英语人>词典>汉英 : 远征队 的英文翻译,例句
远征队 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与远征队相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Hong Kong is associated to the international "10 words" caravan project in the form of a video documentary. Directed by Adeline C.

香港有份参与"十字远征队"的录像纪录片创作计划。2008年,香港法国文化协会参与了这计划,并且很荣幸有机会展示由Adeline C。

This expedition made a landing near Marathon in Attica.


The 22nd MEU is embarking aboard Bataan to provide relief to Haiti, which was devastated by a 7.0 magnitude earthquake on Jan.


The team have accomplished the first phase of Kunlun Station, which will followed by further expansion of the space and the installation of a dynamotor.


Continuing downriver through a semidesert punctuated by buttes like the landmark Sisters, they were hailed by other Indian groups who gathered on the riverbanks to greet them.


The Dal'yth Gal'leath Kessan has been outfitted with Mantas and is to be the flagship for a major expedition into the Farsight Enclave under the overall direction of Aun'shi himself and including a scientific team lead by the venerated biologist Por'O Jess'l.

Dal'yth Gal'leath Kessan号配备了曼塔机群,作为一支派往远见殖民地的远征队的旗舰,该远征队由Aun'shi全面负责,包括由受人尊敬的生物学家Por'O Jess'l带领的一支科学家队伍。

The Dal'yth Gal'leath Kessan has been outfitted with Mantas and is to be the flagship for a major expedition into the Farsight Enclave under the overall direction of Aun'shi himself and including a scientific team lead by the venerated biologist Por'O Jess'l.

Dal'yth Gal'leath Kessan号配备了曼塔机群,看成一支派往远见殖民地的远征队的旗舰,该远征队由Aun'shi周到肩负,网罗由受人尊敬的生物学家Por'O Jess'l引导元首的一支科学家队伍。

The Dal'yth Gal'leath Kessan has been outfitted with Mantas and is to be the flagship for a major expedition into the Farsight Enclave under the overall direction of Aun'shi himself and including a scientific team lead by the venerated biologist Por'O Jess'l.

Dal'yth Gal'leath Kessan号配备了曼塔机群,当作一支派往远见殖民地的远征队的旗舰,该远征队由Aun'shi殷肩负,网罗由受人尊敬的生物学家Por'O Jess'l指挥的一支科学家队伍。

The Dal'yth Gal'leath Kessan has been outfitted with Mantas and is to be the flagship for a major expedition into the Farsight Enclave under the overall direction of Aun'shi himself and including a scientific team lead by the venerated biologist Por'O Jess'l.

Dal'yth Gal'leath Kessan号配备了曼塔机群,看成一支派往远见殖民地的远征队的旗舰,该远征队由Aun'shi周至负担,包罗由受人敬重的生物学家Por'O Jess'l指导的一支科学家队伍。

The expedition had taken with them an elderly Arab whose main qualifications as a guide were that he had crossed the sand sea twice before in his lifetime, once as a young lad. To the expedition's amazement , he had kept the vehicles at an exact compass bearing right across the sand sea, apparently based solely on his recollection of minor features in the landscape (a hump on the horizon or a patch of unusual red sand) that he had seen only twice many years before.


更多网络解释与远征队相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


2002年7月,查米托夫成为"宝瓶座"(Aquarius)海下生境研究项目的成员,参与了为期9天的研究,该项目是NEEMO(美国宇航局极端环境任务实施)3任务的一部分. 查姆托夫目前是国际空间站飞行工程师,第17远征队科学官,将在国际空间站上生活和工作六个月时间.




expedition 远征,远征队 | expeditionist 远征者 | pedestrian 步行的,徒步的,步行者,行人

expeditionist:远征队员; 探险队员

expedition 远征(队);探险(队) | expeditionist 远征队员; 探险队员 | uniped 独脚的; 单腿的

expel vt.1:赶出,驱逐,开除;2.射出(子弹等),排出(气体等)

expedition n.远征(队),探险(队),考察(队) | +expel vt.1.赶出,驱逐,开除;2.射出(子弹等),排出(气体等) | *expenditure n.1.(时间、劳力、金钱等)支出;2.使用,消耗

joint operation:联合作战

"Alliance Solidarity"可以理解为维持联盟,和联合作战(Joint Operation)是根本不同的概念. 第79特遣队:分派给第七舰队的海军陆战队远征队(登陆部队),包括至少一个得到加强的陆战队营及其装备. 该部队独立于通常装载于"埃塞克斯"两栖战备群(ARG)上的陆战队远征部队(MEU).

jpig miniphone daviddog teabag thebigblue nicolesunny yuzhong:和你去远征

60029 太阳队 zuzhibub zuzhibua zzbc zuzhibud zzbe zzbg zzbh | 60030 messi和你去远征 jpig miniphone daviddog teabag thebigblue nicolesunny yuzhong | 60031 月亮队 zzbi zzbj zzbk zzbn zzbo zzbp zzbq

our little expedition was about to make history:小小的远征队 即将要创造历史

a thousand miles from the nearest land,|离地千里 | our little expedition was about to make history.|小小的远征队 即将要创造历史 | We're in motion, We're in motion,|已经开始,行动已经开始

peregrin:皮瑞格林 哈比人名,魔戒远征队成员之一

Peredhil 佩瑞希尔 辛达林语的半精灵之意. | Peregrin 皮瑞格林 哈比人名,魔戒远征队成员之一 | Peregrin I 皮瑞格林一世 哈比人名

