英语人>词典>汉英 : 过失 的英文翻译,例句
过失 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
blame  ·  blaming  ·  clanger  ·  demerit  ·  error  ·  failing  ·  fault  ·  gaffe  ·  lapse  ·  misfeasance  ·  misstep  ·  onus  ·  sin  ·  lapsing  ·  sinning  ·  blames  ·  faults  ·  lapses  ·  sinned  ·  sins  ·  demerits  ·  errors  ·  lapsus

更多网络例句与过失相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Other problem related with negligent coprincipal is whether negligent abetment and negligent assist can be judged as negligent joint crime. The thesis disapproves the negligent joint crime concept. It holds that they are actually kinds of negligent furtherance.


The findings knew that the ships collision is a type of an act of tort , its liability asks to recompense is looks carefully the state of fault to decide , generally may divide into the force majeure or the unknown cause collision , the mutual fault of both sides collision and so on , because if the force majeure or the unknown cause collision , undertake voluntarily by the victim , if an error of the side undertakes the damage compensate responsibility by the inflicter , when if both sides have mutually to cause its faults , basically it depends on the fault to share , but if it's unable to judge the proportion then the average to share is necessary.


The author believes: Usually, the penalty of professional criminal negligence should be harder than that of general criminal negligence, but if the actor of general criminal negligence breaks publicly legal prohibitory provision and puts in practice some dangerous behavior, the penalty of general criminal negligence should be harder than that of professional criminalnegligence; There should be not only fixed-term imprisonment and constraint, but fine and capacity penalty.


And if it is indeed essential to, they can be disposed on the basis of special remoteness principal offender.


After the general inquiry into negligent coprincipal, the thesis' analysis is oriented to the difficulties faced with acknowledging negligent coprincipal: Firstly, it is restricted by existing criminal law.


Acknowledging unpremeditated coprincipal is bound to cause drastic impact on the traditional joint crime system. Although opposing negligent coprincipal can preserve "legality" of the traditional joint crime system, a considerable portion of criminal liabilities caused by joint negligence cannot be reasonably explained under the seemingly perfect system.


Article 162 In the course of the sea towage, if the damage suffered by the tugowner or the two party was caused by the fault of one of the parties, the party in fault shall be liable for compensation.


Article 162 In the course of the sea towage, if the damage suffered by the tugowner or the tow party was caused by the fault of one of the parties, the party in fault shall be liable for compensation.


Yantai University, Yantai,Shandong, 265005)Abstract : The vast Majority of jurisdictions in the United States have moved to regime of Comparative negligence in tort cases. In contrast with contributory negligence, where a showing of fault on the part of the plaintiff acts as a complete bar to recovery, in comparative negligence the jury apportions faults among the parties and the damages are assessed in proportion to the fault assigned to the defendants.


The first part in this thesis focuses mainly on the theoretical basis of guilt of negligence with a simple review of the history covering its original theory of Feuerbach, the new theory put forward by the legists of Japan and Germany and the present modern theory of guilt of negligence.


更多网络解释与过失相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

contributory negligence:共同过失

为保护银行因客户的应受指责的过失行为而遭受损失,银行可以以"共同过失"(contributory negligence)为由提出抗辩,但仅在法院认为客户的过失程度严重到由银行承担全部损失并不公平的程度.

contributory negligence:促成过失

[摘要]在美国侵权法中,与共同(或促成 )过失(Contributory negligence)作为一种被告绝对免责的抗辩不同,比较过失(Comparative negligence)的出现是为了限制共同过失所导致的"All or Nothing"的不公平后果.

Culpa levissima:最轻过失

后世研究罗马法的学者又把过失分为三级:重过失、轻过失和"最轻过失"(culpa levissima),后者指缺少极谨慎而精细的管理人的注意. 它仅适用于仅对行为人有利而对相对人无利的人情形. 有人则认为最轻过失指业务过失,

Excusable neglect:可恕过失、非己过失、引诱过失

Failure to act--不作为、未行动 | Excusable neglect--可恕过失、非己过失、引诱过失 | As to可以作介词使用,其后跟宾语,例如:

Negligent homicide:过失杀人 过失杀人

negligence 疏忽,过失 疏忽,过失 | negligent homicide 过失杀人 过失杀人 | nepotism 任人唯亲,裙带风 任人唯亲,裙带风

Culpa lata:重过失

过失的问题上,霍普夫纳尽管承认过失等级在实践中并不重要,但是在理论上仍然坚持严重过失(culpa lata)、轻微过失(culpa levis)和最轻微过失(culpa levissima)的三分法.


在当下美国的侵权法理论中,"过失"(negligence)概念往往具体化为各种类型的"以标准为形式的法规范"(Legal norm in the form of a standard),如:在产品质量责任领域,以"产品设计"和"瑕疵预告"规范作为判断过失标准违反这些规范往往构成过失(Kenneth W.Simons,

careless negligence:疏忽大意的过失

犯罪过失 criminal negligence | 疏忽大意的过失 careless negligence | 过于自信的过失 negligence with undue assumption

wanton negligence:任意过失 任意过失

waiver of rights 弃权书 弃权书 | wanton negligence 任意过失 任意过失 | war crimes 战争罪行 战争罪行

presumed fault:推定过失

舶碰撞过失可分为实际行为过失与推定过失(presumed fault)两类, 而推定过失又可再细分为法定推定过失(statutory presumption)与事实推定过失(factual presumption of fault).<br />[实际行为过失]意指船舶碰撞之事实根据乃客观存在,