摘要, 梗概 | aperient | 轻泻剂 通便的 | aperiodic antenna | 非谐振天线

aperitive:轻泻剂, 通便药 有轻泻效应的

aperitif | 开胃酒 | aperitive | 轻泻剂, 通便药 有轻泻效应的 | apertometer | 数值孔径计, 数值口径计 物镜口径计 开角机

bowel movement:通便

腹水 ascites | 通便 bowel movement ; bowel habit ; pass stools ; move one's bowels ; | 下痢 diarrhea ; loose bowels ;

Relaxing bowels:润肠通便

Rapid pulse 数脉 | Relaxing bowels 润肠通便 | Removing stasis to promote blood circulation 化瘀行血

relax the bowels:通便

relaunder 重新洗涤 | relax the bowels 通便 | relax 放松


Deo gratias 承神之佑 | deobstruent 通便剂 | deodand 赎罪奉献物


如果这些辨法都没有用,那就只好求助于通便剂(Laxative)了. 刺激性通便剂: 如果以上方法都没有用,那就只好刺激肠子了. 不过刺激太久,肠子变得迟钝,也会慢慢失效. 用得太多有时还会引起肠子病变. 这类刺激性通便剂较温和的是乐可舒(Dulcolax)塞剂.




purfle 装花边于 | purgation 通便 | purgation 洗罪

i will wallop you:我要通便你一顿

我要通便你一顿 i will wallop you | 刮目相看 look at sth or sb with a new sight | 我们需要一个藏身之所 we need a hide