英语人>词典>汉英 : 连硫酸 的英文翻译,例句
连硫酸 的英文翻译、例句


thionic acid
更多网络例句与连硫酸相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To restore the ability of chromium can be dissolved in sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid and High-FE acid and release hydrogen, but also of pure chromium with aqua regia does not work, when there is the presence of halogen ions in the acid can not be long-term stability, high temperature with alkali, hydrogen sulfide, sulfur steam, phosphorus, ammonia, such as carbon monoxide and water vapor reaction of the corresponding compounds, in the high temperature reaction of silicon into the silicide also chromium, chromium alloys with many metals generate a wide range of industrial applications, such as chromium-manganese stainless steel is used extensively for chemical plants.


The reason of cracking in elbow of the hot hi-pressure segregator oil P3327 pipeline in the hydrocracking unit was analyzed and a method to prevent from polythionic acid corrosion was provided.


Taking some azotic acid, he mixed it with glycerine, which had beenpreviously concentrated by evaporation, subjected to the water-bath, and heobtained, without even employing a refrigerant mixture, several pints of anoily yellow mixture.


Methods The Wistar rats were used as the experimental animal. On the back of each rat, a skin flap, measuring 1.5 cm×6 cm, caudally based, was elevated. Wound edges and the flap bed were separated from the flap itself by a silicone sheet. The VitC, bFGF, Magnesium sulfate and Papaverine were taken in the areas between flap and sheet. With 8 rats in each group, the drug-taken group was as trial group, while the physiological saline group was as control group. On the seventh day after the flap elevation, flap survival length was measured.


In the hope of helping innovative formulators contemplating the use of novel electrolytes like dithionic acid , this paper presents a brief summary of some recent developments in dithionate based electroplating.


The examination and analysis reveal that the cracking of the plates is the result of stress corrosion cracking caused by polythionic acid .


Stress Corrosion Cracking of polythionic acids of 304 SS were investigated by SSRT,SEM and metallographic analysis.


With increasing number of hot-wall hydroprocessing reactors and extension of service time, the occurrence of polythionic acid corrosion, hydrogen induced spalling of weld overlay, temper embrittlement of base metal, hydrogen embrittlement and surface cracking etc.


The observation of the metallographic structure of the cracks and analysis of the corrosion product determines that culprit of the cracking is polythionic acid stress corrosion.


Bellows premature failure often occurs in engineering application due to polythionic acids stress corrosion cracking or due to high-temperature oxidation and sulphidation Failure with development of catalyse and cracking process technology of heavy oil.


更多网络解释与连硫酸相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


dithionic acid 连二硫酸 | dithionite 连二亚硫酸盐 | dithiophosphate 浮选剂

glucosamine sulfate:硫酸氨基葡萄糖

(2)硫酸氨基葡萄糖(Glucosamine sulfate) 外源性硫酸氨基葡萄糖可补充软骨基质的丢失成分,抑制炎症过程,延缓骨关节炎的发展,缓解疼痛,改善关节活动. 本品口服易吸收,0.25~0.5 一天三次,连服4至12周,治疗2周后症状改善,对硫酸氨基葡萄糖过敏者禁用.


dithery 犹豫的 | dithionic 连二硫酸的 | dithyramb 酒神赞歌

dithionic acid:连二硫酸

Dithione 硫特普 | dithionic acid 连二硫酸 | dithionite 连二亚硫酸盐

dithionic acid:连二硫酸divacancy 双空位

dithionate 连二硫酸盐 | dithionic acid 连二硫酸divacancy 双空位 | divariant system 二变系


hyposulfuric acid 连二硫酸 | hyposulphite 连二亚硫酸盐 | hypotensor 降血压药

hyposulphurous acid:连二亚硫酸

hyposulphuric acid 连二硫酸 | hyposulphurous acid 连二亚硫酸 | HYPOT, High Potential Test for Electric Equipment 电器高电压测试

polythionic acid:连多硫酸

polythene 聚乙烯 | polythionic acid 连多硫酸 | polythiourea 聚硫脲

thionic acid:连硫酸,硫逐酸,硫羰酸

thiomalic acid 硫代苹果酸 | thionic acid 连硫酸,硫逐酸,硫羰酸 | thionyl amines 亚硫酰胺

trithionic acid:连三硫酸

triterpene 三萜烯 | trithionic acid 连三硫酸 | tritium 氚