英语人>词典>汉英 : 追逐 的英文翻译,例句
追逐 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
angle  ·  chase  ·  hunt  ·  pursual  ·  angles  ·  chased  ·  chases  ·  hunted  ·  hunts  ·  chivied  ·  chivy  ·  chivying

go after · hunt after
更多网络例句与追逐相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I bolted all the way forward in pursuit of they forget what it is that i chase.


Need for Speed Undercover is all about the chase, chasing, and being chased, and that really represents the essence of how we built this game out.


One child chases the others; the one who is caught becomes the next chaser .


During one of the many dances, it fell to her to be the pursuer of a fair child, whose movements had a very strange soft charm; and this chase, which was like the hovering of a dragon-fly round some water-lily, or the wooing of a moonbeam by the June night, had in it a most magical sweet passion.


During one of the many dances, it fell to her to be the pursuerofa fair child, whose movements had a very strange soft charm;andthis chase, which was like the hovering of a dragon-fly roundsomewater-lily, or the wooing of a moonbeam by the June night, hadinit a most magical sweet passion.


I am not a follower but I let dreams follow me.


It is awfully easy to be hard-boiled about everything in the daytime,but at night it is another thing.


"I've been teaching at College Hill Elementary for the past eight years, and for as long as I can remember, tag has always been a game that we have not allowed our students to play during our scheduled recess periods," Karla Stenzel explains.


Do not make advances to women are apt to become victims to women who make advances to them.


In Animals in Translation, Temple Grandin writes of driving two indoor cats crazy by flicking a laser pointer around the room. They wouldn't stop stalking and pouncing on this ungraspable dot of light—their dopamine system pumping.

在《动物心语》一书里,Temple Grandin写过两只在屋中疯狂追逐激光棒投影的家猫;追逐,搜捕,不停的追逐搜捕,目的不过是那虚幻的光点。

更多网络解释与追逐相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

go after:追逐

人活着就是追逐(go after)梦想! 不知道什么时候我的脑海里就形成了这样一个概念. 根据这个,我就界定了自己的生活范围与内涵. 追逐梦想就会有痛苦(suffering)! 我曾经对着我无数次描写过的夜空构想过追逐梦想之痛.

go after:追逐,追求;设法得到

go about 从事,着手做;闲逛 | go after 追逐,追求;设法得到 | go against 违反;反对;不利于

chase after:追赶;追逐

chase v.追赶;追逐 | chase after 追赶;追逐 | cheeseburger n.干酪汉堡包

RG SMOOTH:二色追逐,有淡入淡出(红绿),颜色渐变

17 RGB SMOOTH 三色追逐,有淡入淡出(红绿蓝),颜色渐变 | 18 RG SMOOTH 二色追逐,有淡入淡出(红绿),颜色渐变 | 19 RB SMOOTH 二色追逐,有淡入淡出(红蓝),颜色渐变

RG SMOOTH:二色追逐,有淡入淡出(红 ),颜色渐变

17 RGB SMOOTH 三色追逐,有淡入淡出(红 ),颜色渐变 | 18 RG SMOOTH 二色追逐,有淡入淡出(红 ),颜色渐变 | 19 RB SMOOTH 二色追逐,有淡入淡出(红 ),颜色渐变

RG GRADUAL:二色追逐,有淡入淡出(红绿),渐亮渐暗

23 WHITE GRADUAL 白色闪频,有淡入淡出,渐亮渐暗 | 24 RG GRADUAL 二色追逐,有淡入淡出(红绿),渐亮渐暗 | 25 RB GRADUAL 二色追逐,有淡入淡出(红蓝),渐亮渐暗

RG GRADUAL:二色追逐,有淡入淡出(红 ),渐 渐暗

23 WHITE 白色闪频,有淡入淡出,渐 渐暗 | 24 RG GRADUAL 二色追逐,有淡入淡出(红 ),渐 渐暗 | 25 RB GRADUAL 二色追逐,有淡入淡出(红 ),渐 渐暗

RG CHANGE:二色追逐,没有淡入淡出(红绿)

11 RGB CHANGE 三色追逐,没有淡入淡出(红绿蓝) | 12 RG CHANGE 二色追逐,没有淡入淡出(红绿) | 13 RB CHANGE 二色追逐,没有淡入淡出(红蓝)

pursued ship:被追逐之船舶

pursuant to the agreement;依照协议;; | pursued ship;被追逐之船舶;; | pursuing ship;追逐(之)船;;

tuck net boat:追逐网渔船

追逐网渔船 tuck boat | 追逐网渔船 tuck net boat | 剑形艉壳板 tuck plate