英语人>词典>汉英 : 连接皮质的 的英文翻译,例句
连接皮质的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与连接皮质的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

These speculations have been going on for over a generation. As an example, we may cite Campion and Elliot-Smith (1934) who proposed that thought consisted of corticothalamic circulation of impulses. Penfield has suggested the existence of a centrencephalic integrating system, which he has definedas that central system within the brain stem which is responsible for integration of varied specific functions from different parts of the hemispheres.

这些特性已经有好几十年了,让我们引用Campion and Elliot-Smith (1934)提出的论点为例,他们认为思考是由皮质丘脑的刺激循环所造成,潘菲尔提出中央头部统合系统的存在,他把这个系统定义成脑干的中央系统,负责不同大脑半球中各种特殊功能的整合,潘菲尔的说法使得这个系统的定义更为松散,以潘菲尔的定义来说,这个系统包含所有皮质下的灰色神经组织和其间的连接通道,并负责大脑半球内部的整合。

"The hindbrain comprises the medulla oblongata and the pons, which connects the spinal cord with higher brain levels and transfers information from the cerebral cortex to the cerebellum."


"The hindbrain comprise s the medulla oblongata and the pons, which connects the spinal cord with higher brain levels and transfers information from the cerebral cortex to the cerebellum."


Or, in the more technical language of a paper by Beeman and others on the phenomenon,"Although all problem-solving relies on a largely shared cortical network, the sudden flash of insight occurs when solvers engage distinct neural and cognitive processes that allow them to see connections that previously eluded them."


Our practice is to remoe the endosteal side of the graft for two reasons: first, the thin endosteal portion proides a graft to be placed across from the cortical graft; second, the endosteal surface, being rather rough and irregular, should be remoed to ensure good contact of the graft with the host bone.


We analytically study a simple network model that incorporates both orientation-selective input from the lateral geniculate nucleus and orientation-specific cortical interactions.


Results①Compared to NC,PD patients showed decreased positive functionalconnectivity in right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and bilateral posteriorcingulate cortex related to bilateral STR.In addition,left parietal posteriorcortex (including precuneus,inferior parietal lobule,supramarginal gyrus) showeddecreased positive functional connectivity with L-STR.

结果①PD患者与双侧STR正连接减弱的区域主要位于右侧前额叶背外侧部(dors-olateral prefrontal cortex,DLPFC)和双侧后扣带回皮质(posteriorcingulate cortex,PCC),此外,左顶叶后部皮层(左侧楔前叶、顶下小叶、左侧缘上回)显示与L-STR正连接减弱。

Data were analyzed from photographs from optical microscopy and Computer Image Analysis.Results:Gene expression level of bcl-2mRNA (numeric density and concentration of bcl-2 immunopositive neurons) in layer Ⅲ of the ipsilateral visual cortex area 17 and the laminas receiving ipsilateral geniculate input from the strabismic and deprived eyes are significantly lower than the input from the untreated eyes.

MS1和MD1组幼猫实验眼同侧视皮质17区Ⅳ层及同侧外侧膝状体Al层神经元在视觉发育敏感期内,由于长期的斜视及形觉剥夺效应以致功能低下,对Bcl-2调节的敏感性降低,以及对NTs的营养保护及上调Bcl-2 mRNA表达水平应答能力降低,在双眼竞争的神经元发育及突触连接中处于劣势,使对侧眼形成优势循环。

The histological differentiation of the cerebral cortex and the cortico - thalamic fiber-connections have no clearly demonstrable language specify.


更多网络解释与连接皮质的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


黑色素(melanins) 是由黑细胞(melanocyte)产生的,成熟的黑素细胞位于表皮细胞的基底层,是一种树枝状细胞. 每一个黑素细胞连接大约36个角朊细胞 ,构成一个表皮黑素单位. 具有调节作用的激素主要包括:促黑素细胞激素(MSH) 、促肾上腺皮质激素(ACTH) 和雌激素.


分娩(parturition) 分娩(parturition)子宫颈藉由坚固的胶原蛋白保持坚硬(firm)且无弹性. 的蛋白质. 连接素(Connexin)分子接着移动到细胞膜雌激素也促进胎盘膜(placental membrane)制造前列腺素皮质醇(cortisol)确保婴儿的肺产生呼吸空气所需的最后变化hormone) 皮质醇(Cortisol)活化胎盘中的酵素,

Haversian system:哈弗系统

骨皮质(bone cortex)由不同的骨板组成:①哈弗骨板(Haversian lamella):由多层呈同心圆排列的筒状骨板组成. 其中央有一管腔,称哈弗管,是血管、淋巴管和神经的通路. 哈弗骨板和哈弗管共同组成的哈弗系统(Haversian system). 哈弗系统顺骨干长轴平行排列,哈弗管之间借伏克曼管(Volkmann canal)相连接,后者并与骨皮质内外表面相