英语人>词典>汉英 : 输尿管膀胱的 的英文翻译,例句
输尿管膀胱的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
ureterovesical  ·  ureterocystic

更多网络例句与输尿管膀胱的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Non-perfectibility or ureter placket for bladder of perfectibility both-ureter anamorphosis and calculus use ureteroscopy atmospheric pressure trajectory classic rock cure hurt for a while、cicatrize fast.


Methods 25 patients with upper tract transitional cell carcinoma underwent resection under Laparoscope and cystoscope. Integrity and the detent of ureterostoma was detected after the operation.


The positive rates of retrograde ureteropyelography,CT scanning,IVP,ultrasonography were86.7%、50%、12.5%、12.5%respectively.31of40cases were treated by total nephroureterectomy with segmental cystectomy,3cases by segˉmental ureterocystectomy with ureteroneocystostomy,2cases by segmental ureterectomy with end-to-end anastomoˉsis,2cases by single resection of tumor,2cases by resection of residual ureter with segmental cystectomy.


In 13 cases with no nephrohydrosis,caculuses less than 3.8 mm in diameter were found.Conclusion CT is the most valuable way to diagnose ureteral calculus at the lower end of ureter.


Results Ureteral calculuses were showed as high density image in CT scanning.The CT values of the ureteral calculuses less than 7.5mm in diameter were beyond 83HU.The detection rate by CT was 96.3%.In all the 82 cases,ureteral with calculuses were found dilated and 69 cases with nephrohydrosis.

结果 输尿管膀胱入口处结石具有特征性的CT表现,即圆形或枣核状钙化高密度影,结石直径<7.5mm,CT值≥83HU,CT确诊率96.3%。82例均发现病侧输尿管增粗,69例发现病侧肾盂少量积水,肾盂未见积水的输尿管膀胱入口处结石13例,其结石直径<3.8mm。

The CT values of the ureteral calculuses less than 7.5mm in diameter were beyond 83HU.The detection rate by CT was 96.3%.In all the 82 cases,ureteral with calculuses were found dilated and 69 cases with nephrohydrosis.In 13 cases with no nephrohydrosis,caculuses less than 3.8 mm in diameter were found.

结果 输尿管膀胱入口处结石具有特征性的CT表现,即圆形或枣核状钙化高密度影,结石直径<7.5mm,CT值≥83HU,CT确诊率96.3%。82例均发现病侧输尿管增粗,69例发现病侧肾盂少量积水,肾盂未见积水的输尿管膀胱入口处结石13例,其结石直径<3.8mm。

objective to study the ct diagnosis of ureteral calculus at the distal end of ureter.methods 82 cases of ureteral caculus were examined by ct scanning.all cases were proved by clinical therapeutic results.results ureteral calculuses were showed as high density image in ct scanning.the ct values of the ureteral calculuses less than 7.5mm in diameter were beyond 83hu.the detection rate by ct was 96.3%.in all the 82 cases,ureteral with calculuses were found dilated and 69 cases with nephrohydrosis.in 13 cases with no nephrohydrosis,caculuses less than 3.8 mm in diameter were found.conclusion ct is the most valuable way to diagnose ureteral calculus at the lower end of ureter.appropriate methods of ct scanning are essential.

目的 回顾性分析输尿管膀胱入口处结石的ct诊断结果,评价其ct检查的临床应用价值。方法分析82例输尿管膀胱入口处结石的ct检查结果,所有病例均经尿道排石证实。结果输尿管膀胱入口处结石具有特征性的ct表现,即圆形或枣核状钙化高密度影,结石直径<7.5mm,ct值≥83hu,ct确诊率96.3%。82例均发现病侧输尿管增粗,69例发现病侧肾盂少量积水,肾盂未见积水的输尿管膀胱入口处结石13例,其结石直径<3.8mm。结论 ct检查输尿管膀胱入口处结石具有准确、无创、直观等优点,是诊断输尿管膀胱入口处结石不可替代的检查方法。

To minimize complications from urine reservoir constructed with an intestinal segment,reticular transplantation of bladder mucosa to an intestinal seromuscular segment was conducted in 3 randomized groups of canines.


Methods A retrospective analysis was performed in 14 cases of urinary obstruction among 1090 cases of transplanted kidney in the year 2000-2006, including 9 cases of vesicoureteral anastomotic stricture, 6 of whom received a second vesicoureteral anastomosis, one had infection surrounding the renal graft and ureter end necrosis, two ureteral anastomosis with bladder muscle flap, and one stenostomia aerocyst distention under ureteroscope.


Ultrasonographymay be preliminary diagnostic method for ureteral carcinoma because it can showhydronephrosis,retrograde ureteropyelography and CT scanning were main diagnostic measures before operation.

残余段输尿管+膀胱部分切除术2例。结论 B超发现肾积水可作为初步筛选检查,逆行输尿管插管造影、CT是术前诊断输尿管癌的重要手段。

更多网络解释与输尿管膀胱的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


此时肺巨噬细胞质中含大量血红蛋白分解产物--含铁血黄素颗粒,称为习力衰竭细胞(heatr failure cell).泌尿系统(urinary system)包括肾脏,输尿管,膀胱及尿道.肾(kidney)是人体主要的排泄器官.肾表面有致密结缔组织构成的被膜,


CIC并不要求完全的无菌(sterile)状态,只要清洁即可. 菌尿是否真正有伤害最重要是患者是否同时有膀胱输尿管逆流的问题. VUR之存在,菌尿造成发烧、肾炎、肾受损之机会大增,但单纯的菌尿本身并没有太大的伤害,甚至不必服用抗生素.


胱氨酸在肾(Kidney)、输尿管(ureter)、膀胱(urinary bladder)中结晶形成结石(Calculus, calculi),结石会导致疼疼、发炎甚至尿血. 大量服用青霉胺(Penicillcemine)能降低肾中胱氨的含量,因为青霉胺与半胱氨酸形成的化合物比胱氨酸易溶解.


\\"肾输尿管膀胱切除术\\",\\"nephro-urectocystectomy\\" | \\"肾水肿\\",\\"nephrydrosis,hydronephrosis\\" | \\"幼期的\\",\\"nepionic\\"


nephro-ureterocystectomy 肾输尿管膀胱切除术 | nephroabdominal 肾腹的 | nephroblastoma 肾胚细胞瘤 韦母氏瘤 维耳姆斯瘤


逆流的起因是输尿管的开口不在近膀胱三角区(trigone)而偏侧方,以致膀胱壁的抗反流机制无法发挥作用. 逆流严重度分为五级:愈严重的逆流愈易发生尿路感染以及肾脏损伤. 部分逆流病例有明显肾发育不全现象. 甲.


ureterouterine 输尿管子宫的 | ureterovaginal 输尿管阴道的 | ureterovesical 输尿管膀胱的


ureterovaginal 输尿管阴道的 | ureterovesical 输尿管膀胱的 | urethane 氨基甲酸乙酯 乌拉坦

Vesicointestinal fistula:膀胱直肠瘘

排尿里急后重 Vesical tenesmus | 膀胱直肠瘘 Vesicointestinal fistula | 与膀胱输尿管反流有关的尿路病 Vesicoureteral-reflux-associated uropathy


肾结石患者最常照的腹部X光片称为KUB,这是因为它照的范围涵盖肾脏 (Kidneys)、输尿管(Ureters)和膀胱( Bladder). 接下来可能会做静脉肾盂造影(IVP),就是从静脉注入显影剂,让它经由肾脏排出,就可以使整个泌尿系统看得更清楚.