英语人>词典>汉英 : 迅速地 的英文翻译,例句
迅速地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
promptly  ·  quick  ·  quicker  ·  rapidly  ·  readily  ·  swift  ·  unhesitatingly  ·  fleetly  ·  deliverly

by the minute · in good time · like fun · with dispatch · in jig time · like the clappers · rapidly rapidly
更多网络例句与迅速地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

She gave him a quick glance and a tiny smile before she cast her eyes down demurely and sat down next to her mother .


I learned early on that a therapist cannot easily address raw existential issues: they are so anchored to dread that they appear evanescently only to be quickly replaced by the distractions of quotidian life.


The teacher's information literacy is badly needed ,with which he can search and select the information fast, discriminate and manage the information correctly and creatively to satisfy the needs of the information instruction's organization with the development of the multimedia instruction、the network education and distant education.


Along with Annika"s uncommon take on architectural and nature-inspired pendants, cuffs, and earrings, Philippe"s mutually complementary professional experiences-including marketing studies at New York University and extensive production work and jewelry-making abroad-helped quickly grow the brand: Soon after opening their boutique, the Salames began expanding by boe with a larger retail outpost in SoHo and the establishment of a new wholesale jewelry business.

设计师- Annika本身有著北欧瑞典的斯堪地纳维亚的血统,而她的设计创意更因其历练而展现出多元化的特质,研读於瑞典的时尚设计以及纽约Parson's学院的室内设计以及日后接触顶级订制服的制作实习等经验,都让Annika能迅速地结合所有的特色而在当代的珠宝市场领域中开发出新颖诱人的作品。而与Annika灵感取源於建筑、家具与自然等的设计经验有所不同,Philippe则是在市场行销以及珠宝制造上有专业的经验,这些彼此专业上的互补,也造就日后by boe品牌迅速成长的主因。

In effect,mobile computing\'s already doing that with thesize and cost of digital components shrinking rapidly,eachbreakthrough in mobile computer-a 30 pound,battery-operateddazzler when it was introduced in the mid-1980s-is today\'selectronic equivalent of a steamer trunk.


For someone who claims to be so disinterested in regards to the romantic elements of the series and rather put the emphasis on the story, the nonromantic relationships built on trust, faith, caring and truth, you're quick to ignore the elements of a deep understanding and intimate relationship between Ichigo and Rukia's characters, one that posseses all of the aforementioned characteristics and has developed throughout the course of the series and will undoubtedly continue to do so as Bleach moves on.


To achieve success, the Chinese troops must conduct their warfare with a high degree of mobility on extensive battlefields, making swift advances and withdrawals, swift concentrations and dispersals.


Extensive battlefields, making swift advances and withdrawals , swift concentrations and dispersals.


For the climatic characteristics of the onset of the SCS summer monsoon, results reveal: 1 the SCS summer monsoon brusts at the 4th pentad in May; 2 the onset of the SCS summer monsoon is closely related to the southwesterly monsoon over the eastern Bay of Bengal, as induced by the intensification and eastward advancement of the latter; 3 the rainy season of the SCS summer monsoon bursts after the onset of the SCS summer monsoon basically; and 4 the atmospheric circulations exhibit rapid changes at different heights over the SCS and its adjacent districts, during the establishment peroid of the SCS summer monsoon, these include: i in lower troposphere, the southward expansion and deepening of the Indo-Burma trough; ii in middle troposphere, the rapid easterward retreat of the western Pacific subtropicl high form the SCS region, iii in upper troposphere, the fast radiation of the easterlies form the center of the SCS region to the whole of it apparently.


But the economic doldrums are giving impetus to several cash-strapped local governments to take a fresh, faster look at existing rezoning proposals that could add value to fallow or underused land and provide immediate jobs.


更多网络解释与迅速地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

expeditiously:迅速地 (副)

expeditious 迅速的, 敏捷的 (形) | expeditiously 迅速地 (副) | expeditiousness 迅速; 敏捷 (名)

go some:[美口]做[得]了不少; (事情、工作等)迅速地、顺利地、有成效地进行

four-some 四人一组; 双打 | go some [美口]做[得]了不少; (事情、工作等)迅速地、顺利地、有成效地进行 | i some 颗粒

like fun:[口]有力地 迅速地 完全地, 彻底地

VBScript Visual Basic 描述语言 | like fun [口]有力地 迅速地 完全地, 彻底地 | shoot a covert 在猎物藏身的地方射击猎物

like fun:[口]有力地; 迅速地; 完全地, 彻底地 [美俚]决不会, 靠不住, 才怪呢

have rare fun 玩得非常愉快, 尽量快乐 | like fun [口]有力地; 迅速地; 完全地, 彻底地 [美俚]决不会, 靠不住, 才怪呢 | make fun of sb. 嘲弄; 取笑

promptly done without delay; punctually:敏捷地;迅速地

bluntly in a frank and straightforward manner 坦率地;直截了当... | promptly done without delay; punctually 敏捷地;迅速地 | polish n. [U] additional quality of fineness or elegance; refinement 文雅;优雅...


"大多数人事经理不喜欢听到任何描述某人怎么好地完成了某项任务的字眼. 他们说自己希望了解这个人相关的技能,而且希望自己才是这个人工作效果的评判者. 因此,像巧妙地(Skillfully)、有效地(Effectively)、仔细地(Carefully)、迅速地(Quickly)


roundline 大环索 | roundly 迅速地;完全 | roundly 迅速地完全


discreetly 谨慎地 | swiftly 迅速地;敏捷地 | slightly 微小地;细小地


vispo(意)活泼的,轻快的,灵敏的. | vistamente(意)活跃地,生动地,迅速地. | visto(意)活跃的,生动的,迅速的.


Allegro 快板;愉快的,迅速的 | Veloce 迅速地,急疾地 | Presto 急板;急速