英语人>词典>汉英 : 连载的 的英文翻译,例句
连载的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与连载的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

One of the shows,"The Boondocks," is based on a newspaper comic strip.


In his new book, Rio My Story, being serialised in The Sun, Ferdinand wrote


Former Everton frontman Rooney revealed in his book, serialised in the Mail on Sunday, how the pair were talking about United club-mate Quinton Fortune - who is set to leave Old Trafford - in the tunnel.


The Lilli doll was based on a popular character appearing in a comic strip drawn by Reinhard Beuthin for the newspaper Die Bild-Zeitung. Lilli was a working girl who knew what she wanted and was not above using men to get it.

Lilli doll是以一个受欢迎的漫画角色为蓝本而设计,她出现在Reinhard Beuthin在报纸连载的漫画专栏中,是一名独立自主的职业女性。

Wangan Midnight is the name of a manga that was serialized in Weekly Young Magazine.


This film relatively long, so we will use serialized nature, every few days to upload a file, take your time....

这次 的片子比较长,所以我们会用连载的性质,每几天上传一个文件,慢慢看。。。。

Nothing But Net | The future is here. It's just not evenly ...But inspiring because of the incredible community of Crisis Mappers. Here's what been happening in the community: Ushahidi launched a Haiti deployment ...

最早Nothing but JOJO的网站是架设在中央大学纯真年代BBS主机的网页空间内,会架那个网页是因为纯真年代刚好举办一个小型的网页比赛,所以我就利用当时连载的TOP里面。。。

Much of his work first appeared in periodicals and magazines in serialised form, a popular way of publishing fiction at the time.


A year later, Hergé deleted the drawing of the Jews of his own accord, when the serialised "The Shooting Star" became an album.


On 24 January 1908, Baden-Powell's Scouting for Boys appeared in the first of s ix instalments .


更多网络解释与连载的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


作者认为链接能力的多少还是却取决于内容,而且内容还必须是独一无二的(unique)、有用的(useful)和吸引人的(compelling). 不过一些策略还是要考虑的,比如可以逐步地发表内容(像连载小说一样),从而吸引links(注意力),

continued story:连载小说

continue 继续 | continued story 连载小说 | continued 继续的

stories in installments:夜光杯连载

我的理财观 my money | 夜光杯连载 stories in installments | 夜光杯 essays


英文中的"水仙花"(narcissus)一字,就是这样来的. 中国作家也有一些人是兼写童话的,例如张天翼就是其中之一. 给我印象最深刻的是他的>,那是抗战时代在桂林一个文艺杂志连载的,直到湘桂大撤退时还没刊完. 我最记得里面一段笑话,

red pepper:胡椒

之一>(Red Pepper)就以连载的方式报道卡扎菲与托诺王国"太后"贝斯特之间的绯闻,文章撰写的煞有介事--包括"卡扎菲与托诺王国'太后'坠入爱河"、"卡扎菲想让托诺王国'太后'为他生个男孩"和"卡扎菲送给爱人一架飞机"等文章.

sentiment n.1:思想感情;情操 2. 感情;(文艺作品等的)情趣 3. 情绪

segregate vt. 1. 使分离,使分开;使隔离 2. 实行种族隔离 | sentiment n. 1. 思想感情;情操 2. 感情;(文艺作品等的)情趣 3. 情绪 | serial adj. 1. 连续的;一连串的;一系列的 2. 分期连载的 3.分期偿还的


由日本里原宿传奇人物NIGO®(BAPE)与高桥盾(undercover)两人纷纷在部落格共同公开了一项重大消息.那便是早期里原宿玩家中最无法忘怀的在宝岛杂志连载的专栏Last Orgy 2光辉王朝将再次重现.此回曝光的有两款棒球外套,


serializer /并串行转换器/串行[化]器/ | serially /连续地/连串地/连载地/ | seriate /连续的/连续排列/


英文中的"水仙花"(narcissus)一字,就是这样来的. 中国作家也有一些人是兼写童话的,例如张天翼就是其中之一. 给我印象最深刻的是他的<<金鸭帝国>>,那是抗战时代在桂林一个文艺杂志连载的,直到湘桂大撤退时还没刊完. 我最记得里面一段笑话,


serial 连续的 | serialise 连载 | serialism 十二音阶