英语人>词典>汉英 : 过隐 的英文翻译,例句
过隐 的英文翻译、例句


satisfy a craving
更多网络例句与过隐相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Some people maintained that he was a mysterious person, and that no one ever entered his chamber, which was a regular anchorite's cell, furnished with winged hour-glasses and enlivened by cross-bones and skulls of dead men!


But when oneself awake suddenly, the following day fart as usual is put, did not appear any problems, still say careless root, cheat my long thing - rich guest, father regarded him as all the time website, and meet the person is sent, should discover one of these day, when I am cheated thoroughly, I however be accustomed to sth, it is above rich guest hair spring also is one lets a person actually very the thing of satisfy a craving, look at each a money order receipt to be signed and returned to sender of own backside, also be a business that is worth to rejoice quite.


Be apt to do sth.易于 Both to avoid the wrath of jealous Juno, and being eager to beguile the maiden's tender heart, he concealed his godhead, and changed his shape, and became a bull.


"Cain said to the Lord,"My punishment is more than I can bear.


After a lapse of four minutes the glimmer of his candle was discernible through the semitransparent semicircular glass fanlight over the halldoor.


I was a university student, I had not done a very complex programming exercise, This is the first time I upload source. this is the upload computer graphics, I do exercises at the WIN-TC environment prepared by some of the procedures, these are the basic 2D graphics transform (translation, rotation, Shear, Zooming, symmetric) animation demonstration, three-dimensional map of the two-dimensional plane of the hidden map, the lines cut, the parabolic mapping and B-spline curves mapping, detailed procedures of the Notes, and I hope to the students friends to help.


The method uses an implicit iterative scheme with a hyperbolic sine transformation for the matrix potential, takes the advancing front self-adaptive grid, and resolves problem of too much account in calculation to dry earth's surface by fixed grid method. Results indicate that calculation speed is increased greatly and errors are less than by fixed grid method.


Kain, Saul and Judas had experienced this, but they rejected the word of remission of sins, they rejected the word of gospel.


Xiu walks to them, Two Doug both relaxedly let him examine if there is trace of disguise on their face, the color of eyes and hair, the grain of palm and even the length of arms.


Compared to the versions you've seen before, the zerg units and bases now look a lot slimier and more sinister.


更多网络解释与过隐相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




此外,该组件并具备开路汲极错误旗标,以显示过电流或超温度状态,而4ms的消隐(blanking)时间更可防止电容性负载充电时的误报. AAT4614同样具备典型值为130毫欧的导通阻抗.




cycloperoxene 环过氧烯 | cyclophoria 旋转隐斜视 | cyclophoriaperiphoria 旋向隐斜视

To hit the spot:是感到过隐,觉得很痛快

To ditch表示 要离开某个人,因为你不想跟他在一起了;或表示要马上离开一 个不想再呆的地方. | To hit the spot 是感到过隐,觉得很痛快 | down with that, 意思是"同意",或者是"愿意".

Implicit differentiation:隐微分

说是什么science要严谨什么什么的,全是见鬼. 哪叫什么做lab,用,上课也几乎不用课本,把课本里的内容压缩,放在什么幻灯片上放映,字又小. 让我们看书就完了,何必呢?有隐微分(implicit differentiation)在国内没接触过,学得非常有趣有价值,受益匪浅.

In her interlunar swoon:在晦隐时期悄悄昏厥

When you die, the silent Moon 当您死去了,即使明月 | In her interlunar swoon 在晦隐时期悄悄昏厥, | Is not sadder in her cell 她那悲伤怎比得过


hyperpepsinia 胃蛋白酶过多 | hyperperistalsis 蠕动过强 | hyperphoria 上隐斜视


hyperperistalsis 蠕动过强 | hyperphoria 上隐斜视 | hyperphrenia 精神兴奋过度


hypophonia 发声过弱 | hypophoria 下隐斜视 | hypophosphatasia 磷酸酯酶过少