英语人>词典>汉英 : 轻快活泼的 的英文翻译,例句
轻快活泼的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与轻快活泼的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Zhao Xian fan drum for more than Jiti Wu form of celebration during the harvest, farmers hand-held drum fan, the presence of the yard from twisting dance, beat a light and lively drums, singing folk songs minor, the joy of emotional expression, the very life .


In the second section, the melody becomes brisk vivaciously , the spirit who is naughty plays in the moonlight.


Adjustments Loose tables tend to be profitable in the long run but can also be very swingy.

调整 宽松桌从长远看是倾向于有利可图的,但也可能非常轻快活泼的

Mr Bach's account is the racier, written with showbiz glee, titillating detail and an enumeration of lovers and liaisons which can prove wearing.


At first glance Jack seemed fair enough with his curly hair and quick laugh, but for a small man he carried some weight in the haunch and his smile disclosed buckteeth, not pronounced enough to let him eat popcorn out of the neck of a jug, but noticeable.


Q" o* b$ z, _7 J At first glance Jack seemed fair enough with his curly hair and quick laugh, but for a small man he carried some weight in the haunch and his smile disclosed buckteeth, not pronounced enough to let him eat popcorn out of the neck of a jug, but noticeable.


Laugh, but for a small man he carried some weight in the haunch and hissmile disclosed buckteeth, not pronounced enough to let him eat popcornout of the neck of a jug, but noticeable. He was infatuated with the


This is not only because of her witty language and her creative contributions to the development of the art of novel-writing, but also because of her vivid and lively narration, which by no means shallow or transparent.


" Carrot Stew " is a light and lively song about " making do," which means doing the best you can with whatever is available.


There were a few middle-aged and even elderly women in the train, their silver-wiry hair and wrinkled faces, scourged by time and trouble, having almost a grotesque, certainly a pathetic, appearance, in such a jaunty situation.


更多网络解释与轻快活泼的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


120. bleak 阴冷的 | 121. brisk 轻快活泼的 | 122. caustic 尖酸刻薄的


brisement 裂断 | brisker 轻快活泼的比较级 | briskest 轻快活泼的最高级


lilt 轻快活泼的调子 | lilt 唱轻快的调子 | lily 百合


lilt 轻快地动 | lilt 轻快活泼的调子 | lilt 唱轻快的调子

sprightliness:精神饱满; 轻快; 活泼 (名)

sprigged 用枝状花纹装饰的 (形) | sprightliness 精神饱满; 轻快; 活泼 (名) | sprightly 活泼的, 愉快的 (形)

lively; sprightly:活泼的;轻快的

crisp mountain air清爽的山间空气 | 4) lively; sprightly: 活泼的;轻快的: | music with a crisp rhythm 节奏轻快的音乐

Ballet of the unhatched chicks:稚鸡在蛋壳里的芭蕾 谐谑而轻快活泼地F大调

08 Promenade 漫步 沉静地D小调 | 09 Ballet Of the Unhatched Chicks 稚鸡在蛋壳里的芭蕾 谐谑而轻快活泼地F大调 | 10 Samuel Goldenberg And Schmuyie 两个一穷一富的犹太人 行板 降b小调


vituperative 辱骂的,责骂的 | vivacious 活泼的,轻快的 | vixen 雌狐,泼妇

swingy:爵士乐的 轻快活泼的

band polymer 带(型)聚(合)物 | swingy 爵士乐的 轻快活泼的 | backdoor financing 后门融通资金


briskest 轻快活泼的最高级 | brisket 胸肉 | brislingbrit 小鲱鱼