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迪南 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Rio Ferdinand is well on the road to recovery and Nemanja Vidic is not far away.


It is not known whether he painted the Two PORTRAITS which we set before the reader's notice, during his first absence from Spain, or during an embassy with which Philip afterward entrusted him,(in 1648) to Pope Innocent X. And a similar uncertainty attends on the supposition that they represent Ferdinand de Medicis and his consort, the grand Duke and Duchess of Tuscany, as is, however, generally supposed.


Paying tribute to Eddie on "The Music Of Eddie South" are Violin Jazz members Jeremy Cohen on violin, pianist Larry Dunlap, bassist Jim Kerwin and guitarist Dix Bruce.


In 1699 Caldara succeeded Marc' Antonio Ziani as maestro di capella da chiesa e da teatro at the Gonzaga court of Ferdinando Carlo, Duke of Mantua. 9 This was a position which Claudio Monteverdi had held 90 years previously.


Yet were it not for Ronaldo, it could have gone to Rio or Vida .


Rio and Vida especially were fantastic at the back and didn't gived anything away.


"We have a lot of top class defenders - Jonny and Wes have done really well, but we all know how strong Rio and Vida are together and they've proved that again."


Luckily, there is a good relatives in home:She elder sister Su 菲's son the 弗 orchid west 斯·Joseph because of its uncle 斐迪 a south 嗣 but become Austria of the scepter inherit a person.In 1848, because of political turbulent, rebel to rise everywhere,斐迪 south a life time abdicates, the 弗 orchid west 斯·the Joseph ascended the throne of emperor.


The group's single Darts of Pleasure was released that fall, and the band spent the rest of the year supporting playing live. Franz Ferdinand's second single, Take Me Out, arrived in early 2004 as did their debut album, Franz Ferdinand.

同年秋天,乐队发行了一首单曲《Darts of Pleasure》,随后的时间里,乐队一直在为现场演唱会做暖场演出。2004年初,与首张专辑《弗朗茨·斐迪南》一道,&弗朗茨·斐迪南乐队&发行了第二支单曲《Take Me Out》。

The groups single Darts of Pleasure was released that fall, and the band spent the rest of the year supporting playing live. Franz Ferdinands second single, Take Me Out, arrived in early 2004 as did their debut album, Franz Ferdinand.

同年秋天,乐队发行了一首单曲《Darts of Pleasure》,随后的时间里,乐队一直在为现场演唱会做暖场演出。2004年初,与首张专辑《弗朗茨·斐迪南》一道,&弗朗茨·斐迪南乐队&发行了第二支单曲《Take Me Out》。

更多网络解释与迪南相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ferdinand, Archduke:斐迪南大公

Ferdinand of Styria, Duke of 史泰里亚斐迪南公爵 | Ferdinand, Archduke 斐迪南大公 | Ferguson, J.C. 福开森

Archduke Ferdinand:斐迪南大公

应该指出我们在这儿不是简单地把原因看作一种通过接触而产生的行动,即不是这种意思:一个台球的冲击可以是引起另一个台球运动的原因;但是,"第一次世界大战是因为斐迪南大公(Archduke Ferdinand)在萨拉热窝被暗杀而引起的,"也不是对因果的典型解释,

Archduke Franz Ferdinand:弗朗茨.斐迪南大公

1878年波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维纳成为了奥匈帝国的领地,1914年奥匈皇储弗朗茨.斐迪南大公(Archduke Franz Ferdinand)在萨拉热窝被塞族民族主义者所刺杀(参见萨拉热窝事件),导致第一次世界大战的爆发.

Dinan, Bretagne, France:法国:迪南小镇图片

法国:法国安锡Vasse河岸图片 Canal du Vasse, Annecy, Rhone-Alpes, France | 法国:迪南小镇图片Dinan, Bretagne, France | 法国:科西嘉岛Palombaggia 海滩图片 Plage de Palombaggia, Porto-Vecchio,

Ferdinand Magellan:费迪南德.麦哲伦

这批笔记本以葡萄牙著名航海家费迪南德.麦哲伦(Ferdinand Magellan)命名,其供货商为英特尔,属于英特尔"学生机"(Classmate PC)项目的组成部分,其补贴价仅为50欧元(约合77.88美元).

Ferdinand:里奥. 费迪南德

何对手感到害怕)3埃夫拉(Evra)法国81.05.15 1745里奥.费迪南德(Ferdinand)英格兰78.11.18 191(首次代表国家队参赛:1997年6韦斯.布朗(Brown)英格兰79.10.13 18515维迪奇(Vidic)塞尔维亚81.10.21 189(首次代表国家队参赛:2002年 ,

Rio Ferdinand:李奧費迪南

如无意外,停赛 8 个月的李奥费迪南 (Rio Ferdinand) 将会在今场「双红大战」复出,镇守后防中路. 自从这位中坚停赛后,红魔鬼防线一直备受压力,并成为球评家分析红魔鬼失落上季联赛锦标的原因. 球迷亦不需怀疑李奥费迪南的状态,

Ferdinand COLY:费迪南.科利 后卫 法国朗斯队

16、Oumar Diallo 乌马尔.迪亚洛 门将 摩洛哥胡里卜盖队 | 17、Ferdinand Coly 费迪南.科利 后卫 法国朗斯队 | 18、Pape Thiaw 帕普.蒂亚夫 前锋 法国施特拉斯堡队

Ferdinand of Styria, Duke of:史泰里亚斐迪南公爵

Ferdinand I 斐迪南一世 | Ferdinand of Styria, Duke of 史泰里亚斐迪南公爵 | Ferdinand, Archduke 斐迪南大公

Ferdinand of Styria, Duke of:史泰 亚斐迪南公爵

Ferdinand I 斐迪南一世 | Ferdinand of Styria, Duke of 史泰 亚斐迪南公爵 | Ferdinand, Archduke 斐迪南大公