英语人>词典>汉英 : 过程输入输出 的英文翻译,例句
过程输入输出 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

process input output
更多网络例句与过程输入输出相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

By use of ANN model trained under normal circumstance, inner and outer bus fault can be distinguished clearly. For the research on bus protection theory based on function approximation ability of ANN, it is crucial to establish the functional relation between the input and the output of bus protection object.


We simulate the circuit with the Agilent ADS, After select the most suitable topology structure of circuit,we simulate the biasing circuit,input and output matching circuit. Through the method of the small signal s parameters and the nonlinear designing method, we design and simulate the drive stage and last stage power amplifier with ADS software, point out some problem in the design procedure.

设计软件采用Agilent ADS软件进行仿真设计,在选定合适的拓扑结构后,对放大器的静态偏置点、输入输出匹配电路进行仿真,通过应用小信号S参数设计方法和非线性设计方法分别设计了驱动级和末级放大器,指出了设计过程中的一些问题。

PLC is one kind on the basis of technology of digital computer, electronic control device designed to use under the environment of industry specially, adopt it by memory that can programme, it is last user order not to used for,through figure or introductions of simulation /export, finish such functions confirmed as a series of logic , order , timing , counting , operation ,etc., to control all kinds of integrated equipment of electromechanics and production process.


The characteristic of the node is very fit for building automation and industry process control because the fan-out and fan-in are very flexible.


The input and output unit is in charge of the input, output and distribution of the streams. While the mass/heat exchanging network unit defines the mass/heat exchanging connection, which can be described as operator for process integration.


The first is a probabilistic model; its output process has the same one-dimensional distribution as input process and has correlation structure as normal AR and MA model; its speed is quite high; its hardware implementation is quite simple.


Firstly, system model depicted by TSIOA is transformed into an USTGSS (untimed stable label transition graph of symbolic state) which does not contain abstract time delay transitions. Then, the testing methods based on LTS are used to the generate transition sequences from USTGSS according to structural coverage criteria. Finally, a process of constructing and executing the test cases is given, in which object functions of time delay variables are imported, and time delay variables used in the transition sequences are solved dynamically by linear programming techniques.

该方法首先将时间安全输入/输出自动机描述的系统模型转换为不含抽象时间延迟迁移的稳定符号状态迁移图(untimed stable transition graph of symbolic state,简称USTGSS);然后采用基于标号迁移系统(labeled transition system,简称LTS)的测试方法来静态生成满足各种结构覆盖标准的包含时间延迟变量迁移动作序列;最后,给出了一个根据迁移动作序列构造和执行测试用例的过程,该过程引入了时间延迟变量目标函数,并采用线性约束求解方法动态求解迁移动作序列中的时间延迟变量。

In order to look for fast calculation model of a linear oscillation motor, which can express the transitive relation between parameters and performance. The basic mathematic model of a linear oscillation motor is established by finite analysis method and the regression modeling method for the support vector machines is introduced. Then, the SVM calculation model is set up. A shortcut online calculation method is provided for the process of the parameter optimization of linear motors.

为了寻找反映直线振荡电机参数与性能输入输出传递关系的快速计算模型,利用有限元分析法,建立了直线振荡电机非参数建模的基本数据计算模型,根据基本数据计算模型,引入支持向量机(Support Vector Machines, SVM)非参数回归建模方法,建立了用于直线振荡电机参数与性能之间输入输出传递关系的SVM计算模型,为电机参数优化过程提供了方便快捷的在线计算方法。

In the design part of the PLC control, the paper has explained the design process of the PLC I/O hookup, provided the choice result of the PLC and the PLC I/O elements, and has explained the design process of the PLC user program in detail, which includes the exposition to the design process of the public program, manual program, autoloading program signal showing and trouble alarm program.

在PLC控制的设计部分中,阐述了PLC I/O接线图的设计过程,给出PLC及其输入/输出元件的选择结果,详细地阐述了PLC用户程序的设计过程,其中包括对公用程序、手动程序、自动程序、信号显示与故障报警程序的设计过程的阐述。

In OverEasy mode there is no distinct point at which processing begins, and the THRESHOLD setting corresponds to a point on the input/output transfer curve midway between the onset of processing and that point at which the transfer curve corresponds to the setting of the RATIO control.


更多网络解释与过程输入输出相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


符号要么在字面上要么通过关联(association)指示(denote)对象. 在执行期间将获得符号的绑定,而数值、逻辑值、字符、字符串和向量求值为自身. Scheme 提供一些简单的过程用于输入/输出操作. 表达式可以装载自文件,并在这个过程期间发生求值.

process flow diagram:工艺流程图

process drawing 工艺过程图 | process flow diagram 工艺流程图 | process input output 程序输入输出过程输入输出


确切地说,那"f"代表 "formatted",因为那些函数在输入 / 输出的过程中进行格式化,所以结果都是已经被格式化了的(formatted)数据. 非格式化输入 / 输出其实就是二进制格式的输入 / 输出. 典型的例子是结构(struct)的读 / 写和高效的文件拷贝.

Key process input variable KPIV:关键过程输入变量

Critical to quality CTQ 关键质量特性 | Key process input variable KPIV 关键过程输入变量 | Key process output variable KPOV 关键过程输出变量

input-output model:输入产出模型

input-output limited 受输入输出限制 | input-output model 输入产出模型 | input-output process 投入产出过程


一个哑元数据对象的主要特性包括它的类型、种别值、形状、输入输出意向(INTENT)、是否可选(OPTIONAL)、是否一个指针(POINTER)或目标(TARGET). 哑过程的特性包括其接口是否显式给出、作为过程的特性(如果其接口显式给出)以及它是否可选.

invoked procedure:被得过程

invoicing machine 开发票机器 | invoked procedure 被得过程 | ioc 输入输出控制器


节x(见附录中的图)* 在输出过程映像 (PIO) 中:输出字节x+1(见附录中的图)** 在输出过程映像 (PIO) 中:输出字节x(见附录中的图)** 在输入过程映像 (PII) 中:输入字节x(见附录中的图)* 在输出过程映像 (PIO) 中:输出字节x(

PIO ProcessInputOutput:过程输入输出

PID ProcessIdentificationNumber 进程识别号码 | PIO ProcessInputOutput 过程输入输出 | PIC ProcessInterfaceControl 过程接口控制


凑之运用 6.取代(Substitution)运算元之介绍及运用 7.档案输入输出(File Input/Output)及函式库(Subroutines)之建立 8.Summary of 回圈控制结构(Loop ...(课程大纲) LPI 201: .Linux核心 (Kernel) 的客制化及模组相关深入探讨 .Linux核心的编译方式及过程与升级方法 .功能强大的Automounter,