英语人>词典>汉英 : 过饱和的 的英文翻译,例句
过饱和的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
oversaturated  ·  supersaturated  ·  supers

更多网络例句与过饱和的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Are you searching for work in a waning industry or oversaturated field?


The addition of Re slightly decreased the formation temperature of MC carbides and promoted the precipitation of μ phase from the oversaturated γ matrix.


Effect of recovery methods after thawing After thawing, the highest viability was obtained when beads of Pavlova viridis were incubated in culture medium for 48h in darkness at room temperature. As to other two algae,the suitable recovery method was to incubate beads over saturated NaCl solution in a closed jar for 12h in darkness at room temperature.


Precipitation of calcium phosphates in saliva is inhibited by an acidic phosphoprotein, statherin, which contains 43 residues.


In this paper, the undercutting rate of silicon tips are improved by adding supersaturated iodine and KI in KOH solution.


The phase made up of iron-carbon with a body-centered tetragonal structure is called martensite.


The microsturcture of ZE series alloys was composed of fine dentritic or equiaxial α-Mg solid solution and interdendritic Mg-Zn-RE phase formed by divorced eutectic reaction.

研究表明, ZE 系合金的铸态组织细小,由树枝状和等轴状过饱和的α-Mg 固溶体以及分布在晶间连接成网状的 Mg-Zn-RE 三元中间相组成。

The laser-cladding layeron the alloy consists of matrix phase of over-saturation solid solution γ and complexhexagonal carbide M_7C_3. Under certain condition, with fast laser scanning speed, the oversaturation solubility of elements increases in γ, and the precipitation of the complexcarbide M_7C_3 decreases, so that the microhardness increases and the wear resistance de-creases. But at slower laser scanning speed, more complex carbide M_7C_3 may precipitate, andthe wear resistance may be improved. Therefore, it is believed that the principal factor in im-provement over wear resistance is the precipitation of carbide M_7C_3, while overmicrohardness is the over-saturation solubility of elements in matrix phase.


The results indicated that with solution time increasing,Mg_(17)Al_(12) phase was dissolved into the Mg matrix and Al_2Ca phase became thinner and shorter,then gradually broken and began to spheroidize;with aging time increasing,Mg_(17)Al_(12) phase was precipitated from the Mg matrix as the form of small particles and Al_2Ca phase was stable and its shape and quantity change...


This paper mainly described the pertinent knowledge about the generalization of gas supersaturation, the reasons and factors for gas supersaturation. Furthermore, the relations among life stage, hydrostatic pressure, temperature, intermittent exposure, detection, avoidance and the tolerance of fish to supersaturation were analyzed, AndKey words: dam; dissolved gas supersaturation; gas buhhle disease


更多网络解释与过饱和的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


我的一位同行---艾伦韦纳是位于加州伍兰岗的交流发展联合公司的总裁,他使用"碳酸饱和"(carbonation)一词形容一个人的活跃程度. 它不仅包括手势,也包括面部表情、说话速度和其他形式的肢体语言. 我们都听见和看见过"充碳酸气过饱和"的人,

oversaturated:硅石的 过饱和的

oversandedmix 多沙拌和物 | oversaturated 硅石的 过饱和的 | oversaturatedrock 过饱和岩


overrunning clutch starter motor 带单向离合器的起动机 | oversaturated 过饱和的 | overscanning 过扫描


superregenerativereceiver 超再生式收音机 | supersaturate 使过饱和 | supersaturated 过饱和的


金薄膜会融化并凝聚成奈米颗粒,同时锡与锑粉末也将气化,并与金奈米颗粒形成合金液滴(liquid alloy droplets). 当液滴过饱和(supersaturated)时,锡与锑原子开始析出(precipitate),并与炉管中的氧气反应,而形成含锑的氧化锡奈米线.


superposition eye 重叠象眼 | supersaturated 过饱和的 | supersaturation 过饱和


经过杜邦公司研究员R Olson的长期观察与模拟再现过程,发现此种球坑的主要成因,是槽液中溶入气体之过饱和(Supersaturation)所致. 一般干膜光阻多少会有吸引气泡的毛病,怪异的是某些品牌却别具强烈吸牢气泡的倾向,

under cooled steam:过饱和蒸汽

under convoy 在护航下 | under cooled steam 过饱和蒸汽 | under cooled 过冷的

under cooled steam:过饱和蒸汽,过冷蒸汽

under cooled过冷的,过冷却的 | under cooled steam过饱和蒸汽,过冷蒸汽 | under fermented未熟的,发酵不完全的


色指定方面, 画面的gamma值过高, 尤其以summer编最为严重, 整个画面呈现一大片白色. 如果要表示这一段是一千年前的故事, 可以在开始与结束时这麼处理, 或是在边框作喷雾. 让画面过饱和(oversaturation)会让m众的眼睛迅速疲劳.