英语人>词典>汉英 : 违反信托 的英文翻译,例句
违反信托 的英文翻译、例句


breach of trust
更多网络例句与违反信托相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The act puts insiders in breach of a fiduciary duty or other relationship of trust and confidence.


After a comparative law survey and analysis of scholars' opinions on this matter, I am convinced that the revocatory right refers to the right enjoyed by the beneficiary who can revoke the disposition so as to make it void, when the trustee, in breach of trust, disposes of the trust property.


In conclusion, from the perspective of institutional coordination, I rearrange the system of revocatory right as follows: When the trustee, in breach of trust, disposes of the trust property, the beneficiary is entitled to apply to the court for revoking his disposition; but when the trustee disposes of the trust property to a third party, it is only limited to that the third party either acquires the trust property gratuitously, or purchases it for value, but he knows of the breach of trust or does not know of its existence due to his gross negligence.


Remedies that the court can provide against a trustee for breach of trust include an order restraining particular conduct or removing the trustee from his office and replacing him or decreeing payment of compensation for losses or restitution of profits.


Its requirements are as follows: in principle, a person with capacity for rights could be identified as a beneficiary, and the beneficiary must enjoy certain beneficiary right, except as otherwise prohibited or limited by law. the trustee, in breach of trust, disposes of the trust property, but it does not require the detriment to the trust property and the trustee's fault. when the trustee disposes of the trust property to a third party, the Chinese trust law requires that the third party knows of the trustee's breach. In contrast, the logic which the rule of a bona fide purchaser in common law and the mechanism of trust publicity in civil law demonstrate seems to be more reasonable.


Abuse of responsibilities specified in a trust agreement.


The breach of trust,"he said,"was massive.


The breach of trust in shifting from one position to another is extraordinary.


In my opinion they deserved it, guilty as they were of a breach of trust and of undermining their case for greater powers to combat terrorism.


She got the job, but subsequently the employer discovered her past and dismissed her on grounds of breach of Bond of Trust.


更多网络解释与违反信托相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

breach of the peace:妨害治安, 暴动

breach of promise | 毁约;毁弃婚约 | breach of the peace | 妨害治安, 暴动 | breach of trust | 受托人违反信托约定 背信, 违约

breach of the peace:破坏安宁,妨害安宁

breach of terms and conditions contracted 违反合同规定 | breach of the peace 破坏安宁,妨害安宁 | breach of trust 背信罪,违反信托义务



of trust or moral turpitude; (iv) a breach of fiduciary duty:信托或道德败坏; (四)违反受托责任

Employee for any other offense involving dishonesty,... | of trust or moral turpitude; (iv) a breach of fiduciary duty信托或道德败坏; (四)违反受托责任 | by the Employee involving personal profit; or (v...

Breach of trust:违反信托

branch registration fee 分行登记费 | breach of trust 违反信托 | break clause 终止条款;中断条款

Breach of trust:信托违反(或违反信托)

active trustee--积极受托人 | breach of trust--信托违反(或违反信托) | "equity does not want for a trustee"--"衡平法不缺少受托人"

Breach of trust:受托人违反信托约定 背信, 违约

breach of the peace || 妨害治安, 暴动 | breach of trust || 受托人违反信托约定 背信, 违约 | breach yeast || 絮状酵母

fraudulent breach of trust:欺诈性违反信托

fraudulent activities 欺诈行为 | fraudulent breach of trust 欺诈性违反信托 | fraudulent breach of trust 欺诈违反信托

fraudulent breach of trust:欺诈违反信托罪

fraudulent breach of trust 欺诈性违反信托 | fraudulent breach of trust 欺诈违反信托罪 | fraudulent . . . contrivance or device 欺诈......诡计或手段

breach of trust 1:[律]受托人违反信托约定 2 背信, 违约

small beer <口>重要性(价值)不大的人(事物) | breach of trust 1 [律]受托人违反信托约定 2 背信, 违约 | statute of limitation 1 法定时效 2 时效法