- 更多网络例句与进占相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
The designed banquette position,the river closure discharge and pre-embankment length of the Nuozhadu Hydropower Station are tested by the hydraulic model test.
通过水力学模型试验,验证了糯扎渡水电站设计的戗堤位置布置,研究确定了截流流量、预进占长度,并对在截流流量1 220 m3/s下,戗堤进占各区段的龙口水力特性和抛投材料的使用情况进行了分析,为截流施工方案的决策和施工组织的实施提供了依据
Ano the r area of research is the process by which the se helpful bacteria first colonise the digestive tract.
When the LORD, your God, removes the nations from your way as you advance to dispossess them, be on your guard!
While trying to get a grasp of the septile aspect, I went back to John Addey (1920 1982), a key voice in bringing Pythagorean understanding of numbers into modern astrology. He wrote Harmonics in Astrology in 1976; it is now back in print after many years. He writes that the number seven (and the 7th harmonic)"is a difficult number to pin down" and "somewhat elusive to interpret."
为了试图给7分相位一个浅显的解释,我找到了历史上的一位占星家,名叫 John Addey ,将毕达哥拉斯对数字的理解带进了现代占星学,他1976年出版了一本《占星中的数字和谐》,书中有关数字7和7分相位,他写道"它是一个很难确定,很难下结论的数字"并且"不太容易解释和捉摸"。
Drop water does not enter 30, occupy 16.0%, can enter fluidity 121, occupy 64.7%, the person that can eat semifluid and soft food 36, occupy 19.3%.
The TALKIE opens its door to theater, which occupies the place and surrounds it with barbed wire.
Japanese Commander Iwane Matsui and Gushoufu directions, has carried on to my weaponless compatriot is 6 week extremely tragic mass slaughter.
In the highly competitive prestige category, ARTISTRY is one of the top five of the world's best selling cosmetic brands for seven consecutives years*. It is the only direct-sell brand classified in the prestige category.
Death, that hath suckd the honey of thybreath,Hathhad no power yet upon thy beauty:Thou art not conquerd;beautysensign yetIs crimson in thy lips and in thy cheeks,Anddeaths paleflag is notadvancedthere.
Mike Scioscia's Angels are ultra-aggressive on the base paths, to the extent that they keep detailed charts on their success at advancing from first to third on singles.
Mike Scioscia所带领的天使队是一支在垒包间非常积极有侵略性的球队。他们经常成功的将一垒安打从一垒进占到三垒。
- 更多网络解释与进占相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
他们把这些因素分为两大类:可控(controllable)与不可控. 结果他们找出导致抛锚点的不可控因素占总比例的 13%,那即是说企业可控制的因素占了 87%,可见企业往往是因为错估自身形势的不良决策或管理执行力度不足而堕进低增长区.
get a foot in the gate:一脚已经进了门里(获得立足点,占一份)
full throttle 加足马力 | get a foot in the gate 一脚已经进了门里(获得立足点,占一份) | get hitched 拴起来(姻缘)
Ireland:欧洲 爱尔兰
欧洲--爱尔兰(Ireland)国家概况[政府] 1997年6月26日,共和党和进民党组成联合政府. 15名内阁成员中,共和党占14名,进民党占1名. 主要内阁成员:共和党领袖伯蒂埃亨(Bertie AHERN)任总理,进民党领袖玛丽哈尼女士(Mary HARNEY)任副总理兼企业、贸易和就业部长,
可用两份(two-part)补充剂, C-Balance, 中的其中一樽碱性补充剂,另一樽不用. 不可用石灰水(limewater)或钙反应器,这些平衡比例补充法,只会使你的箭咀向上倾斜上升(斜度等於图中的两条黑线),而不是使你进占红色建议范围.
埃及在波斯帝国时代以及继亚历山大远征后开始的希腊化时代,留下了不少纸草书 (papyrus)文献和墓葬, 现代学者们从这些纸草书和墓室的壁画中, 发现许多巴比伦星占学进 入埃及的证据.比如,有些墓室顶上绘着算命天宫图(当然是它的早期形式).还有记载星占 之学的纸草书,
Puma:(德国) --彪马
不废话了,下面就是Linux内核编程风格: 第一章:缩进 制表符(tabs)占8个字符,所以缩进也是8个字符. 有些异端运动想使用4个字符 (甚至是2个字符)的缩进,这和把PI(圆周率)定为3没什么两样. 原因:缩进的根本目的是用来清晰地标识一个控制块的起始.
volumetric efficiency:容积效率
容积效率(volumetric efficiency)指的是每一个进气行程中,汽缸所吸入的空气在大气压力下所占的体积和汽缸活塞行程容积的比值. 之所以要用在所吸入空气在大气压力下所占的体积为标准,是因为空气进入汽缸时,汽缸内的压力比外在的大气压力为低,
Paris Commune:巴黎公社
由于法军最后在战事中失利,普军进占法国领土;梯也尔政府被迫签订"凡尔赛和约",遂引发了以巴黎为中心的爱国民众的暴动,史称"巴黎公社"(Paris Commune),被推举为"公社"艺术保护委员会主席的正是著名的现实主义画家库尔贝(Courbet).