英语人>词典>汉英 : 轮骨 的英文翻译,例句
轮骨 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与轮骨相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Moreover, they were capable of using stone axe, adze and chisel to process timber and built the "pole-railing" style houses; they used spinning wheel, bone shuttle and bone needle to make thread and weave cloth; they were also very skillful in making pottery mixed with charcoal in various shapes; in their leisure time, they had "beauty" and "God" to meet their spiritual demand, beautified practical utensils very delicately and had created lots of very divertive artwork such as the ivory sculpture that is in consummate craftsmanship and with profound implication and that has become the best name card for Hemudu culture which is famous worldwide


Look at those glamourous bone-colored wheels!


Moreover, they were capable of using stone axe, adze and chisel to process timber and built the "pole-railing" style houses; they used spinning wheel, bone shuttle and bone needle to make thread and weave cloth; they were also very skillful in making pottery mixed with charcoal in various shapes; in their leisure time, they had "beauty" and "God" to meet their spiritual demand, beautified practical utensils very delicately and had created lots of very divertive artwork such as the ivory sculpture that is in consummate craftsmanship and with profound implication and that has become the best name card for Hemudu culture which is famous worldwide


Companies have for the past few rounds of layoffs been cutting bone not fat. They are laying off people that have been doing a good job.


Clan:Several department rounds sing, the soft-voiced department keeps on a long sound to accompany to call, there is fixed rhythm melody, with loudly department formation contrast Strong clan:Soft-voiced department the freedom mimicry loudness department melody formation double voice the 迭 place 彝 Clan:Most the 著 is four greatest 腔s, the space grow up,the structure is careful,the contents is abundant,the melody is leisurely long to sink,sing on stage technique deeply higher.


更多网络解释与轮骨相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


\\"条鳍鱼类;条鳍鱼亚纲\\",\\"ACTINOPTERYGII\\" | \\"鳍条支骨\\",\\"actinost\\" | \\"辐轮蚴\\",\\"actinotrocha\\"

antiphonal:交互轮唱 <单词词性>轮唱赞美诗集

Morrison 莫里森(姓氏) | antiphonal 交互轮唱 轮唱赞美诗集 | jawbone 颚骨, 下颚骨, 信用 赊买


birefringence 双折射 | birefringent 重折的 | birotula 双轮针骨

have an effect on:对...有影响 对..起作用, 产生效果

stylohyoid [解]茎突舌骨的,颞骨与舌骨茎突的 | have an effect on 对...有影响 对..起作用, 产生效果 | nosewheel (飞机)头部机轮, 鼻轮

Hub assembly:传动轴/轮骨 结合器

离合器--clutch | 传动轴/轮骨 结合器--hub assembly | 传动轴变速器--differential

jawbone:颚骨, 下颚骨, 信用 赊买

antiphonal 交互轮唱 轮唱赞美诗集 | jawbone 颚骨, 下颚骨, 信用 赊买 | initial error 起始误差


\\"鳍条支骨\\",\\"actinost\\" | \\"辐轮蚴\\",\\"actinotrocha\\" | \\"动作电流\\",\\"action current\\"

birotulate amphidisc:双轮针骨

birotula 双轮针骨 | birotulate amphidisc 双轮针骨 | birth 出产

metatympanic bone; entotympanic bone:内鼓骨

口后纤毛轮 metatroch; post-oral ciliary ring | 内鼓骨 metatympanic bone; entotympanic bone | 后生动物 METAZOA

