英语人>词典>汉英 : 过瘾 的英文翻译,例句
过瘾 的英文翻译、例句


satisfy a craving · enjoy oneself to the full · do sth. to one's heart's content
更多网络例句与过瘾相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

On one hand we know that anti-authoritarianism for its own sake easily degenerates into a rude and unfocused defiance: Revolution, as Abbie Hoffman put it,"for the hell of it."


This aria is a joy to hear.


I have already applied an unlimited call package for us; however, it seems still not enough. We avidly wish we could live together.


"October Rising" 2009 Chinese film made the strongest. 2,"Shinjuku Incident" reflects the real Chinese people smuggling syndicate in Japans life, the director depicts scenes between men, friend and brother, is inspiring. 3,"Banlieue 2: Ultimate" smooth continuation of the first Parkour action style, fast-paced, music is a lot of highlights. 4,"Hurricane rescue" retired agents thousands of miles to save women, clear-cut action style, the audience hooked. 5,"Ye ask," the best in recent years, the Hong Kong kung fu movies. 6,"race situation" sense of speed super "car action movie." 7,"accident" opening a surprising and exciting plot, the unique way the film temperament and camera work. 8,"the Rye" is no heroism, replaced by nothing, anxiety and loss, it is no longer a clear distinction between good and evil battle of good and evil, but at the edge of the good sorts of people and more poor people struggle. 9,"the prequel Underworld: wolf came again," a simple plot, gorgeous fight, perfect visual impact on viewers eye. 10,"Vengeance": a quiet burst of violence under the screen, slow-paced narrative images and game-like life and death among men, affection, Hong Kong director for the French meal on an Oriental.


I never care to borrow books from other people or library, it seems that books bought can better satisfy my bibliomania than books borrowed never care to You may also attribute this to some sort of desire for personal possessions Whenever I have some new acquisitions, it is my great pleasure and satisfaction to stamp my ex libris on them one by one.

This is completely subject to the whims of the moment on terms 其实只是社交上的客套,和"顿首""百拜"同是仪式,的虚伪这种交际可以说是社交,和真正的友谊相差甚远别的门类只是一些概论等类的入门书而已,我不喜欢向别人或图书馆借书,借来的书,在我看来好像不过瘾似的,必要时自己买的才满足不喜欢这也可谓是一种占有的欲望买到了新书,一册册的加盖藏书印记,这是我最感到快悦的时候。

Field of motion of leisurely wave ball is 30 degrees of right-and-left brae commonly, boil from brae when the ball when, the person inside can do 365 degrees to rotate as sphere, can experience weightlessness and gyral double stimulation at the same time, special satisfy a craving.


L: For me, there is nothing better than chugging a glass of milk right after eating a plate of my mom's Chocolate Chip Cookies.

H: 瞧把你给馋的!吃完巧克力饼干,你要再喝一大杯牛奶,听起来是真过瘾

Thirdly, for those who tied down with an unfulfilling job, a career change can be translated into more diverse experience with new managerial styles, better collegiality and more financial reward.


The men and women in be passionately in love discovered a good place that fall in love recently, need not spend money namely, also need not worry about constabulary interference, and can continuity of day after night goes down, till satisfy a craving till, this place is cathedral.


To a black duck, sweet, Xiangxiang, and began to have a little spicy, spicy slowly to the whole, the whole tongue in打颤, as you chew, the kind of unique flavor will infiltrate dentilabial between free in every taste bud on top, even if you rinse with mouthwash,香嫩feeling kind of hot for a long time still remaining in the mouth, no wonder that the people will sigh eaten: fun, fun ah!


更多网络解释与过瘾相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


这里的鳄鱼叫美洲鳄(alligator),比非洲鳄(crocodile)小,没有非洲鳄凶猛. 沼泽、鳄鱼、漂亮的飞鸟、蛇、龟...看到这些平时很难见到的景色和生物,感觉很过瘾. 早餐后驱车进入乔治亚州,沿I-95和I-16找到乔治亚的旅游小城萨凡纳(Savannah)市.

cheer you up:让你开心起来

最近喜欢上了hip pop, 还有free style battle, 无论看起来还是听起来真的是很过瘾,大千世界,林林总总,原来音乐的形式可以有这么多,但目的就很单纯---让你开心起来(cheer you up)或者引起你的共鸣(galvanize you).


>(Cheers)是美国经典肥皂剧,从1982年至1993年热播了11个年头,其中7年高居全美电视连续剧收视榜首. 我看的是香港明珠台的重播,每晚一集,幽默诙谐的对白中,闪烁着智慧的火花,只恨30分钟轻松快乐好时光转瞬即失,不够过瘾.

That hit the spot:过瘾

Go right ahead|请便 | That hit the spot|过瘾 | You, Flock of Seagulls You know why we're here?|睡美人 你最好醒醒

That hit the spot:过瘾. 恰到好处,正合要求

You mind if I have some of your tasty beverage to wash this down with? 你介意我喝一口么?(应该是刚才刚刚吃了... | That hit the spot 过瘾. 恰到好处,正合要求 | We got into the thing with best intentions. 我...


22.Alla grande! 真痛快! | 23.Magnifico! 真过瘾! | 24.Davvero eccitante! 真刺激!

computer nerd:电脑白痴(只懂电脑的白痴)

what a rush 真过瘾,get a rush 过瘾 | computer nerd 电脑白痴(只懂电脑的白痴) | nerd 书呆子

Rico, you had your fun. Haul up:瑞哥 你玩过瘾了 拉上去吧

My goodness doll, you are shaking like a leaf.|天呀 娃娃 你像叶子一样颤抖 | Rico, you had your fun. Haul up!|瑞哥 你玩过瘾了 拉上去吧! | Gear down.|放下轮子


画人画语ARTIST'S WORDS | 106 闲话"过瘾" GOSSIP ABOUT EN JOYING ADDICTION | 撰文:丁一林 Ding Yilin


骑马、射击、游泳、小型赛车(Go kart)等活动都是大家的最爱. "飞天狐狸"活动非常过瘾."飞天狐狸"活动(Flying Fox)让你亲自体验从天而降的滋味. 短短的机秒钟里,有死而复生的感觉,非常过瘾. 这里共有20种"多重障碍"体能训练活动. 此外,