英语人>词典>汉英 : 达蒙 的英文翻译,例句
达蒙 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
Damon  ·  Tamong

更多网络例句与达蒙相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The widow rockfish was called buda by the Monterey fishermen in the 1880s, and was known as beccafico and viuva by others prior to the 1930s.

寡平鮋 (许氏 entomelas)和被调用达蒙特利渔民在的 1880s年,被称为 beccafico 义大利鸟)和 viuva (寡的其他人之前,在 1930 年代。

SongDamon Albarn had found a lyrical focus, Britishness, and how it was under attack from American consumer culture.


Well-known "Csardas Hungarian Dance" music from the late 19th century, early 20th century the famous Italian violinist, composer维托里奥蒙蒂two of the most famous one of the violin song another first for the "love song of the morning "


I know all about you, Damon.- Oh, yeah?


This is a preview of Who's more famous, Cruise or Damon?


Damon Clinical Laboratories was guilty of...


On the fifth day, he was wandering the streets when he was spotted trying to turn on a hosepipe by Michael Bharath as the latter walked home from church.He and his wife made Mr Mootoo a sandwich and coffee, and, on finding the address of the lost man's step-mother in his pocket, drove him the five-minute journey to her home.


On the fifth day, he was wandering the streets when he was spotted trying to turn on a hosepipe by Michael Bharath as the latter walked home from church.He and his wife made Mr Mootoo a sandwich and coffee, and, on finding the address of the lost mans step-mother in his pocket, drove him the five-minute journey to her home.


On the fifth day, he was wandering the streets when he wasspottedtrying to turn on a hosepipe by Michael Bharath as thelatter walkedhome from church.He and his wife made Mr Mootoo a sandwich and coffee, and,onfinding the address of the lost mans step-mother in hispocket,drove him the five-minute journey to her home.


A Greek who rescued his friend Damon, who stood bail for Pythias when he was condemned to die.


更多网络解释与达蒙相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cardamom Hills:喀达蒙丘陵

卡库拉 Carcura | 喀达蒙丘陵 Cardamom Hills | 喀达木 Cardamum


他们的关系更伟大,阿喀琉斯在失去朋友后不愿再活下去,正如尼色以死来报复幼恋乐, 达蒙(Damon)挺身而出,愿代皮西厄斯(Pythias)在狱中受刑. 基督教的兴起让这古典理想相形见绌. 基督教思想打击个人间的亲密纽带,因为应该把心灵交给上帝.


Damian达米安希腊语驯服;制服 | Damon达蒙希腊语顺人听话的 | Dan丹希伯来语被评判的

Matt Damon:马特.达蒙

Banks,是在拉斯维加斯(Las Vegas)拥有赌场和豪华饭店的富豪. >其他确定出演的演员包括布拉德皮特(Brad Pitt)、马特 达蒙(Matt Damon)、安迪 加西亚(Andy Garcia) 和(唐 齐德尔Don Cheadle)...

Matt Damon:主要演员: 马特.达蒙

影片三名主要演员马特.达蒙(Matt Damon)、希斯.莱杰(Heath Ledger)和莫妮卡.贝鲁奇(Monica Bellucci)一齐出马,成为此次首映礼上的"三驾马车". 影片中,达蒙和莱杰分别扮演创作过大量脍炙人口童话故事的格林兄弟. 当然,

Damon Hill:达蒙-希尔

在阿德莱德街道上进行的澳大利亚大奖赛,比赛开始前,舒马赫在积分榜上以微弱优势领先,在比赛临近尾声时,舒马赫的赛车蹭上了墙,勉强开回了赛道,但已无法完成比赛,但如果退赛,世界冠军就会是身后的达蒙 希尔(Damon Hill)这时,在之后的一个右弯,


Jones,Dahntay 达迪-琼斯 | Jones,Damon 达蒙-琼斯 | Jones,Dwayne 德怀恩-琼斯


小霸王--阿马雷.斯塔德迈尔Stoudemire,Amare | 小飞鼠--达蒙.斯塔德迈尔Stoudamire,Damon | 国王--克里斯.韦伯Webber,Chris

Matt Damon .... Linus Caldwell/Lenny Pepperidge:马特.达蒙/麦特.戴蒙

布拉德.皮特 Brad Pitt .... Rusty Ryan | 马特.达蒙/麦特.戴蒙 Matt Damon .... Linus Caldwell/Lenny Pepperidge | 埃利奥特.古尔德 Elliott Gould .... Reuben Tishkoff

damon and pythias:达蒙与皮西厄斯

30. 达摩克利斯之剑 / The Sword of Damocles 82 | 31. 达蒙与皮西厄斯 / Damon and Pythias 84 | 32. 简短的回答 / A Laconic Answer 86