- 更多网络例句与连绵相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
That's a heavy snow fell, and evoked curiosity.
What i want is cosmos-like stretch long and unbroken,what destiny gives is 365 days in a year and 24 hours in a day.
Its eastern margin is more diffuse and consists of a series of alternating deep forested valleys and high mountain ranges that run approximately north-south, bounded by the lowlands of the Sichuan Basin of China.
Their daughter Harmonia is the ancestress of the unquiet dynasty of The Dets.
In the central area, there are plains on the coast which give way rapidly to the foothills of the Appalachians and then to the mountains themselves.
For their newest office space, the 2,200 sqf barn has been transformed into an elegant studio that rests comfortably against the rolling hillside of Bedfordshire.
The mountains , blue -green glaciers, and other dramatic sights are attracting more and more touristseach year .
Though,at first,Byrd and his men were able to take a great many photographs of the mountains that lay below
I always see the limitless fragrant camphor trees when i close my eyes,they are covering all city.
They are of particular concern to merchants spring climate, in the eyes of merchants, business climate is, Stephen Huang Yan, general manager of Landmark Health Tea, told reporters that if the spring tea picking throughout the time period is continuous rain, then spring of this year may face on the bath.
- 更多网络解释与连绵相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
to break loose from/shake off:摆脱
冲突不断战火连绵 intermittent conflicts and armed clashes | 摆脱 to break loose from/shake off | 经济振兴 economic revitalization
breaking point:断裂点
90年中后期,随着香港、澳门的回归祖国,一些学者开始对穗港澳都市连绵区进行研究,并取得了一些重要成果. 康弗斯(P .D .Conberse)于1949年提出"断裂点"(Breaking Point)概念,两个城市影响区的断裂点用下式求得:
cordage 纤维绳 | cordelle 拖船索 | cordillera 连绵山脉
cording diagram:接线图
cordillera 连绵山脉 | cording diagram 接线图 | cording 绳索
与之相反,站在它对面与之抗衡的是晦暗的( dark )、阴性有( feminine )、俗世的( earth - bound )本原(阴),它的情感性( emotionality )和本能性( instinctiveness )是从遥不可及的时间深渊中生长出来的,是从连绵的生理连续性的根上生长出来的.
megalopolitan region:城市连绵区
counter urbanization 逆城市化 | megalopolitan region 城市连绵区 | megalopolis 城市集群
mountainous terrain:连绵的高山区
motor way高速公路 | mountainous terrain连绵的高山区 | movable bridge开启桥
2. wavering: 原指波动,摇摆,此处指高地连绵起伏的状态 | 3. dew-fogs:蒙蒙的雾气 | 4. steal away:溜走,悄悄地走
Where the mountains reach the sea:那里的山连绵到海
I wish I was in the land of arak, 我在arak多好啊 | Where the mountains reach the sea. 那里的山连绵到海 | Where flowers blossom as I do remember. 还记得那里盛开的鲜花
Fragment: Ye Gentle Visitations of Calm Thought:断章:连绵的幽思
142) Fragment: Sufficient Unto The Day 断章:迄今已经足够 | 143) Fragment: Ye Gentle Visitations of Calm Thought 断章:连绵的幽思 | 144) Music And Sweet Poetry 断章:音乐和优美的诗