英语人>词典>汉英 : 追踪器 的英文翻译,例句
追踪器 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与追踪器相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

With a laser sight, a combat knife in a quick-releasesheath, a flashlight, a grappling hook, two differentradios, a portable tracking device, an attache case,a pair of binoculars, a combat harness, and some gum.


After the human is detected and extracted, we then track body parts of the human by using appearances of these parts as the features and using particle filters as the tracking kernel. In the particle filter, we adopt color histograms as the appearance features and use a specific histogram mapping to enhance the discriminability between different objects. To form a robust tracker that can distinguish target objects from background objects that have color distribution similar to those of target objects, we calculate the target similarity from both the target object model and the background model.


The experiment results will show the accuracy of the designed sun tracker under outdoor environment and then the MPP under two different sun tracking processes (uses sun tracker tracking or installs PV array toward the sun with 23.5 degrees immovably) also will be compared.


In this paper, the design of the Automatic Sun Traces is introduced.


More flexible Motion Tracker Zero in on any element with the enhanced Motion Tracker, which lets you use as many points as you like or standard one-, two-, and four-point settings; track change in scale or just horizontal or vertical movement; and edit the motion path.


Focusing on the requirement of on-orbit-servicing spacecraft to targeter in eccentric orbits,the initial conditions for the chaser flying around the targeter and the optimal control algorithm used to keep the flyaround orbit under perturbance were presented.


Focusing on the requirement of onorbitservicing spacecraft to targeter in eccentric orbits, the initial conditions for the chaser flying around the targeter and the optimal control algorithm used to keep the flyaround orbit under perturbance were presented.


What better way to improve your motion tracker, than to get one of the best trackers available on the market, and throw it in for us for free.


Web Bugs or Trackers are used to track several activities of the visitor on the particular page.


Based on probability theory, a method for describing and calculating the collision probability between rendezvous and docking vehicle and debris is presented, and the method involves quantitatively analyzing the collision probability using quasi maximum instantaneous collision probability and total collision probability. The method calculating the indexes is developed, and the input required to perform a calculation includes the respective state vectors, position error covariance matrices and physical sizes of objects involved.(3) Two methods to analyze relative trajectory safety between chaser and target are developed, which are 3-sigma ellipsoid based methodology and collision probability based methodology.


更多网络解释与追踪器相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bar code reader:条形码阅读器

自动化装置可容纳84块384孔板,实现连续自动检测,机械手臂可按一定顺序将待测样品板运送至主机内,配备的条形码阅读器(Bar code reader)可自动识别进入主机的样品板编号,实现样品和实验结果的自动追踪,使您在可以任何时间在样品行列中插入取出或更换样品板.


将LXT 的水听器(Hydrophone)放入池中,以皮尺测量水听器与 GPS实验2 水下声纳定位仪(LXT)稳定度分析7. 做中学(learning by doing)的观念对於整个练习的过程是否格外重要. 资料手套(data glove)、位置追踪器(position tracker)等设备的辅助,采用最


insight 全局光渲染器 | Luminaire 模拟全局光渲染器 | raymax 优秀的光线追踪渲染器


较常利用的意念输入装置有追踪器(Tracker)及资料手套(Data Glove),分别简述如下:a.追踪器(Tracker)b.资料手套(Data Glove)虚拟场景的彩现是几何模型经过电脑即时运算而呈现,而画格速率(frame rate)的多寡则代表彩现的好坏.


动景运动 stroboscopic motion | 追踪器 pursuitmeter | 知觉歪曲 perceptual distortion

that reactivated the tracking beacon:重新启动追踪信号器的密码

- What about it? - I bet you he gave us a code|- 那又如何? - 我打赌他当时... | that reactivated the tracking beacon.|重新启动追踪信号器的密码 | You're right. McCullen, that son of a bitch.|你说得对 麦卡...

branch trace:分支追踪

"分支终端","branch terminal" | "分支追踪","branch trace" | "分支追踪器","branch tracer"

Deselect Trackers:取消选定追踪器

Select All Trackers选择全部追踪器 | Deselect Trackers取消选定追踪器 | Import Data...导入数据...

Expense Trackers:开支追踪器

Money-back guarantee 退款保证 | Expense Trackers 开支追踪器 | Inventory Tracking 库存追踪


toggleai =切换AI | tracers =切换追踪器资讯 | toggleshoweffectsstats =切换效果资讯