英语人>词典>汉英 : 返回 的英文翻译,例句
返回 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
backtrack  ·  loopback  ·  rebound  ·  return  ·  untread  ·  GoBack  ·  untreading  ·  rebounding  ·  backspacing  ·  backtracked  ·  backtracks  ·  rebounded  ·  rebounds  ·  returning  ·  untreads

back space
更多网络例句与返回相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Long int readData(Buffer * pBuffer,/* pointer to the abstract buffer */ byte * pOutput,/* pointer to the output byte array */ long int offset,/* offset of the output byte array */ long int arrayLength /* size of available output byte array */){ while (there is something more to read and there is room for output){ read from the first memory block; if (the first memory block is empty){ delete the first memory block from the linked list and free its memory

在 清单 5 中,该函数销毁性地从 pBuffer 所指向的抽象缓冲区最多读取 arrayLength 个前导字节,并在内存块变为空时从链表中删除它们,然后返回成功读取的字节数目。如果需要,您可以实现一个类似 readData 的函数来允许非销毁性的读取。实现一个函数来返回当前存储在抽象缓冲区中的字节数目,这样可能会带来好处。清单 6。返回抽象缓冲区中的字节数目

However, these methods can return any value, so if the comparison operator is used in a Boolean context (e.g., in the condition of an if statement), Python will call bool on the value to determine if the result is true or false.

但是这些方法也可以返回任何值,所以如果比较运算发生在布尔上下文中(例如 if 语句中的条件测试),Python会在返回值上调用函数 bool 确定返回值的真值。

However, the size and amount of microporosity increase with the recycle material proportion, and the microporosity in 100% recycled alloy is much more than that in the virgin alloy.


The framework does this automatically // when the application's main window is not a dialog // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control // If you add a minimize button to your dialog, you will need the code below // to draw the icon.

然后解释了一下这个DIALOG的两种返回情况你在应用程序运行到某个包含控制命令的焦点对象时,会返回TRUE 在Dialog关闭时会返回FALSE 以便退出应用程序而非报错我觉得这个没有什么必要搞太清楚,自动添加的注释来的

Practically all Python objects have a string presentation either evaluatable from repr( or '', or printable from str. The print statement automatically invokes the str function for an object. This gets even better. When you are defining your own objects, there are hooks for you to create string representations of your object such that repr and str (and '' and print) return an appropriate string as output. And if worse comes to worst and neither repr or str is able to display an object, the Pythonic default is at least to give you something of the format


Any letters beyond these requirements are to be excluded, so if the decree specifies k comparisons then the new alphabet will contain the first k+1 lowercase letters of the current alphabet. Create a class Alphabet that contains the method choices that takes the decree as input and returns the number of possible new alphabets that conform to the decree. If more than 1,000,000,000 are possible, return -1. Definition Class: Alphabet Method: choices Parameters: string Returns: int Method signature: int choices Constraints decree contains between 1 and 25 characters inclusive.

我注:如上面的BAA有3个字符,那么新表就有4个,也就是'd'后面的全被忽略创建一个名为Alphabet的类,此类含有一个名为choices方法,choices方法以&规定&作为参数输入,然后返回所有符合这个规定的新字母表的可能数,如果大于1,000,000,000可能,就返回-1 定义:类名:Alphabet 方法:choices 参数类型:string 返回值类型:int 方法签名:int choices (确保choices为公有方法)参数条件:规定中的'B'和'A'总和必须大于等于1,小于等于25 举个例输入:&BAA&返回:3 解释:因为根据规定'a'在'b'的前面,'b'在'c'的后面,'c'在'd'的后面,所有符合这个规定的新字母表有3个:adcb、dacb和

Go back to the jungle from jungle 2 by clicking on the trees in the bottom right corner. Click on the bottom middle trail to go to the white rabbit . And click on the left middle trail to enter the boar hunt .


If D has a non-void return type and the body of L is a statement block, when each parameter of L is given the type of the corresponding parameter in D, the body of L is a valid statement block with a non-reachable end point in which each return statement specifies an expression that is implicitly convertible to the return type of D.


To reduce the risk of infection spreading within the work place, if return to work policies allow, it may be prudent to request people returning from affected areas to remain away from the work place for at least 72 hours.


It might be an abstract syntax tree, if a 'Node' object is used with each parse rule; it might be a simple list as in the smart ASCII example; it might be a modified string based on concatenations and modifications during parsing; or the return value could simply be 'None' if parsing was done wholly to trigger side effects in parse rules.


更多网络解释与返回相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Return Error component:返回错误成分

返回 return | 返回错误成分 Return Error component | 返回的数据 returned data

F test:函数 返回 F 检验的结果

F.INV.RT 函数 返回 F 概率分布的反函数 | F.TEST 函数 返回 F 检验的结果 | FISHERINV 函数 返回 Fisher 变换的反函数

test -f filename:如果该文件存在,且是一个普通文件(不是一个目录或设备),返回真

test -f filename 如果该文件存在,且是一个普通文件(不是一个目录或设备),返回真(0). | -r file 如果文件存在并且可读,返回真 | -w file 如果文件存在并且可写,返回


INTERCEPT 返回回归线截距 | KURT 返回数据集的峰值 | LARGE 返回数据集中第K个最大值


MIN 返回参数列表的最小值 | MINA 返回参数列表中的最小值,包括数字、文本和逻辑值 | MODE 返回数据集中的出现最多的值


29.返回按指定基数舍入数值:MROUND 40 | 30.返回和的阶乘与阶乘乘积的比值:MULTINOMIAL 41 | 31.返回舍入奇数:ODD 42

Return the maximum numeric value in a list of arguments:返回一个参数列表的最大数值

MATCH 搜索一个数组,并返回找到的项目的相对位置. S... | MAX 返回一个参数列表的最大数值. Return the maximum numeric value in a list of arguments. | MAXA 返回一个参数列表的最大数值. 文本按0处理. Return ...

Return the minimum numeric value in a list of arguments:返回一个参数列表的最小数值

MAXA 返回一个参数列表的最大数值. 文本按0处理. Retur... | MIN 返回一个参数列表的最小数值 Return the minimum numeric value in a list of arguments . | MINA 返回一个参数列表的最小数值. 文本按0处理. Retur...

page break before:设置或返回一个标志,指网页是否在本对象未加载前就暂停载入了

page-break-after 设置或返回网页是否在本对象加载后就暂停了的一个标志 | page-break-before 设置或返回一个标志,指网页是否在本对象未加载前就暂停载入了 | position 设置或返回对象在网页中的定位方式

error return address:出错返回地址,错误返回地址

error return 出错返回 | error return address 出错返回地址,错误返回地址 | error routine 查错程序,差错程序