英语人>词典>汉英 : 运动选手 的英文翻译,例句
运动选手 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与运动选手相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This makes for "an America where black people are our house entertainers and athletes."


The purpose of the study was to examine the experiences and processes of the boules sport participants trying to be a qualified boules sport athletes. The prime point was to describe two athletes of boules sport attempted to reach the goal and dream.


The early Disabilities Games of Kaohsiung City were mainly team-fun-competition, the contest for the family, love garden party, bring-and-buy sale and performance. In 1995, Education Bureau, Kaohsiung City Government took over the Games for the defective people from the District 300E Lions Clubs International, and then adjusted the form of the Games to be more competitive to encourage the disabled people to enjoy the game as the normal.


The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of athletes' endorser credibility on brand image and purchase intention.


"Jock is usually popular, but I do not know about the sumo wrestlers...."


"Jock is usually popular, but I do not know about the sumo wrestler s...."


Bibby is well acquainted with danger. He's also a student piolt, a bareback rodeo bull rider and a skydriver.


The result are: 1. The muscles strength aspect: the left hand fisting strength of the golf players is significantly higher than non-athletic player's.


Not as fortunate as you American guys to have tons of good sport players to back for.


My school is full of dumb jocks.


更多网络解释与运动选手相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

baseballer:棒球选手, 棒球队经理

baseball | 棒球, 棒球运动 | baseballer | 棒球选手, 棒球队经理 | baseband bank | 基带组合

Ernie Els:南非职业高尔夫球选手

Eritrea 厄立特里亚 | Ernie Els,南非职业高尔夫球选手 | ETA ,巴斯克分裂主义者运动组织

hypoxia training:高地训练

那是一种国力与科学实力的宣扬,因此,运动科学被视为是选手竞技能力的加强,也就是在竞技运动中如何去赢的科学(陈全寿,1995);赢的科学包罗万象,诸如五大类增补剂(ergogenicaids)、高地训练(hypoxia training)、心智训练(mental training)等,

well known:众所周知的;有名的;清楚明白

because of 因为;由于 | well-known 众所周知的;有名的;清楚明白 | athlete n 运动员;运动选手


近年来,磷酸肌酸(phosphocreatine) 中的肌酸(creatine),在运动世界上引领风骚. 最近的曼谷亚运为例,我国选手估计有一半服用肌酸. 教练与选手深信肌酸配合训练,使肌肉发达、强而有力. 选手每天服用20至30克之单水肌酸(monohydrate creatine),


短柄墙球(Racquetball)为高雄世运的竞赛项目,这是综合网球、壁球的运动,1985年得到国际奥会认可,成为史上获得认可最年轻的运动. 因为短柄墙球运动在国内还待推展,中华世运代表团并没有派选手参加这项赛事.


单板滑雪(Snowboard)(又称滑板滑雪)源于0世纪0年代中期的美国,其产生与冲浪运动有关. 舍曼-波潘195年把两个滑雪板绑在一起,偶然中就创造了两脚踩踏在一整块板上的新滑雪板,单板滑雪又称冬季的冲浪运动,单板滑雪选手用一个滑雪板而不是一双滑雪板,

Venus Williams:大威

丽台运动报 大威(Venus Williams)在纽约所举行的比利珍金杯的网球赛,对战去年美网16强打2010/03/01 12:34 (路透亚利桑那州斯科斯岱28日电)美国高球选手马汉(Hunter Mahan)今天克服南韩选手梁容银(2010/02/19 14:37 (路透克里夫兰18日电)美国职篮NBA安东尼(Carmelo Anthony)今天在延长赛鸣哨前

decathlete:十项运动员, 十项全能选手

31. Decasyllable-十音节 | 32. Decathlete-十项运动员, 十项全能选手 | 33. Decathlon-十项运动

skydiver:跳伞运动的选手 (名)

skydive 做特技跳伞动作 (动) | skydiver 跳伞运动的选手 (名) | skydiving 特技跳伞 (名)