英语人>词典>汉英 : 逆差 的英文翻译,例句
逆差 的英文翻译、例句


adverse balance of trade · adverse balance
更多网络例句与逆差相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For the eurozone, which has a broadly balanced trade account, the dollar's sharp decline threatens to create a growing trade deficit.


It is difficult for other nations to match such adventurism, but one hopes that countries that agree to Chinese terms do keep in mind their cultural/historic uniqueness.


The building rules of GLCM ( the best gray levels and pixels interval) were confirmed by experiment. GLCM texture parameters of 300 wood specimens were calculated and assayed, and then placed into a Competitive Neural Network for classification output. The results are as follows: 1) GLCM parameters Angular Second Moment contrast , correlation , entr


Indeed, its decline to date correlates almost perfectly with the drop in the non-oil trade deficit since 2006, according to Martin Baily and Robert Lawrence, two economists at the Brookings Institution and Harvard University respectively.

根据马丁贝利和罗伯特劳伦斯的看法,事实上,至今为止,美元的夏寰程度和自 2006 年以来的非石油贸易逆差的减少几乎完全吻合,以上两位分别是布鲁斯金学会和哈弗大学的经济学家。

But the deficit with China rose to more than $25 billion, the second highest on record.


But the deficitwith China rose to more than $25 billion, the second highest on record.


Just as the relationship between the fluctuation of foreign trade and economic growth, the influence of the change of net trade volume among regions on regional economy is very complex: in the short term , the increase of surplus and the decrease of deficit are beneficial to increase the economic power of the region from the angle 0f external demand; in the long term, the increase of trade deficit in short period of time may increase the development strength of regional economy from the angle of strengthening the supply capacity of the region.


With the economic development of China, the Japanese media puts forward the Chinese Minatory Statement.


European frustration with China's limits on market access for foreign companies and an exchange rate policy seen as undervaluing the renminbi has been fuelled by the growth of a trade deficit with China to 86bn in the first seven months of the year.


Those imbalances are epitomised by an unprecedented US external current account deficit of about 7 per cent of GDP.


更多网络解释与逆差相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

adverse balance:逆差

favourable balance 顺差 | adverse balance 逆差 | hard currency 硬通货

adverse balance:收支逆差

Balance 余额,结余,差额,平衡 | adverse balance 收支逆差 | balance budget 平衡预算

adverse balance:贸易逆差,收支赤字

Adverse逆的 | adverse balance贸易逆差,收支赤字 | Advertisement广告

adverse balance:赤字、逆差

active money:流通货币(相对于银行账户中的货币) | adverse balance: 赤字、逆差 | agio: 外币兑换手续费

balance of payments deficit:国际收支逆差

balance method 平衡法 | balance of payments deficit 国际收支逆差 | balance of payments surplus 国际收支顺差

unfavorable balance of trade:逆差

贸易逆差(Unfavorable Balance of Trade) 贸易逆差的概念 贸易逆差(Unfavorable Balance of Trade)也称为"入超"或"贸易赤字",是"出超"的对称. 指一国在一定时期内(如一年、半年、一季、一月)出口总值与进口总值之间的差额. 当出口总值与进口总值相等时,

unfavorable balance of trade:贸易逆差;入超

unfasten 解开;放松 | unfavorable balance of trade 贸易逆差;入超 | unfavorable balance of trade 贸易逆差入超

unfavorable trade balance:对外贸易逆差

unfavorable balance 逆差 | unfavorable trade balance 对外贸易逆差 | unfavorable 不利的

unfavorable balance:逆差,贸易逆差

unfattened stock 未经肥畜牲畜 | unfavorable balance 逆差,贸易逆差 | unfavorable balance of trade 贸易逆差,贸易入超,入超

unfavourable balance:逆差

当收入大于支出而有盈余(Surplus)时,称为顺差(Favourable Balance);反之,则称为逆差(Unfavourable Balance),逆差数字前冠以"-"好. 也有人称逆差为赤字(Deficit),而成顺差为黑字.