英语人>词典>汉英 : 迸出 的英文翻译,例句
迸出 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
gush  ·  jet  ·  gushed  ·  gushes  ·  jets

更多网络例句与迸出相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The bunting log bursts in flame and cries,---"This is my flower, my death"


The wheel inside the lighter is made from strong carborundum.


Until the lengthening wings break in to fire;At each curved point,-- what bitter wrong


At this time, perhaps you will put down the things in the mind of Flaring word:"home."


Secret is that things Allelopathy and Flaring spark, I understand that this instant cup of tea, but also to understand you.


Life is like feces, often hard for a long time only a few Flaring fart


She gazed at him longingly with the utmost tenderness, and her eyes suddenly shone with tears.


I didn't even bother to open my trap and bid them the time of the day. Under my breath I simply said:"Fuck you, Jack!"


When your life spurt column of water who, standing shoulder to shoulder with you touches your heart?


Every rockery beside him is crashed and the shatters of stone fly around to cover Zen's sight.


更多网络解释与迸出相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


gush 涌出 | gusher 喷出物 | gushing 迸出


gusher 喷出物 | gushing 迸出的 | gushy 流出的

And touches off a spark that comes shining through:指尖迸出火花,散发光彩

When someone in the dark reaches out to you 深邃太空中有人伸出手来 | And touches off a spark that comes shining through 指尖迸出火花,散发光彩 | It tells you never be afraid 它让你不再担心受伤害

Itself, unrequited:就难以迸出火花

The art of making, made an art 创造的艺术,艺术的创造 | Itself, unrequited 就难以迸出火花 | Until it is given back. 我们就是自己的书


spirostane /螺旋甾烷/ | spirt /溅迸出来/喷出/一鼓作气/拚命跑/ | spiry /尖端的/尖塔状的/多尖塔的/螺旋状的/

burst out that momentary splender:迸出刹那的芳华

化作纯洁的小花 raindrops sparkling as tiny tiny crystal flowers | 迸出刹那的芳华 burst out that momentary splender | 漫步在这悠长悠长的雨巷 wandering along the rainy lane,

And open planets palpitated plantations:星儿迸出,在林宇间舞动

And suddenly I saw the heavens unfastened 忽然间我看见天堂打开... | And open planets palpitated plantations 星儿迸出,在林宇间舞动 | Shadow perforated riddled with arrows, fire and flowers 姿影婆娑,如箭,...

And open planets palpitating plantations:星儿迸出,在林宇间舞动

And suddenly I saw the heavens unfastened突然间我看见天堂打开... | And open planets palpitating plantations星儿迸出,在林宇间舞动 | Shadow perforated riddled with arrows, fire and flowers姿影婆娑,如箭, ...

And the blood of her veins, in the moonlight, throbbed to her love's refrain:那伤痕中迸出的血,映着月光,因她的痴情而鲜艳

Blank and bare in the ... | And the blood of her veins, in the moonlight, throbbed to her love's refrain. 那伤痕中迸出的血,映着月光,因她的痴情而鲜艳 | Tlot-tlot; tlot-tlot!'Had they heard it? The horse...

41:19 Firebrands stream from his mouth; sparks of fire shoot out:41:19 從他口中發出燒著的火把、與飛迸的火星

41:18 他打噴嚏、就發出光來.他眼睛好像早晨的光線... | 41:19 從他口中發出燒著的火把、與飛迸的火星. 41:19 Firebrands stream from his mouth; sparks of fire shoot out. | 41:20 從他鼻孔冒出煙來、如燒開的鍋、和點...