英语人>词典>汉英 : 运作的 的英文翻译,例句
运作的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与运作的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This thesis chooses the finance of Ba County in Qing Dynasty as studying object The author has made good use of the first-hand material in the archives of Ba county, chorography, used the methods of history, sociology and economic theory and saw about the e actual operation of finance in Ba County in Qing Dynasty, in order to find out the commonly rule of the financial operation of counties in Qing Dynasty.


Chapter 2 strives to gain a clear idea of the prototype of the rural administration system before the transformation by way of reviewing the evolution of configuration and operation of rural public power from the Qin Dynasty to the disintegration of the People's Commune, comparing the three academic theories about the operation of our traditional rural country:"Country gentleman society","State community first society" and "Culture nexus of power".


FUNCTION Mineral: Iolite Iolite holds the function tone in the language of light.

运作 矿石:堇青石堇青石持有光之语中运作的音调。

A CPU over-frequency method and system is composed of CPU, set module with BIOS ROM and CMOS RAM, control module of peripheral unit, storage module and time clock generation module. CPU over-frquency processing is completed automatically by executing CPU over-frequency program stored in BIOS ROM, meanwhile the highest FSB frequency value of CPU is obtained, and the system and peripheral unit can run at it. A testing for system stability is added to process of CPU over-frequency processing in order to ensure that the FSB frequency is applicable to the operation of CPU and peripheral unit.

一种CPU超频方法以及系统,包括CPU、具BIOS ROM及CMOSRAM的设定模块、外围装置控制模块、存贮器模块以及时钟产生模块组成,经过执行储存于BIOS ROM中的CPU超频程序后,自动完成CPU超频处理,并取得可供系统与外围装置稳定运作的最高的CPU的FSB频率值,于CPU超频处理的过程中,自动加入系统稳定性的测试,确保该FSB频率值适用于CPU与外围装置运作,使系统运作在超频状态下,亦能稳定地工作。

The similarity of a gear system and the nature of a thing is simultaneity.


Part Three, the author points out the due procedures in the function of Share- cooperative enterprise, Among them, the author makes the focal points on some questions which are disputed in the academic circle, for example, the statutorily limited number of members and capital.


It is mandatory for anyone who contemplates a career in computer area to have a meaningful understanding of how and why they operate.


The image of the company will be upgrade and the management efficiency will be heightened. And that the values of third party logistics are embodied through cost value, service value, dispersing risk value, improving competitive edge value, society value and so on. The value of third party logistics is origin from four parts, the first is that improves the efficiency, the second is that intergrades the client and achieves the increase of scale economy by degrees, the third is that intergrades the portrait and transy logistics and enhances the competitive advantage, the fourth is that expands the business of client and appreciates the value of supply chain.


Trademark is very important and complex. On the one hand, licensers should attach enough importance to managing and operating them; on the other hand, licensers should deal with those legal problems about the trademark and brand efficiently.


This is often channelled into Buddhist philanthropy, which troubles receiving countries less than the proselytising zeal that comes attached to some brands of Christian charity.


更多网络解释与运作的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


权力是在运作的 (exercised) 而不是被占有的 (possessed);第二,权力的运作方式主要是生产的 (productive) 而不是压抑的 (repressive);第三,权力是自下而上的而不是自上而下的,是分散的 (decentralized) 而不是集中的 (centralized).


他不知道惟一的对策是"反直觉的"(counterintuitive). 如果他顺着回流潜下,他应该还可保住性命. 复杂中的单纯之美 这个悲剧故事与前面所说啤酒游戏和军备竞赛一般,点出了系统思考的精义:我们常被未觉察的结构所困. 因此学习看出我们在其中运作的结构,

function:with limited functicns:职能:部门:有限度运作的

"full-time team","专职小姐:权时投入的小组","general" | "function:with limited functicns","职能:部门:有限度运作的","general" | "functional resources","职能性资源","general"


[34]首先指令并未宣示机关"对未来的尝试打算",不是"面向未来的"(prospective),因为它宣示的是一个已作出的决定. 第二,指令并没有给予决策者在个案中自由运作的裁量权. 但法院却忽略了美国医学会诉鲍恩案,[35]在此案中华盛顿特区巡回法院毫不含糊的判决,

Renaissance Man:多才多艺的人

这方面的知识积累越多,对人的行为、社会的组织和运作的了解就越深,对于研究法学或从事立法司法工作就越有帮助,所以西方强调通识教育,以培养出一种多才多艺的人(renaissance man)为其最高的目标.


他的权力模式与传统模式有三个基本区别:第一,权力是在运作的 (exercised) 而不是被占有的 (possessed);第二,权力的运作方式主要是生产的 (productive) 而不是压抑的 (repressive);第三,权力是自下而上的而不是自上而下的,



Haed coroea mache:没有时间约束,在擂台外取胜的方式

Tag mache:两位选手运作的比赛,同时也是二对二交叉进攻的比赛. | Haed coroea mache:没有时间约束,在擂台外取胜的方式. | Kaig emache:在铁笼子里进行比赛,选手先出铁笼门外的为胜者.

Needs for Maximising choice:对选择最大化的需求

Needs for enabling structures:使体系运作的需求 | Needs for Maximising choice:对选择最大化的需求 | SE:社会企业


7. shift gear:调整 | 8. government-run:政府运作的 | 9. so long as:只要