英语人>词典>汉英 : 轻度无张力 的英文翻译,例句
轻度无张力 的英文翻译、例句


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RESULT: 1.Ouabain act on lens sodium-pump,under the LM,lens anterior capsular membrane discontinuous,epithelium cells clustered,occluding zonule seperated,lens fiber layers fractured.Under the EM,cells totally hollowed,mitochondria swelling,myelin figure appeared.RT-PCR examine the expression condition of αsubunit of sodium pump on mRNA level,α1、α2 and α3-isoform are all decreased.2.Digoxin act on lens sodium-pump,under the LM,lens cell oedema,linkage distructed,extensive exfoliation.Under the EM,plasma appeared little half-transparant hollow region,mitochondria swelling and ridge disappeared. RT-PCR examine,α1、α2 and α3-isoform are all decreased.3.Amphotericin B act on lens sodium-pump,under the LM,lens epithelium cells linked tightly,arranged in-line,lens fiber layers arranged tightly and regularily.Under the EM,abbundant cellular organes,exuberant cells function indicated. RT-PCR examine the expression condition of αsubunit of sodium pump on mRNA level,α1 and α3-isoform are increased significantly,demonstrated isoform-specific action.4D-thyroxine act on lens sodium-pump,under the LM,lens plasmalemma integrated,cells arranged tightly and regularily.Under the EM,nucleus fission appeared,desmosome half-desmosome and tensile microfilaments linked the cells. RT-PCR examine,α2 and α3-isoform are increased, also demonstrated isoform-specific action.5.Vitamin E act on lens sodium-pump,under the LM,lens anterior capsular membrane continuous and smooth,epithelium cells tightly linked,lens fiber layers appearede hollow region occasionally.Under the EM,lateral membrane high density belt appeared,abundant nucleolus. RT-PCR examine,onlyα1-isoform are increased, demonstrated significantly isoform-specific action.6.DMSO act on lens sodium-pump,under the LM,lens anterior capsular membrane slightly thicker,cells linkage partly distructed.Under the EM,plasmalemma denaturation,mitochondria swelling.RT-PCR examine,α1、α2 and α3-isoform are all altered slightly and haven't significant meanning.
