- 更多网络例句与辣椒属植物相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
The chili pepper, chilli pepper, or chili, is the fruit of the plants from the genus capsicum, which are members of the nightshade family, solanaceae.
辣椒 辣椒是辣椒属植物的文献翻译。辣椒属植物是葵家庭的成员,属于茄科。
Any of several fruits of plants of the family Solanaceae; especially of the genera Solanum; Capsicum; Lycopersicon.
The chili pepper, chilli pepper, or chili, is the fruit of the plants from the genus Capsicum, which are members of the nightshade family, Solanaceae.
辣椒 辣椒是辣椒属植物的果实。辣椒属植物是葵家庭的成员,属于茄科。
The chili pepper, chilli pepper, or chili, is the fruit of the plants from the genus Capsicum, which are members of the nightshade family, Solanaceae.
辣椒(chili pepper, chilli pepper, or chili)是辣椒属植物的果实。辣椒属植物是葵家庭的成员,属于茄科。
It is a cousin of the eggplant, red pepper, ground cherry, potato, and the highly toxic belladonna, also known as the nightshade or solanaccae.
This effective hot massage face slimmer will help you trim down the excess on your face, chin, and neck. Contains red pepper, ginger, eucalyptus, green tea, seaweed and carrot extracts.
Even though chilis may be thought of as a vegetable, their culinary usage is generally as a spice, the part of the plant that is usually harvested is the fruit, and botany considers the plant a berry shrub.
- 更多网络解释与辣椒属植物相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
红辣椒的别称. 辣椒可能最先传入江浙、两广、贵州、湖南等地,后又流布于西南等地区. 属于外来品因而在椒字前叫上了番字. 在南方部分地区,还有这种叫法的沿用. 辣椒属(Capsicum)植物的果实,其味极辣,用於制作五香辣椒粉、咖哩和其他辛辣调味汁,亦用於烤肉调味.
...有所关联;大部份被用在食物中,让[[舌头]]上有化学的[[胡椒碱]]或[[辣椒辣素]]所导致的"辛辣"感觉. ...nigrum)植物但是不同的制作方法,也会产出"白"和"绿"的[[胡椒子]](peppercorn). 豆瓣绿(Peperomia)属,又名椒草属,也
Mentha haplocalyx:(薄荷)
> 薄荷(Mentha haplocalyx)又称苏薄荷、水薄荷、鱼香草、人丹草、蕃荷菜等,为唇形科多年生草本植物,广泛分布于全国各地. 世界薄荷属植物约有30种,广泛分布于北半球温带地区,少数见于南半球. 中国现有12种,野生的有辣椒荷、欧薄荷、留兰香圆叶薄荷及唇萼薄荷等.
murraya paniculata:九里香
九里香(Murraya paniculata)又名月桔、石辣椒、千里香、干步香、过山香、九秋香等,属于双子叶植物芸香科、九里香属.该属植物约12种,产亚洲热带及亚热带地区,印度、马来西亚等;我国有6种,主要分布于云南、贵州、广西、广东、湖南、福建、台湾等省区.
tus 蛛形纲 (Arachnida) 蜱螨目 (Acarina) 跗线螨科 (Tarsonemidae) . 又称杂食线螨、黄茶螨. 作物害虫. 主要为害茶、茄子、辣椒和油茶,其他寄主植物有大豆、...类通称跗线螨. 世界性分布,已知300种以上,分隶 31个属,其中,