英语人>词典>汉英 : 逆坡 的英文翻译,例句
逆坡 的英文翻译、例句


adverse grade
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Terrain shadow causes cooling to begin in basin before sunset. Radiative cooling and cold downslope wind development are two basic reasons for the formation of cold air lake and inversion in the basin.


The large altitude difference of the hypsography, the fragmental topography, the difference of exposure and the valley cause the difference of the part climate which make the orographic rain , the topography wind and the temperature inversion.


The reverse fault occurring the slope break area of primary fault was formed as a result of inversion of normal fault in extension; c.


There are three features in the minibasins induced by gravitational sliding on the slope: the firstly, feature is surface of unconformity developed by onlap on minibasin margins or surface of unconformity truncated by mass transport-complex are sequence boundary in the study area; the secondly , accommodation of gravity flow is controlled by up lift rate and sedimentation rate , and styles of filling in the minibasins are dominated by the interrelationship between the two factors; and the third , there are two stacking patterns that consists of upward of turbidite fan-hemipelagic drape mud or mass-transport complexes-turbidite fan-hemipelagic drape mud.


This finding is of great significance not only to the reconstruction of paleoceanography, paleoenvironment, paleotectonics, and paleoclimate, but also to deepwater petroleum exploration in the South China Sea.


更多网络解释与逆坡相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

adversary grade:逆坡

adventure 矿山企业 | adversary grade 逆坡 | adverse grade 逆坡

aeolian soil:风积土

Adverse slope 逆坡 | Aeolian Soil 风积土 | Aerial camera 航空摄影机

borderland slope:边缘坡

边缘逆冲断层 marginal thrust | 边缘坡 borderland slope | 边缘上冲断层 marginal upthrust



back thrusting:反向逆冲作用,背向逆冲断层作用,倒向逆冲断层作用

后坡 back slope | 反向逆冲作用,背向逆冲断层作用,倒向逆冲断层作用 back thrusting | 回流 back wash