英语人>词典>汉英 : 软弱无力的 的英文翻译,例句
软弱无力的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与软弱无力的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Sometimes, for the same flaccid press organ we were 2 million at one time, 2.5 million at another — as if 500 thousand gays, lesbians, transgenders, bisexuals, heterosexuals and the many in between them would all disappear and reappear like a blinker, swallowed by a invisible giant closet, and then sent back, to be again abducted.


Arm flat and muscular. Bone substantial but not coarse and muscles hard and devoid of flabbiness.


Arm flat and muscular. Bone substantialbut not coarse and muscles hard and devoid of flabbiness.


Bone substantial but not coarse and muscles hard and devoid of flabbiness.


There is nothing in the world more potent and more impotent than words.


It was recognized that such statesmanship sprang out of weakness.


He was sunk in a dismal torpor.


Which wishy washy washerwoman wants to watch ?


I assume to bethink that I approved to snort dismissively, but I was too algid to administer abundant added than a chastened grunt.


I seem to remember that I tried to snort dismissively, but I was too cold to manage much more than a subdued grunt.


更多网络解释与软弱无力的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


如果要用两个词确定它最显著的品质,它们就是厚重(concreteness)与直接(directness). 并且只要把霍布斯的译文同19世纪的译文(如周厄提的)对比,就很容易发现,后来的译文变得多么诘屈聱牙、软弱无力,却带着满纸学究气.

Thomas Hobbes:托马斯.霍布斯

[2] 这一教训可以一直追溯到托马斯.霍布斯*(Thomas Hobbes)的名言:"言语的束缚实在软弱无力,根本抑制不了人们(男人)的贪婪. "[3] 李尔王(King Lear)则发现,其实女人也一样. *英国政治哲学家、机械唯物主义者. --译者注 对于所有策略行动,

As are the noontide plumes of summer winds:熏透,软弱无力. 我往常总宁静地睡眠

With the delight of a remembered dream, 我的羽翼就象夏... | As are the noontide plumes of summer winds 熏透,软弱无力. 我往常总宁静地睡眠, | Satiate with sweet flowers. I was wont to sleep 醒来神清气爽,但...

Satiate with sweet flowers. I was wont to sleep:醒来神清气爽,但是自从神圣的"提坦

As are the noontide plumes of summer winds 熏透,软弱无力. ... | Satiate with sweet flowers. I was wont to sleep 醒来神清气爽,但是自从神圣的"提坦" | Peacefully, and awake refreshed and calm 受着苦刑,又想...

utopian: a.1:乌托邦(式)的 2.空想社会主义的;不切实际

in the absence of: prep.不存在,缺乏 | utopian: a.1.乌托邦(式)的 2.空想社会主义的;不切实际 | enervating: a.使变得软弱无力的,萎靡不振的,堕落的

can't fight one's way out of a paper bag:形容一个人的软弱无力

156. knock-down drag-out fight 激烈的论战 | 157. can't fight one's way out of a paper bag 形容一个人的软弱无力 | 158. legal eagle 无往不胜的杰出律师

Pillowed upon my fair love's ripening breast:以头枕在爱人软弱无力的胸脯上

No---yet still stedfast, still unchangeable, 呵,不,--我只愿... | Pillowed upon my fair love's ripening breast, 以头枕在爱人软弱无力的胸脯上, | To feel for ever its soft fall and swell, 永远感到它舒缓地...


作为一种花卉,郁金香是颇为单调和短寿的,它的茎软弱无力,花瓣结构简单,颜色并不见得缤纷多彩;而且,它只在每年的4、5月间开花但不结果,而花朵盛开期充其量一周到十天;6月时份,球茎(Bulbs) 可从苗床移出,但秋季才是最佳的种植季节;

Articles of Confederation:联邦条例

在1786年,反对税收的马萨诸塞州农民和商人揭竿而起,攻击联邦武库,显示了<<联邦条例(Articles of Confederation)>>下的国家政府的软弱无力. 乔治?华盛顿警告说,"我们正快速走向无政府状态和混乱. "本来已经退休的华盛顿出山帮助制定宪法并成为总统.


纤维(motor fibres )时会导致相关的肌肉软弱无力(weakness ).2、压迫到神经中的感觉纤维(sensory fibres)时会导致相关的肌肉感觉异常(paraesthesia).如果此压力加重就会导致感觉缺失(anaesthesia ).整脊医学的 学说 是美国帕雨曼(D,