英语人>词典>汉英 : 轻微的 的英文翻译,例句
轻微的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
light  ·  mild  ·  slight  ·  trivial  ·  venial  ·  milder  ·  slighted  ·  slighter  ·  slights  ·  mildest

更多网络例句与轻微的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Mild adverse effects such as nausea, vomiting, arthralgia, fever (9℃) and skin rash developed during the treatment.


Mean tumor size was 1.2 cm (range, 0.8 - 1.6 cm), and mean time of RFA application was 13.8 minutes (range, 7 - 21 min). There was minimal or no discomfort, and no treatment-related complications other than minimal breast ecchymosis.

结果测得平均肿瘤大小为1.2公分(范围在0.8 - 1.6公分),平均电烧时间13.8分钟(范围在7 - 21分钟),患者感到不适的情形非常轻微,甚至根本没有不适的感觉,也未发生与治疗相关的任何并发症,即使是最轻微的乳房瘀血。

"This is a frontier of medicine...to be able to generate tiny pulses of electricity in these deep nuclei (nucleus 的复数:细胞核) of the brain, and to see what effect they may have on behavior, including in this case the behavior of eating and the issue of uncontrolled appetite ," he said.


I wasn\'t in the mood to argue, so I left it at that, but the question that begs to be answered is "Then why do veterinarians insist on vaccinating for these puppyhood diseases year after year after year with probable harm to their patients and no benefit??"


There is aslight prominence of thenasalbone structure causing a slightly Romanappearance, the centerlinerunning up over the foreface with little orno stop, falling awayinfront of the eyes so there is an absolutelyclear outlook withnointerference; the underjaw showing great strength,the jaws longandpunishing; the mouth level, meaning that the teethfrom the upperjawand lower jaw match evenly, neither overshot norundershot.


The first day of fever 38.5, burning吃了药receded, and then there are some minor coughing, sneezing, runny nose, medicine and Zailin Cephalosporium, as well as the town of cough medicine, to the fifth day of fever 38.5 morning again, to pull吃了药now fine, but there are some slight cough.


Outcomes were considered excellent if the patient had complete symptomatic resolution of epiphora and dacryocystitis and normal tear drainage on examination, good if the patient had only minimal residual symptoms or a minimally delayed dye disappearance test, fair if the patient had moderate residual symptoms or delayed tear drainage, and poor if there was no improvement.


Change countenance off-chance to lose light seriously.


I had a bit of OCD as a kid, quite a bit, actually. I wouldn't step on a crack.


Lemon oil in less serious conditions though, such as bronchitis,"flu" and gastric infections. The ability to stimulate the body's own defense, in the action of the white corpuscles is also a very good reason for using Lemon for all kinds of cuts and wounds, it is also haemostatic, help to shop bleeding.


更多网络解释与轻微的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I have a slight cold:我有点轻微的感冒

22.I don't have any appetite.我没有食欲. | 23.I have a slight cold.我有点轻微的感冒. | 24.I feel chilly.我觉得胃寒

Nothing serious, just a slight a cold:不严重,只是有点轻微的感冒

It's nothing but the flu. 只是流感. | Nothing serious, just a slight a cold. 不严重,只是有点轻微的感冒. | You're caught a bad cold. 你患了重感冒.

crackling:轻微的爆破声 劈啪声

A great deal 大量 | Crackling 轻微的爆破声 劈啪声 | Interfere with 干预 阻碍 妨碍


Inside-out testing 外泄检测 泄出检测 | insignificant 无意义的,轻微的 | insolation 曝晒,日照

MIN Minor:轻微的

MAJ Major 主要的 | MIN Minor 轻微的 | ECN Engineering Change Notice 工程变更通知(供货商)


库普尔法官(Cooper J.)对此解释道,所谓"轻微的"(slight)是指"非实质性"(immaterial). 爱德华法官(Edwards J.)也说,"偏离必须是很轻微的,所以,程式仍然实质上还是法律规定的程式. "


sliding microtome 滑动式切片机 | slight 轻微的,纤细的 | sling 悬带

A single dent, the merest scratch thereupon:要是不小心出现凹点 或是最轻微的刮痕

Gotta keep this quiet. Take 'em down fast.|必须在不出... | A single dent, the merest scratch thereupon,|要是不小心出现凹点 或是最轻微的刮痕 | and the before-mentioned consequences of which I so recently...


venal 唯利是图的 | venial 轻微的,可原谅的(过失等) | distal 末梢的

Quick, Effective relief for your baby's diaper rash and minor skin irritations:快速,有效的救济,为您的宝宝的尿布皮疹和轻微的皮肤过敏

A natural healing ... | Quick, Effective relief for your baby's diaper rash and minor skin irritations快速,有效的救济,为您的宝宝的尿布皮疹和轻微的皮肤过敏 | Zinc Oxide protects and promotes healing, wh...