英语人>词典>汉英 : 退伍军人 的英文翻译,例句
退伍军人 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
veteran  ·  veterans

更多网络例句与退伍军人相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Defence Minister Bob Ainsworth said he was "behind the curve", as the Government had already launched a Command Paper designed to improve support for troops, families and veterans.


After this Veterans Day ritual, ceremonies will continue in the surrounding amphitheater with speakers and tributes.


There were middle aged veterans of antiwar protests of earlier times.


Legionnaire disease was mainly caused by Legionella pneumophila, especial the serogroup 1 (Lp 1). However, Lp1 pathogenesis has not been clearly characterized.

退伍军人症是由退伍军人菌所引起的肺炎疾病,其主要是由嗜肺性退伍军人菌血清型第一型( Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1;Lp1)所引起。

Finally, in 1988, Congress bowed to criticism of the broad VA preclusion statute , replacing it with a narrow one under which the VA's legal rulings (but not its factual or law-applying rulings) would be freely reviewable.


For years, Veterans' Day in Wartburg, Tennessee, was celebrated at Central High School every November 11 with local veterans from the American Legion who would stop by and put on a program, educating students about the people who served their country.


It means bringing home our POWs and MIAs. And it means treating the graves of veterans like the hallowed ground it is and banning protests near funerals.


It means having zero tolerance for veterans sleeping on our streets. It means bringing home our POWs and MIAs. And it means treating the graves of veterans like the hallowed ground it is and banning protests near funerals.


I met veterans in American Legion halls and found they were more concerned with the deterioration of health care at Veterans Administration hospitals than with my opposition to the Vietnam War.


Veterans Day is very important, it goes back to generations.


更多网络解释与退伍军人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


ex-premier 前任总理 | ex-soldier 退伍军人 | ex-wife 前妻

The security guards are invariably ex-servicemen:这些保安都是清一色的 退伍军人

invariably ad. 不变地,始终如一地 总是 | The security guards are invariably ex-servicemen. ;这些保安都是清一色的 退伍军人. | magnify vt. 放大,扩大; 夸大,夸张

British legion:英国退伍军人协会

在这个具有100多年历史的礼堂的门旁,1994年时钉上了一块纪念牌以纪念就在附近的大卫.别克的出生地;该礼堂在2005年被卖给英国退伍军人协会(British Legion).

American Legion:美国退伍军人协会

"赖斯利用参加盐湖城(Salt Lake City)美国退伍军人协会(American Legion)年会的机会,为布什政府的反恐政策辩护. 期中选举前,对伊拉克战争的批评不断,赖斯也趁此机会,对批评者作回应. 赖斯今年失去争取她视为梦想工作的机会:担任职业橄榄球联盟(NFL)的理事长,

legionnaire:掇 disease 退伍军人症

interleukin 2 白细胞介素2 278 | Legionnaire掇 disease 退伍军人症 278 | leukemia 白血病 278

James Nicholson:前美国退伍军人事务部长 吉姆.尼科尔森

* Charles Brannan 前美国农业部部长 | * James Nicholson 前美国退伍军人事务部长 吉姆.尼科尔森 | * Jami Miscik 前中央情报局(CIA)副局长、情报部门主管 雅米.米希克


Every morning at 5:30, no matter the weather,... | General Winslow, U.S. Army, Retired, would raise the flag.|美国退伍军人WinsIow将军都会升旗 | Mrs. Sybil Wagner, once an opera singer of some note,|Syb...

veterans day:美国退伍军人纪念日

在美国,退伍军人纪念日(Veterans Day)是所有曾在战争与和平时期在美国武装部队中服役的军人的节日. 而阵亡将士纪念日则是缅怀为国捐躯的将士. 最早在滑铁卢举行的纪念活动主要包括在军人墓前献花,降半旗以及组织退伍军人列队行进.

Demobilized Soldiers:退伍军人

现役军人家属 Families of Serviceman(432) | 退伍军人 Demobilized Soldiers(404) | 带病回乡退伍军人 Demobilized Soldiers Back Home with Sickness(44)

Veterans' Administration:退伍军人管理处

vesting;保留(退休金)权利;; | Veterans Administration;退伍军人管理处;; | Veterans of World War Two;第二次世界大战退伍军人协会;;