英语人>词典>汉英 : 近似积分 的英文翻译,例句
近似积分 的英文翻译、例句


approximate integration
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The basic idea is to set a continuous solution of the region with a finite number of discrete points instead of a grid consisting of, these discrete points called grid nodes the solution of a continuous area on a given function of continuous variables used in the definition of discrete grid variable function approximation the original equation and boundary conditions in the micro-business operators to approximate differential, integral with the points and to approximate, so the original differential equations and boundary conditions are replaced by algebraic equations near Side, that is, finite difference equations , solve this equation group can get the original problem in discrete points on the approximate solution.


This makes more and more people pay more attention to studies and applications of numerical simulation in thermal recovery. In this research, we have developed a reliable mathematical model for thermal recovery, which takes a full consideration of the effect of viscos, gravitical and capillary forces on the three-phase flow of gas, water and oil, the effect of the temperature on the medium characteristics of liquid and solid, the phase equilibrium of gas-liquid in each component, heat transportation including connection, conduction and radiation as well as heat losses in both the overburn and underlying strata. In the space discreation of the mathematical model, we have proposed a new method based on the improvement of the conventional nine-points difference approximation, which has a higher difference accurancy.


The second kind of Fredholm integral equation of the single pile in layered saturated viscoelastic soil is obtained through the fundamental solutions.


The characteristic of this method lies in transforming improper integral into the usual one. Thus various kinds of usual approximate integrals can be used, and the observed data may be calculated directly and conveniently to obtain necessary numerical accuracy.


Integral of one variable functions, improper integral and its convergence properties.

本课程的主要内容包括:1 各种极限运算,其中包括数列极限、函数极限以及上、下极限;2 一元函数的微分学,包括微分和导数的运算法则、微分中值定理及其应用等;3 一元函数的积分和广义积分及其收敛性;4 级数及其收敛性,包括数值级数的收敛性和函数项级数的各种运算和性质;5 多元函数的微分学及其应用,其中很多方面与一元函数的微分学近似,需要注意它们之间的区别;6 多元函数的积分学,包括多重积分的性质与计算,多重积分的的应用等;7 曲线、曲面积分及其应用;8 含参变量积分的计算与性质;9 Fourier 级数及其应用,等等。

Furthermore, by using the corresponding inverse Laplace integral transform and numerical solution of integral equation, the displacement and axial force as well as the shear stress of the pile are obtained.


The non symmetric vibrating character of shaking table is an important factor influencing on shaking table separation and is also the main basis for determining correctly the parameters of shaking table .

针对这一问题,根据实测的摇床振动位移曲线,利用频率分析法和近似积分的原理,采用 E1、E2和 C参数的差动特性系数对摇床差动特性进行了综合评定。

It is derived by the origins of numerical approximation integration and introduces some important methods of numerical integration in detail in the dissertation.


More than 30 kinds of meshfree methods are reviewed in this paper in the light of weighted residual method, and different meshfree methods can be viewed as different forms of weighted residual method and/or with different approximation functions. Various kinds of meshfree approximate schemes are presented in detail, including moving least square approximation, kernel and reproducing kernel approximation, partition of unity approximation, radial basis approximation, radial point interpolation and natural neighbor interpolation.


Based on the mean spherical approximation integral equation theory, perturbation theory and group contribution concept, a new molecular thermodynamic model was established for the representation of activity coefficient of solvent in the IL-containing systems.


更多网络解释与近似积分相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

integral algebroidal function:整代数体函数

integral algebraic number 代数整数 | integral algebroidal function 整代数体函数 | integral approach 积分近似=>積分法

approximate formula:近似公式, 近真公式

approximate field pattern | 近似场图 | approximate formula | 近似公式, 近真公式 | approximate integration | 近似积分(法)

approximate integration:近似积分

approximate formula 近似公式 | approximate integration 近似积分 | approximate limit 近似极限

approximate integration:近似积分(法)

approximate formula | 近似公式, 近真公式 | approximate integration | 近似积分(法) | approximate kernels | 近似核

integral square error approximation:积分平方误差近似

integral square error 平方误差积分=>平方誤差積分 | integral square error approximation 积分平方误差近似 | integral square error criterion 误差平方积分准则

backward difference method:后向差分法

在求解温度场时,采用后向差分法(backward difference method)对时间积分,此方法把热流动速度利用一次方的近似法来模拟. 而在弹塑性分析中,处理应力时,使用修正型牛顿-拉福森法为基础的增量解法,同时在应力增量-应变增量的关系式中,

Solution for exact determined equations:精确确定的方程的解

Integral equations 积分方程 | Solution for exact determined equations 精确确定的方程的解 | Solution for approximately determined equations 近似确定的方程的解

kernel function:核函数

它将描述场的函数用"核函数(kernel function)逼近"近似表达为任意函数和核函数的乘积的积分(实质为将某一点的属性用另一区域的属性来描述,核函数建立这两者之间的关联),然后作"质点逼近",用一系列粒子将这个场离散化(即积分式的级数表达).


2、按辛普逊(Simpson)近似积分公式计算 Q 值. 二、数学模型:1、水蒸汽饱和蒸汽压力采用 Wexier 和 Greenspan 公式公式形式为:一、程序功能、本程序适用于719机,能对各种类型的冷却塔进行热力计算. 、按辛普逊(Simpson)近似积分公式计算皿值.

variational method:变分法

为适应复杂几何形状及提高求解效率精度等问题,利用变分法(Variational Method)或加权余差函数法(Weighted residual method)把2阶微分方程按分部积分变为积分方程而求取2阶偏微分方程的弱形式的近似解,发展为有限元法.