英语人>词典>汉英 : 转节 的英文翻译,例句
转节 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
trochanter  ·  exinguinal  ·  rotule

更多网络例句与转节相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

B组; Gimel ,克; Daleth , D节; Kaph ,钾;体育,磷和托,吨In some systems of transliteration the soft pronunciation is represented thus, bh, gh, dh, kh, ph, th; in others it is b, g, d, k, p, and t.

在某些系统的转软的发音是代表因此,波黑,生长激素,卫生署,链接, pH值,次;在另一些是B ,克,天,钾,磷,和T。

Secondly, we review the former achievement of the study disyllable word and transferred-designation. Thirdly, we point out the shortage in study of transferred-designation, and draw out the articles main content: to conclude type of the disyllable word shifted from verb to noun; to make the explanation to the disyllable word shifted from verb to noun from the semantics and the cognition two angles.


Keyword: Form of line of odd circular arc; Impeller blades; Milling craft; Error analysis0 forewordForm of odd round arc impeller blades is the crucial part in air-blower, its production method has solder, riveting and duralumin suppress.


Subtitled version of the Crisis Core Jump Festa Trailer, put together by myself and WickedOrin.

字幕版本的危机的核心跳转节拖车,放在一起,由我和wickedorin 。

In addition to the wholesale and factory production for the company products, but also the wholesale sling is famous throughout the country, wholesale prices because of too many types, to be directed to the Group's distribution business phone, other products are NRK hyacinth, NRK large gourd (30 -- 50 tons), light NRK hyacinth (80 kg-250kg), Shouban hyacinth, construction Shouban hyacinth, electric hoists, electric chain hoist, micro-block, space launches, and round, hydraulic jacks, screw jack, large jacks, pneumatic Jack, Jack-style separation, thin-jack, electric jack, horizontal jacks,双节Jack, Jack-cut, clamp-hanging, hanging clamp erection, flip hanging clamp, pliers oil drums, stacked plate clamp, car towing, Boutique cranes, lifting with fine, hoisting hook, rotating hook, tied up, tight-vehicle, single-waist belts, body belts, seat belt height, aluminum block-line, cross-top, from the Road, Hydraulic From the top machine, rotating from the top, Hydraulic Ramli, rotating Ramli, the electric Ramli, one Ramli hydraulic pressure machines, into machines, tiger-head tight line, Quchi tight line, from high-intensity Heavy chain, galvanized chain, the chain of steel, iron chain general, Qingdao spent Portland, dumping of deduction, the first card, bow dumping of deduction, American dumping of deduction and heavy dumping of deduction, hydraulic loaders, pneumatic hyacinth, various large Rope, Zongsheng, hanging net, lifting sucker, door-axis wheel, anti-skid chains, fine line tight, tight-line, Shuanggou tight line, railway line cards, Al-card, insurance deduction, rotating Central, rings, Jixin Central, for wire rope cut off, S-hook, lifting a round rope, hanging safety net, set a chain of cable, harness rigging sets, complete sets of rope rigging, injection wire rope, galvanized steel wire rope, hand winch, Removal tanks, high-altitude anti-dropping, balancer, anti-turn hook, electric basket, large-scale mining Tianlun, Mine Pulley, Marine pulley, electric, manual winch, various accessories, such as lifting.


Chapter Ⅱ Xenopus Tbx6 Mediates Presomatic Mesoderm Cell Adhesion during Somitogenesis As a member of T-box gene family, Tbx6 is involved in somite cell fate decision and endows adhesion properties to mesoderm cells.

第二章 xTbx6在体节发生过程中介导了预定体节中胚层的粘连 xTbx6是T-box转录调控因子家族的成员,xTbx6参与体节细胞命运决定和赋予旁侧中胚层细胞特定的粘连特性。

When you want to spinning the yarn which slubby length and space is very short,such as slubby length+slubby space≤5cm(the wide is double,it is longer when the wide is wider),the speed of the front roller is limit to not more than 200 rpm.


During somitogenesis, zebrafish FoxD3 is known of maintaining the somitic expression of myf5, and subsequently regulates myogenesis. FoxD5, another gene of the FoxD family, is also expressed in forming somites of the anterior PSM. However, the regulatory function of FoxD5 in somitogenesis is not clear.

虽然已知斑马鱼中FoxD3在体节发育时,能维持myf5在体节的表现并藉此参与於肌肉的发育;但FoxD转录因子家族中的另一员,FoxD5,在体节发育时也会表现在presomitic mesoderm前端生成中的体节处,而这个FoxD转录因子是否在体节发育的过程中扮演调控的角色目前仍不清楚。

Kanic acid was injected into guinea pigs' cochleae and the excitotoxicity model was established. After a week the recombinant plasmid was transferred into SGCs of guinea pigs' cochlea treated with HAT. The following week the expression of NT-3 was examined by the immunohistochemical method, and the morphology of SGNs was observed under the electronic microscope after 4 weeks, in the mean time the changes of auditory brain-stein response were examined.

通过耳蜗灌注海人酸(kainic acid, KA)建立豚鼠耳蜗兴奋性损伤模型,在给KA 1周后利用HAT携带重组质粒进行耳蜗灌注以转染耳蜗螺旋神经节细胞,免疫组化法观察转染后1周NT-3的表达及4周后电镜下螺旋神经节细胞形态学变化,同时观察对听觉脑干诱发电位(auditory brain-stem response, ABR)的影响。

To address this issue, we microinjected Morpholino Oligonucleotides, which acts as a specific translational inhibitor, into 1-cell stage zebrafish embyos to knockdown the expression of FoxD5. Results showed that the newly forming somites of the FoxD5-MO-injected embryos were malformed both in the stage when the somitogenesis was completed (24-hpf) and in the stage when the somitogenesis was in progress (14-hpf).

在本篇研究中,为了了解FoxD5在体节生成时的功能,利用专一抑制基因转译之Morpholino Oligonucletides对1-cell时期之斑马鱼胚胎进行显微注射以抑制FoxD5的转译,并在体节发育已完成之24 hpf时、及体节仍在形成之14 hpf (约12-somite stage)时分别观察FoxD5-MO注射个体(FoxD5 morphants),发现新生成之体节处有产生体节发育畸形的现象。

更多网络解释与转节相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

swivel joint:转节

转环 swivel piece | 转节 swivel joint | 转环 swivel




trna 转移 rna | trochanter 转子;转节 | trochlea 滑车


tritium labelled用氚示踪的 | trochanter 转节[昆] | trophic-dynamic 食物动态[生态系统中食物关系的动态]

Trochanter minor:小转节

转节 trochanter major | 小转节 trochanter minor | 第三转节 trochanter tertius


\\"迎珠;对耳屏\\",\\"antitragus\\" | \\"对转节\\",\\"antitrochanter\\" | \\"反赤道分布\\",\\"antitropicality\\"


坐股肌 ischiofemoralis muscle | 坐节;转节 ischiopodite | 坐耻骨的 ischiopubic

trochanteric fossa:转节窝

第三转节 trochanter tertius | 转节窝 trochanteric fossa | 滑车 trochlea


但在下等有翅昆虫中基节板的一部分以小转节(trochantin)的形态保留,以腹侧与基节(coxa)相关节. 侧板纵向有非常发达的侧甲(pleural ridge),由此分成前侧板(episte-rnum)与后侧板(epimeron). 有翅节的侧甲向背部突出形成翅突(pleural wing process),

union swivel:管套活转节

管套节 union socket | 管套活转节 union swivel | 管节嵌套;双连衬环 union thimble