英语人>词典>汉英 : 逆冲断层面 的英文翻译,例句
逆冲断层面 的英文翻译、例句


thrust plane
更多网络例句与逆冲断层面相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is found that thrusting deformation in the accretionary prism is accommodated not only by deformation within largescale thrusting zones, but also by deformation along secondary thrusts and potentially more importantly along corescale structures such as microfaults and deformation bands.


The south-north united tectonic environment and tectonic pattern does not exist. The east-west trend thrusting Nappe structure of Majiatan and Hengshanpu can not represent the whole western margin of Ordos. The attempt to solve the regional tectonic problem with simple tectonic pattern is against the geological theory, especially in the Helan Mountain region.(2) After the geochemical data analysis of Ruqigou basalt in Helan Mountain, the article illustrates that it belongs to continental rift basalt which appeared in the late-Triassic and early middle Jurassic. Meanwhile the article states that the region is located in the rift environment of an extension background and Rudigou is located in the central part of the rift.(3) The article illustrates that the western ridge of Helan Mountain used to be on a slope and topography slowly declines from west to east after analysis and demonstrations of the distribution under XiaoSongshan bedding fault. Through comprehensive analysis of the no-strong deformation and bedding fault features, the article states that the Xiaosongshan bedding fault used to be gravity slip detachment structure and it represents the extension from the east to the west. Based on the above and analysis and demonstrations of isotope age and track datting, the article illustrates that the ? characteristic of the east of the western ridge of Helan mountain being higher than the west is the result of its late tectonic reverse.(4) Through comparison between Rujigou region Mesozoic Era late Triassic period-early and middle Jurassic period deposit and that of Ordos Basin and the analysis of the late Triassic period extension and early -middle Jurassic Period deposit povenevance it sets forth that during the period, Rujigou region was part of a large deposit basin which was closer to the northern povenevance and farther from the western povenevance.


The results indicate that the earthquake focal is north dip trust fault including some left-lateral strike slip.


更多网络解释与逆冲断层面相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

overthrust plane:逆掩断层面

overthrust mass 掩冲体 | overthrust plane 逆掩断层面 | overthrust sheet 逆掩层

overthrust plane:逆断层面

overthrust block 掩冲体 | overthrust plane 逆断层面 | overtrade wind 高层信风

overthrust sheet:逆掩层

overthrust plane 逆掩断层面 | overthrust sheet 逆掩层 | overthrusting plate 上冲板块


逆断层的倾角有陡有缓,如果断层面倾角小于45°,常称为逆掩断层或冲断层(thrust). 逆断层一般是在较强的水平挤压力的作用下形成的. 平移断层(strike-slipfault)两盘沿断层面走向相对水平错动的断层称平移断层或走向滑动断层.

thrust pin:止推轴颈

thrust pickup 推力传感器 | thrust pin 止推轴颈 | thrust plane 逆冲断层面,冲断面,冲推面

thrust plane:逆冲断层面

thrust fault 逆冲断层 | thrust plane 逆冲断层面 | thunderstorm 雷暴

thrust fault trap:逆断层封闭

"thrust fault","逆冲断层;冲上断层" | "thrust fault trap","逆断层封闭" | "thrust plane","逆冲断层面"