英语人>词典>汉英 : 违反规则 的英文翻译,例句
违反规则 的英文翻译、例句


break the rule · infringement of rules
更多网络例句与违反规则相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At an online casino, it is not only against the rules; it is generally impossible.


But the constitutor that regards game as regulation, if somebody violates regulation, the person that Google violates regulation with respect to meeting general is cleared go out.


Tradition,you cannot have dessert when you disobey the rules.


Till now when i learned more and even talked with some of the foreigners, i think they are so abidance not because they are more civilization, because in their country if you disobey the rules you will be punished heavily, so no one dare to offend the regulation.


As we trade we still have a tendency to violate our rules and our results are still erratic.


Some will simply flout the rule, seeing no reason that they should be deprived of a useful construction.


Even if you facing a bitter aspect of life, giving up is foul without any excuse.


If a serious breach is involved or the competitor has been seriously disadvantaged due to his playing from a wrong place, and the competitor has not played from the next teeing ground or, in the case of the last hole of the round, has not left the putting green, in equity (Rule 1-4), the Committee must correct the error.


Finally, because the primary rules are designed to benefit all and because the punishments prescribed for their violation are publicized and the defenses respected , there is some plausibility in the exaggerated claim that in choosing to do an act violative of the rules an individual has chosen to be punished .


Individuals with higher education are fewer formalists, and accordingly defer to rules less and break more.


更多网络解释与违反规则相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

break the rule:违反规则

take care 当心 | break the rule 违反规则 | put out 扑灭

break the traffic rule:违反交通规则

brake 刹车 | break the traffic rule 违反交通规则 | run a red light/jump the light 闯红灯

disobediently:不服从地; 不守规则地 (副)

disobedient 不服从的, 违抗命令的; 违反的 (形) | disobediently 不服从地; 不守规则地 (副) | disobey 不服从, 违抗; 违反 (动)

being fined:每当违反了交通规则,马克常常企图逃避罚款

91. monthly intervals 修高级课程的学生每隔一月要进行能... | 92. being fined 每当违反了交通规则,马克常常企图逃避罚款. | 93. before the guards discovered what had happened 昨晚有个男人越狱逃跑了,过了很久...


22.犯规(FOUL)比赛中的一种违犯规则的行为. 23. 犯规击球(FOUL STROKE)在击球时,发生违反规则行为. 24.盘(FRAME) 从开球开始,直至击落所有的球或打满规定的分数,称为一盘. 25.自由球(FREE BALL)在斯诺克台球比赛中,


heterogony 世代交替 | heterography 违反规则之拼法 | heterogynous 两种雌性的

breach of recognizance:违反保证书

breach of promise 违背许诺 | breach of recognizance 违反保证书 | breach of regulation 违反规则

I'm sorry,but it's against hospital regs:对不起,这违反医院规则

And they're the nice pharmaceutical company.|他们是好制药商 | I'm sorry,but it's against hospital regs.|对不起,这违反医院规则 | Oh,I need the phone.|哦,我需要电话

Will you please not:(违反规则 )

7、Would you mind _____________ (熄灭) the cigarette ? | 8、Will you please not _____________ (违反规则 ) ? | 9、Could you please ________________ (从......出来) the room ?

This contravenes regulations:这违反规则

1. You're pouring water into a sieve. 你太浪费了. | 2. This contravenes regulations. 这违反规则. | 3. It must remain in true-blue hands. 这事必须由可靠的人办.