英语人>词典>汉英 : 转帐 的英文翻译,例句
转帐 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

transfer of accounts
更多网络例句与转帐相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A customer may make a transfer of funds from his account to anther customer's account by completing a transfer slip(contained in cheque-book and in separate books of transfers) and sending it to the Girobank centre debits.


The term 'Bank Giro' was adopted by the Clearing banks and Scottish banks in 1967 to describe their established credit transfer and their newly introduced direct debiting system.


A CPGW (Charging/Payment Gateway) connects to the Online Charging System, Offline Billing System and the third party financial institutes. When a user makes a payment in the mobile commerce, the user can select prepaid, postpaid or third party account, such as a bank account to pay the payment for the merchants.

并且使用记帐及付款闸道器(Charging/Payment Gateway)与3G网路所提的即时付帐系统、每月结帐系统以及第三方的帐务系统介接,让使用者在行动商务时可以利用预付卡,每月结帐或者透过第三方如银行转帐的行动付费方式付款给加值服务业者。

In the benchmark model, the acceptability of debit cards is exogenously given, while it is endogenized as determined by agents' decision to acquire information.


This limit on transferability is intended to prevent abuse.


Withdraw funds as ordered by me through Firstrade by crediting or debiting my account indicated below.


Please a process ■ The purchase please a style * Purchase payment practice week knot make, each Tuesday is transfer pay day, special circumstances next Thursday consider feeling arrangement transfer payment;* All purchase list is confirm signing by the general manager assistant →finance department the cashier examine →finance the manager examine →general manager approval →cashier payment and notice supplier →the accountancy recheck and statistics;* Cash on delivery from purchase specialist confirm incoming goods amount, on the receipt signature of the supplier confirm payment amount of money, and at purchase list top signature confirm method of payment is cash payment, confirm without any error empress notice cashier payment, the accountancy recheck.


In a typical money transfer, we anticipate that a customer located in the United States will conduct money transfer transactions on the internet via our website, which we intend to develop. Utilizing our website, which has yet to be developed, a customer will transfer money using a credit card or a debit from a bank account.


Hello, I have a bill of document of transfer from ASB Bank. I want to check it out whether it's right. It's 3000 dollars transfered from ASB Bank to a Chinses credit card on April the 20th.


Offline: in the context of payment and settlement systems, the term may refer to the transmission of transfer instructions by users, through such means as voice, written or telefaxed instructions, that must subsequently be input into a transfer processing system.

脱机: 脱机:在支付与结算系统中,该术语可以指用户通过一些如语音,书面,电传等方式的转帐指令的发送,随后支付指令被输入到转帐处理系统中。

更多网络解释与转帐相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bearer cheque:转帐支票

转移所有权 pass ownership | 转帐支票 bearer cheque | 转折关头 turning point

collection system:自动转帐收租办法

arch rise 拱高 | collection system 自动转帐收租办法 | auxiliary feed-water pump 辅助给水泵

delinquent report:转帐失误欠租报表

Deletion Certificate 取消差饷估价证明书 | delinquent report 转帐失误欠租报表 | deliver up possession 交回管有权

giro system:转帐付款制度

girdle structure 环带结构 | giro system 转帐付款制度 | giro-cheque 转帐性支付

ledger transfer:分类帐转帐

140ledger system总帐系统 | 141ledger transfer分类帐转帐 | 142let up停止

Re-enter Transation PIN:确认交易密码(在提款与转帐时要用到)

Password:密码 | Transation PIN:交易密码(在提款与转帐时要用到) | Re-enter Transation PIN:确认交易密码(在提款与转帐时要用到)

transfer on exchange settlement account:外汇清算帐户转帐

penetralia 密室, 密事 | transfer on exchange settlement account 外汇清算帐户转帐 | supervital gene 超生活力基因

Journal vouchers:转帐凭证

journal voucher 分录凭单;日记帐凭单 | journal vouchers 转帐凭证 | journal writing 期刊撰写

OCAS FI-LC: Print Asset Transfer FI-LC:打印资产转帐

OCAR FI-LC: Print Chgs in Trfr Depreciatn FI-LC: 在转帐折旧中的打印更改 | OCAS FI-LC: Print Asset Transfer FI-LC: 打印资产转帐 | OCAT FI-LC: Print Versions FI-LC: 打印版本

book transfer:帐面转帐

book structure 登记结构 | book transfer 帐面转帐 | book trip 预定行程