- 更多网络例句与边缘部分相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
It is found that the portion of edge areas of cuboidal γ'precipitates grew preferentially and the γ-γ'interfaces progressed concavely,which was followed by the enclosure of the adjacent vertical matrix channels (parallel to [001]), and the linked γ'precipitates gradually exhauseted the retained vertical channels and finally developed into rafted plates.
The microwave oven of the present invention comprises a cavity assembly which defines a cooking chamber therein and functions as a framework of the microwave oven, an outer casing which includes a top portion and side portions formed at both ends of the top portion to enclose the cavity assembly and interior parts and is provided with convexo-concave reinforcements at the top portion and at least one side portion, a door of which one side is connected to the cavity assembly to be a pivot center and which selectively causes the cooking chamber to be open and close, and a back plate which defines a rear face of the cavity assembly and is provided with a convexo-concave reinforcement formed along at least one edge portion thereof.
You can resize an existing structure by grabbing and dragging a resizing handle on an edge with the Positioning tool.
This is part of the house edge.
The power supply voltage line includes an edge part formed in an obtuse angle.
Further, a cathode voltage line and a scan driver each may include an edge part formed in an obtuse angle.
In transient state signal and in image analysis, the point of discontinuity often is one of important characteristics, they are located the edge of the important structure frequently.
Cut along the grooved out edge of the fork,remove from pom-pom maker,Tease the pom pom out and tidy up any stray ends to form a smooth uniform sphere.
把缠好的边缘部分如图剪开,并把缠好的丝带从 POM-POM MAKER 拿出来,梳理下球,一个漂亮的毛毛球就做成功了。
The edge portion of the first organic layer has a significantly different thickness than the central portion of the first organic layer and, from a plan view, at least a part of the edge portion of the first organic layer overlies at least part of the first pixel driving circuit.
Within the first pixel, the first organic layer overlies the first electrode, the first organic layer does not contact a well structure, and the first organic layer includes a central portion and an edge portion.
- 更多网络解释与边缘部分相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
base line:底线
装甲甲板一般位于底线(base line)上6.48米,也就是机舱上方7.1米,之后两边边缘倾斜延伸到水线下1.1米处. 水平部分装甲由两层19毫米厚装甲组成,边缘则有双层的38毫米厚装甲. 这些金属板则是由国内的卡内基(Carnegie)工厂生长的镍钢装甲.
block diagram:框图
结构时, 整个框图(block diagram)的边界(或者是在该结构更外一层的结构)也会加亮突出显示.你可以调整现有结构的尺寸大小, 通过使用定位工具(Positioning tool)抓取和拖拽结构目标的边缘部分的尺寸操纵柄.如果你放置的这个布尔控件端子是在While Loop的外部,
鲜黄色全部或部分取代绿色,有如下变异:褪绿(Chlorosis) 在整个叶片或部分叶片上正常的绿色分布不均匀. 通常是从植株顶部受侵染的叶片开始. 杂斑花叶(Calico) 花叶斑大而鲜黄,具不规则边缘,通常分散于全部叶片上(图2.1d).
hippocampal commissure:海马连合
左右脑由胼胝体(corpus calosum)连接,而边缘系统的左右部分是由海马连合(hippocampal commissure)所联合. 当左右脑同时运动的时候,边缘系统负责情绪、动机、条件反射、记忆储存等中枢活动的协同和调节. 对于人类的创造力而言,大脑的边缘系统相当重要.
infinite loop:无限循环
通过使用定位工具(Positioning tool)抓取和拖拽结构目标的边缘部分的尺寸操纵柄.如果你放置的这个布尔控件端子是在While Loop的外部, 如图6.6, 你创建的将是一个无限循环(infinite loop)或仅运行一次的循环,
limbic lobe:边缘叶
cingulate,意思是带(girdle),神经解剖学用这一术语形象地指围绕大脑胼胝体的边缘叶(limbic lobe)部分. 据神经解剖学研究,扣带皮层的不同部位在细胞构筑(cytoarchitecture)、传入及传出神经联系上各具特征. Rose(1929)对扣带皮层作了经典的划分和命名,
"边缘性"(marginality)这个概念是后殖民时代的产物,原指前殖民地(边缘)与帝国(中心)的关系,但现也被用于界定流亡作家的精神状态. "处于边缘即既处于部分之中又游离于部分之外;在自我与他者相遇时,流亡者能够同时处于'双重外在性',
人眼的中央凹视觉和边缘视觉用视野计(perimeter)能够准确地测量. 这是由于视网膜的中央凹部位和边缘的结构不同. 视网膜中央区能分别出各种颜色,由中央区向外周部分过渡,对颜色的分辨能力减弱,人眼感觉到的颜色的饱和度降低,
necked part:轴颈部分
易割冒口 neck-down riser | 轴颈部分 necked part | (边缘)向内弯曲 necked-in