英语人>词典>汉英 : 迎接 的英文翻译,例句
迎接 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
receive  ·  salute  ·  receives  ·  saluted  ·  salutes  ·  saluting

更多网络例句与迎接相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Let's work together to meet the challenge of the 21st century.


World Expo is coming, and I hope to give up the bad habits to be a civilized Shanghai people , doing a host of civilization, to meet the Expo, let us join hands to dance the Expo!


Because I want to be a bee on a flower . I want to show the best fairy tales .


A nameless flower show the waist, dancing in the spring to welcome the arrival of spring!


Here, there was someone at the office counter to greet me, take my $110 for a room without a private bathroom, explain that the cafeteria was always open and I could help myself to all the food I wanted at all times.


Speaking fluent English is a required ability in the course of treating the guests from every corner of the world.


They bring water To meet the thirsty; The inhabitants of the land of Tema Meet with bread those who flee

21:14 提玛地的居民拿水来迎接口渴的,拿饼来迎接逃避的

Greet Andronicus and Junia, my countrymen and my fellow prisoners, who are of note among the apostles, who also were in Christ before me.


Lunar New Year is the most poetic of the festival, to the beginning of the spring as the beginning of the year, welcoming the New Year is to greet the spring.


There has been a lot of preparation for the arrival of the Chinese students and fundraising to help the traveling Lew-Port students, a crosssection of 10th- through 12th-graders.


更多网络解释与迎接相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

face/confront with potential pressure and competition:迎接可能的压力和竞争

22. 丰富了社会和生活阅历 enrich social and life experience | 23. 迎接可能的压力和竞争 face/confront with potential pressure and competition | 24. 面对面交流 face-to-face communication


Naught but to face the incoming tide可我还要勇敢地面对 | Courageously!迎接那将会到来的风浪! | In the dark grave there lies release,坟墓静静地躺在那幽暗之中

And for their thousand blows dead one death blow:千百次的打击权当迎接死神

显示出我们不畏强敌的勇气; Though far outnumbered let us show... | 千百次的打击权当迎接死神, And for their thousand blows dead one death blow! | 何妨把墓穴视作休息的睡椅? What though before us lies the ...

to their deplorable fate:像是急着去迎接他们不幸的命运

And there they are on a fast ride|他们车开得很快 | to their deplorable fate.|像是急着去迎接他们不幸的命运 | AJ?|欧塞尔吗?

Wearing white for Eastertide:迎接圣节着素装

And stands about the woodland ride 林中路旁婷婷立 | Wearing white for Eastertide. 迎接圣节着素装. | Now ,of my three score years and ten , 上帝赐我七十寿

A big day to feast:迎接这个日期

岁月绽放青春笑容 Life blooms with young smiling face | 迎接这个日期 A big day to feast | 天大地大都是朋友 Friends from west and east

Something Going On:迎接或接受它

To become when you've found 当你发现一些事发生的时候 | Something going on 迎接或接受它 | But take your time -think a lot 但是,慢慢来,静静想


当作者返回加油站时,那个年轻人冲出来迎接(greet) 他们. 52. A. fall open张开很大. 年轻人张大了嘴巴,表现出很吃惊的样子说明他没有想到会得到顾客的赏识. 53. C. 作者买到冰激凌以后,返回加油站感谢那个年轻人为他们提供的优质的服务(service).


green 环保,绿色 | greeter 在酒店、超市等门口迎接顾客的服务员或店员 | grey-collar worker 灰领工人,从事维修保养的技术工人

We were welcomed by my friend Henry Kaiser, a musician and expert diver:我的朋友,音乐家和专业潜水者 亨利.凯瑟前来迎接我们

The camp itself is built o... | We were welcomed by my friend Henry Kaiser, a musician and expert diver,|我的朋友,音乐家和专业潜水者 亨利.凯瑟前来迎接我们 | whose underwater footage it was that brought...