英语人>词典>汉英 : 轮换 的英文翻译,例句
轮换 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
spell  ·  spells  ·  rotations

更多网络例句与轮换相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Characteristics of a number of gates from the set of all generalized Toffoli gates are studied. Any permutation S is proved to be generated by a n-cycle δ and a permutation τ=i(subscript j, i together. It shows that any neighboring 2-cycle permutation can be generated by at most two NOT gates without ancilla bit.

本文研究了生成Toffoli门集合的可逆逻辑门数的特点,证明了任意置换S可以由n-轮换δ和一个置换τ=i(下标 j,i生成,同时证明了相邻2-轮换可由至多两个NOT门在不增加额外信息位的情况下生成。

The fourth chapter arises the problem of aging of sample aiming at the applied fixed sample survey.


Job enlargement is similar to job rotation in that people are given different tasks to do.


This paper puts forward a unified balanced one-level rotation scheme according to different one-level rotation schemes and estimation methods.


In order to solve difficulties of calculation of equation groups, the coordinate transmigration method was adopted. The store or purvey quantity of water decision-making from malti-reservoir can be translated simultaneously to single reservoir step by step.


The essay reviews previous study on this topic and A-share listed firms that have periodically rotated auditors during the period form 2003 to 2005 will be selected as research sample. Basing on whether or not the listed firm changes the accounting firm, the sample will be classified into two group—internal auditor rotation group and external auditor group.


In chapter one,the writing research the questions in sample rotation when sample with simple random sampling according the process of the sample rotation.

第一章 这章内容属于文献综述性质的,主要是按样本轮换的实施过程,讲述前人对简单随机抽样下的样本轮换理论的有关问题。

Triple integral and surface integral are first simplified through the alternation of integral variable and integral extent and then calculated in other ways so that the two kinds of integral calculation can be made simple.


It is the same principle as the rotation turn, except that in addition, you start with your knees flexed, then you do the rotation.


Now that we are putting together good results - squad rotation still withstanding - and the lazy journos have conveniently shut-up about squad rotation, it seems the Rafa-rotation critics are attempting to back-track through the back-door.


更多网络解释与轮换相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

alternate something with something else:在某事与某事直接轮换

Be committed to 热衷于 | alternate something with something else.在某事与某事直接轮换 | work out 锻炼

alternating sequence:轮换顺序

alternating order;轮换次序,变更次序 | alternating sequence;轮换顺序 | alternative;交替的,可替换的,比较方案,二者排一,可选方法

blocked operation:轮换操作

block polymerization 本体聚合 | blocked operation 轮换操作 | blood albumin 血白朊

rotational crossbreeding:轮换杂交

\\"轮流的\\",\\"rotational\\" | \\"轮换杂交\\",\\"rotational crossbreeding\\" | \\"轮换杂交\\",\\"rotational crossing\\"

cyclic permutation:轮换

卵形线|oval | 轮换|cyclic permutation | 轮换指数|cycle index

job rotation:工作轮换

因此,工作轮换(Job Rotation)是指企业有计划地按照大体确定的期限,让员工轮换担任若干种不同工作的做法. 从目前众多组织运用工作轮换的实践来看,工作轮换对组织具有激励员工、促进员工职业成长、适应组织变化等作用.

job rotation:岗位轮换

企业内部岗位轮换(Job Rotation)是指企业有计划地按照大体确定的期限,在企业的几种不同职能领域或某个单一的职能领域中为员工做出一系列的工作任务安排,让员工轮换担任若干种不同工作的做法.

job rotation:职务轮换

职务轮换(Job Rotation)制度,也叫岗位轮换制,是日本企业有计划地按照大体确定的期限,让员工轮换担任若干种不同工作的做法,从而达到考察员工的适应性和开发员工多种能力的双重目的.

convected coordinates:迁移坐标; 轮换坐标

convect || 使热空气对流, 借对流传热 | convected coordinates || 迁移坐标; 轮换坐标 | convected differentiation || 迁移微分(法) 轮换微分(法)

convected differentiation:迁移微分(法) 轮换微分(法)

convected coordinates || 迁移坐标; 轮换坐标 | convected differentiation || 迁移微分(法) 轮换微分(法) | convected heat || 对流热