英语人>词典>汉英 : 输卵管卵巢炎 的英文翻译,例句
输卵管卵巢炎 的英文翻译、例句


salpingo-oophoritis · salpingo-ovaritis
更多网络例句与输卵管卵巢炎相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

objective:to explore the value of laparoscopy in diagnosis and treatment of female infertility.methods:the clinical data of 139 cases of female patients with infertility were analyzed retrospectively.results:among 139 cases,55 cases with pelvic adhesion,34 cases with salpingitis,20 cases with endometriosis,and 14 cases with polycystic ovary.the pregnancy rates were 47.27%,41.18%,55.56% and 46.15% respectively after laparoscopic surgery.pelvic adhesion salpingitis and endometriosis were the major cause of female infertility.conclusions:laparoscopic technique can find out the reason of infertility more earlier and more directly and provide timely therapy.so it has excellent clinical effect.


Results: 326 tubal pregnancy, 111 ruptureed corpus luteum, 56 acute pelvic inflammatory disease, 76 turn round of ovarian cyst, 53 ruptured endometriosis cyet of ovary, 5 perforation of uterus, 3 hemorrhagic salpingitis. 664 patients were succsssfully managed by laparoscopy.


On the basis of our series and the findings of Yapar et al, the sonographic features of pelvic TB may be categorized as wet type or dry type as follows. The wet type, found in 12 (75%) of 16 patients, is characterized by incompletely septated ascites, particulate ascites, loculated fluid (although clear ascites can also be commonly associated with tuberculous peritonitis ), a thickened peritoneum or omentum, and an adnexal mass, mimicking ovarian cancer; the dry type, found in a small number of cases, is characterized primarily by adnexal masses, adhesions, and loculated fluid, mimicking tubo-ovarian abscesses or complexes.


On the basis of our series and the findings of Yapar et al, the sonographic features of pelvic TB may be categorized as wet type or dry type as follows. The wet type, found in 12 (75%) of 16 patients, is characterized by incompletely septated ascites, particulate ascites, loculated fluid (although clear ascites can also be commonly associated with tuberculous peritonitis ), a thickened peritoneum or omentum, and an adnexal mass, mimicking ovarian cancer; the dry type, found in a small number of cases, is characterized primarily by adnexal masses, adhesions, and loculated fluid, mimicking tubo-ovarian abscesses or complexes.


On the basis of our series and the findings of Yapar et al, the sonographic features of pelic TB may be categorized as wet type or dry type as follows. The wet type, found in 12 (75%) of 16 patients, is characterized by incompletely septated ascites, particulate ascites, loculated fluid (although clear ascites can also be commonly associated with tuberculous peritonitis ), a thickened peritoneum or omentum, and an adnexal mass, mimicking oarian cancer; the dry type, found in a small number of cases, is characterized primarily by adnexal masses, adhesions, and loculated fluid, mimicking tubo-oarian abscesses or complexes.


It can cause sequelae such as ectopic gestation, sterility, chronic pelic pain, salpingian dropsy, tubooarian cyst and chronic dyspareunia,which affect the female health greatly and increase the domestic and socioeconomic burden.


He sonographic features of tuberculous peritonitis with female genital tract TB can be summarized as follows: relatively specific ascites in most cases (13 patients), in which there were either incomplete or mobile septations (10 patients)(Figure 1 ); a thickening band or nodular masses in the ascites or omental thickening (9 patients)(Figure 2 ); and an appearance simulating a tubo-ovarian abscess or complex (Figure 3 ), in which patients had an initial diagnosis and treatment of a tubo-ovarian abscess but with no response (3 patients).


He sonographic features of tuberculous peritonitis with female genital tract TB can be summarized as follows: relatively specific ascites in most cases (13 patients), in which there were either incomplete or mobile septations (10 patients)(Figure 1 ); a thickening band or nodular masses in the ascites or omental thickening (9 patients)(Figure 2 ); and an appearance simulating a tubo-ovarian abscess or complex (Figure 3 ), in which patients had an initial diagnosis and treatment of a tubo-ovarian abscess but with no response (3 patients).


Additionally, tuberculous peritonitis should be considered in cases of tubo-oarian abscesses for which medical treatment fails or in cases of oarian cancer with some unusual sonographic findings such as ascites with mobile septations or a latticelike pattern, a parallel iolin string appearance, or particulate ascites.


Results the main pathological finding in this patients are:chronic salpingitis,salpingo-oophoritis,hyˉdrosalpinx,there are only two cases have endometrial tissue inside the oviduct in our observation.

结果 盆腔子宫内膜异位症囊肿的输卵管病理改变在本组病人中主要表现为:输卵管卵巢粘连、慢性输卵管炎、输卵管积水,并2例输卵管内有子宫内膜异位病灶。

更多网络解释与输卵管卵巢炎相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

salpingo oophorectomy:输卵管卵巢切除术

salpingitis 输卵管炎;咽鼓管炎 | salpingo oophorectomy 输卵管卵巢切除术 | salpingo oophoritis 输卵管卵巢炎

salpingo oophorectomy:卵巢输卵管切除术 输卵管卵巢切除术

salpingitisisthmicanodosa 结节性输卵管峡炎 | salpingo-oophorectomy 卵巢输卵管切除术 输卵管卵巢切除术 | salpingo-oothecitis 输卵管卵巢炎

salpingo oophoritis:输卵管卵巢炎

salpingo oophorectomy 输卵管卵巢切除术 | salpingo oophoritis 输卵管卵巢炎 | salpingo oothecitis 输卵管卵巢炎

Salpingitis and oophoritis unspecified:输卵管炎和卵巢炎,未特指

沙门氏菌败血症 Salmonella septicaemia | 输卵管炎和卵巢炎,未特指 Salpingitis and oophoritis unspecified | 白岭热[三日热] Sandfly fever

Acute salpingitis and oophoritis:急性输卵管炎和卵巢炎

胆管炎 Acute rheumatic pericarditis | 急性输卵管炎和卵巢炎 Acute salpingitis and oophoritis | 偏执性反应 Acute schizophrenia-like psychotic disorder


salpingo-ovariectomy 输卵管卵巢切除术 | salpingo-ovaritis 输卵管卵巢炎 | salpingo-ureterostomy 输卵管输尿管吻合术

acute salpingo-oophoritis:急性输卵管 卵巢炎

acute salpingitis 急性输卵管炎 | acute salpingo-oophoritis 急性输卵管 卵巢炎 | acyesis 不孕,不育

chronic salpingo-oophoritis:慢性输卵管卵巢炎

慢性输卵管炎 chronic salpingitis | 慢性输卵管卵巢炎 chronic salpingo-oophoritis | 横产式 transverse presentation


"5990","'159'","'UTI'","'URIN TRACT INFECTION NOS... | "6141","'168'","'PID'","'CHR SALPINGO-OOPHORITIS'","慢性输卵管炎及卵巢炎" | &q

PID'","'SALPINGO-OOPHORITIS NOS:输卵管炎及卵巢炎,未明示急性、亚急性或慢性

"6141","'168'","'PID'","'CHR SALPINGO-OOPHORI... | "6142","'168'","'PID'","'SALPINGO-OOPHORITIS NOS'","输卵管炎及卵巢炎,未明示急性、亚急性或慢性" |