英语人>词典>汉英 : 连赛 的英文翻译,例句
连赛 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与连赛相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The A's have been on a winning streak, and Cassius will be back in their line-up.


No one knew, not even Cose


Now you discuss Wang and can't help but link him to the Cy Young race.

U3 s 现在当你讨论小民就忍不住要把他和赛扬奖的竞争连在一起。

The playoffs are very difficult, made 60 first-round win over the Jazz, the second round to drop 1 to 3 give the Suns, but even under the three Rocket City.


Four-month-old Hassan and Hussein Benhaffaf, who are conjoined at the chest, will undergo surgery at London's Great Ormond Street Hospital.


The reason Lampard is such an exceptional player,arguably the most influential of the morden Premier league era,is because it was only when Manchester United found a man could outscore him from midfield that they wrested the leage title from Chelsea.


Dollars, accounting for the first 66 acres, plant area of 20,000 square meters and currently employs more than 600 advanced Israeli Scitex 342L plane scanner, DOLEV 4PRESS Laser Imagesetter, 8500,9500 Apple Computer; Heidelberg, Germany, four-color machine, five-color machine, two-color machine, cutting machine tombola , Staffan abuse leaf folding machine; Swiss Bobst Auto Die-cutting machine, on the cover of machine, horse nail machine; Japan electric extension, photography, copy, and even drying, proofer and automatic folder gluer and other equipment, specialized in the printing high-grade picture album, sample description, exquisite color box packaging.

设备投资1000万美元,占第66亩,厂房面积20000平方米,现有员工600多人,拥有先进的以色列赛天使342L平面扫描仪,DOLEV 4PRESS激光照排机,8500,9500苹果电脑;德国海德堡四色机,五色机,双色机,波拿切割机,斯塔儿折叶机;瑞士产博斯特自动模切机,上封面机,骑马钉机;日本产电分机,照相,拷贝,连晒,打样机和自动糊盒机等设备,专门从事印刷高档画册,样本说明书,精美彩盒包装等。

The imaginary heroes of Daniel Defoe orof Wyss, as well as Selkirk and Raynal shipwrecked on Juan Fernandez and onthe archipelago of the Aucklands, were never in such absolute destitution.


When Bill Russell retired in 1969, the Celtics went from 48-34 to a 34-48 record and missing the playoffs.


There are 50 year-old surf boys with skin so tanned it could make a handbag, while their muscles are so defined that a whippet would cry.


更多网络解释与连赛相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


[21]:连赛两场(double header) 按赛程一日内连续参加两场比赛叫"连赛两场". [22]:...


double-header /连赛两场的棒球赛/ | double-minded /思想动摇的/口是心非的/ | double-side /双面/

Doubleheader:双车头火车; 连赛 (名)

double-quick 跑步的; 急速的#跑步; 快步#以快步行军 | doubleheader 双车头火车; 连赛 (名) | doubleness 二倍; 双重 (名)

endways:末端朝上; 两端连接地; 竖直地 (副)

enduro 汽车或摩托车耐力赛 (名) | endways 末端朝上; 两端连接地; 竖直地 (副) | enema 灌肠剂 (名)

losing streak:连败场数,连败纪录

home team:主队 | losing streak:连败场数,连败纪录 | post season:季后赛

losing streak:连败场数

home team 主队 | losing streak 连败场数 | post season 季后赛

也叫playoff季后赛:post season

losing streak:连败场数,连败纪录 | post season:也叫playoff季后赛 | regular season:季赛

post season:也叫playoff季后赛

losing streak:连败场数,连败纪录 | post season:也叫playoff季后赛 | regular season:季赛

winning streak:连胜

Playoff 季后赛 | Winning Streak 连胜 | Losing Streak 连败


自创办之年起,pga锦标赛即以比洞赛(matchplay)的形式进行,至1923年,就已成为当时最重要的比洞赛. 当年的沃尔特.哈根是此项赛事的英雄,创下了1924年至1927年的"四连冠"纪录. 进入20世纪50年代,电视在美国逐步普及,