英语人>词典>汉英 : 这就是生活 的英文翻译,例句
这就是生活 的英文翻译、例句


C'est la vie
更多网络例句与这就是生活相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The ideals which have lighted my way,and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully have been kindness,beaut and truth.


Perhaps the character of Joy, played by Debra Winger in the biopic about the life and one true love of C S Lewis, put it best when she said"The pain then is part of the joy now. That's the deal"Shadowlands, 1993

或许Debra Winger在一部记录C S Lewis生活及其挚爱的影片中饰演的Joy这个角色能对此作出最恰当的解释,她在影片中说,痛苦也是快乐的一部分,这就是生活

However, I can get something new, interesting, and reasonable every time I fell down or succeed. With the feelings which can't be described clearly, my mind is filled with curiousness and mystification about the whole world.


To live is to function. That is all there is in living. Holmes


These are all violations of human rights, or the condition of living like human beings, that is, living humanely.


Unzip the archive and place the folder in a directory where its path contains no space.


Here is life, an experiment to a great extent untried by me; but it does not avail me that they have tried it.


I'm going through a life situation that is at times stressing and trying, but that's life.


We all dream. That's life.


They were written by the country gentlemen or esquires.


更多网络解释与这就是生活相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


eben 表示无奈,感慨 | Das ist eben nicht mehr zu a:ndern. 这是无法改变的吧! | So ist das Leben eben! 这就是生活嘛!



Get your hands off:把你的手拿开(当有男生想对你动手动脚时可以说这句哦)

8. So this is where I spend my days and years这就是我日复一日生活的地方 | 9. Get your hands off!把你的手拿开(当有男生想对你动手动脚时可以说这句哦) | 10. Shelly just called in sick.Shelly请病假.

Et pour ce ai ma graisse recouvree:这喜悦让我倍加爱己

De la joie m'en aim mieuz et tieng chier 这就是我生活下去的原因, | Et pour ce ai ma graisse recouvree; 这喜悦让我倍加爱己 | Qu'ainz Dieus ne fist si tres bele rien nee 因为上帝不会造出一个尤物

Life limps like a crippled girl:生活是待嫁的女子

This is poetry. 这就是诗. | Life limps like a crippled girl 生活是待嫁的女子 | Who hopes to marry well 总想嫁个好人家,

trauma messes everybody up:创伤让每一个人的生活变得一团糟

it follows us home, it changes our lives. 伤痕会伴随着我们回家,会改变我们的生活 | trauma messes everybody up,创伤让每一个人的生活变得一团糟 | but maybe that is the point,但是,也许这就是原因

Cha vuoi farci e la vita:无能为力,这可能就是生活

Qualcosa che assomiglia a ridere nel pianto 但这又是开心的哭泣 | Cha vuoi farci e la vita 无能为力,这可能就是生活 | E' la vita, la mia 这就是生活,我的生活

Che vuoi farci e la vita:无能为力,这可能就是生活

Amarti mi consola mi da' allegril 爱你填补我的心灵,令我开心 | Che vuoi farci e la vita 无能为力,这可能就是生活 | E'la vita, la mia 这就是生活,我的生活

c'est la vie:这就是生活

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Title: C'est la vie:作品:《 这就是生活>

国籍:中国 Nationality: China | 作品:<< 这就是生活>> Title: C'est la vie | 作者:李慧莲 By:Hyeryun Lee