- 更多网络例句与连通曲线相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Some curvilinear grid generation examples show that the proposed adjusting factors ideal grids can be formed for simple connected regions and connected regions with complex boundary. The curvilinear grids near boundaries are orthogonal ...
In this paper, a new methodology was proposed based on the connected convex curve searching and ellipse fitting.
The priorities are the diversification characteristics of each targetin the subsequent water flooding. According to diversification characteristics of these targets,the paper studies how the heterogeneousness, water flooded condition, interconnectingcondition of zone;key measures injector parameters affect these targets from polymer floodingmechanism. Based on influence equations, production target prediction models are built usingHall curve theory, relative permeability curve, relations of water saturation and relativepermeability and material balance equation. Parameters of models are calculated by the way ofcomputer program and so that a simple, fast way have been gained to predict production targetof polymer subsequent flooding.
Adopting the conformal mapping or rotation axis etc complex methods which areoften used to treat with the hole or cavity problem,a two-dimensional cavity ofeither simply or multiply connected region is projected into the interior of acircle or an annulus.As well as the global coordinate system is turned into thelocal coordinate system.
The shortest path approximation algorithm builds a weighted graph from the given set of scattered points using the distribution of these data points. By computing the shortest path in the weighted graph, the problem of curve reconstruction from scattered data points is transformed into that of curve reconstruction from a set of ordered data points.
The proposed method can reconstruct curves from data set with arbitrary topology, such as simply connected, multiple connected and closed scattered points, keep the shape characteristic of point set well, especially in the segments with high curvature, and provide effective methods and technologies for the screw reconstrucion.
The curve reconstruction is the base of the surface reconstruction, but now the present solutions can\'t ensure the quality of reconstruction curve especially for the multiply connected scattered points.
- 更多网络解释与连通曲线相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
connected component:连通分支
connected complex 连通复形 | connected component 连通分支 | connected curve 连通曲线
connected curve:连通曲线
connected component 连通分支 | connected curve 连通曲线 | connected domain 连通域
simply connected curve:单连通曲线
单连通的 simply connected | 单连通曲线 simply connected curve | 单连通流形 simply connected manifold
triply connected curve:三连通曲线
三重共轭曲面系 triply conjugate system of surfaces | 三连通曲线 triply connected curve | 三重等温共轭曲面系 triply isothermal conjugate system of surface
doubly connected curve:双连通曲线
加倍 doubling | 双连通曲线 doubly connected curve | 双连通区域 doubly connected region
connected domain:连通域
connected curve 连通曲线 | connected domain 连通域 | connected graph 连通图
kaplansky density theorem:卡普兰斯基稠密性定理
k vertex connected graph k连通图 | kaplansky density theorem 卡普兰斯基稠密性定理 | kappa curve 曲线
triply isothermal conjugate system of surface:三重等温共轭曲面系
三连通曲线 triply connected curve | 三重等温共轭曲面系 triply isothermal conjugate system of surface | 三重正交曲面族 triply orthogonal family (system) of surfaces