英语人>词典>汉英 : 轧钢厂 的英文翻译,例句
轧钢厂 的英文翻译、例句


rolling mill · steel mill · cogging mill · steel rolling mill
更多网络例句与轧钢厂相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In rolling mill in development course of more than 30 years, built tropics of φ 750mm blooming mill, 500mm early or late rolling mill, medium or small intertropical rolling mill of rolling mill of profiled bar of great ability rolling mill, medium-sized H, 1500mm. Lai steel orgnaization was adjusted in March 2006 established plank to produce professional plant -- board tape plant.


The Company under the two pillars of industry: the production of flat steel main rolling mill, two series of square steel, model range, different models can be set rolling; galvanizing plant is divided into: cold plating,; main varieties of flat iron, round bar, angle iron, channel steel, wire rod, hot galvanized flat steel, and galvanized external processing business.


On the base of finite element analysis for low-speed rolling bearing, the fault stress wave signals which obtained from a steel mill were analyzed in the paper.


After blooming basing on equipment of Hualong steel factory , as much as possible to realize CR and AcC on 56Nb steel fishplate.

开坯后立足华隆轧钢厂的设备,尽可能实现对56Nb 钢鱼尾板的最大程度的控制轧制和控制冷却。

The article introduces the technical requirements, experimental rolling processes, existing problems and improvement measures of the 25MnCrNiMoA round steel used for forging hook tail frame developed in the Rolling Plant.


Ahead of us were the narrower valleys: the steel-rolling mill, the gasworks, the grey terraces, the pitheads.


In either case, we improve existing mill software and/or develop new software system.


As an important tool in rolling mill,the capability of roller can directly nfluence quality of production.


There are many people who want to visit the rolling mill.


It has been proved that using interharmonics analysis method to treat electric energy quality in rolling mill is an ...


更多网络解释与轧钢厂相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



cash records:现金记录 现金簿

grid keying 栅极键控法 | cash records 现金记录 现金簿 | rolling-mill 1.轧钢厂 2.轧钢机

rolling kitchen:随军炊事车

rolling hospital 随军医院 | rolling kitchen 随军炊事车 | rolling mill 轧钢厂

rolling press:滚动印刷机

rolling mill 轧钢厂 | rolling press 滚动印刷机 | rolling stock 全部车辆

steel mill:钢铁厂; 轧钢厂

Steel Metallurgy 钢冶炼学 | Steel Mill 钢铁厂; 轧钢厂 | Steel Mirror 钢镜


北京时间11月30日晚间,巴西>的一篇报道指出,巴西矿业巨头 淡水河谷 (VALE)计划 投资 10亿雷亚尔(5.73亿美元)在里约热内卢州开设一家轧钢厂.

Ingot tilters, rolling mill:翻锭机,轧钢厂

Ingot turning equipment, rolling mill 钢锭车削设备,轧钢厂 | Ingot tilters, rolling mill 翻锭机,轧钢厂 | Slab and billet plant, rolling mill 厚钢板坯和钢坯成形机,轧钢厂

Slab cleaning plant, rolling mill:板坯清理设备,轧钢厂

Slab handling plant, rolling mill 板坯装卸设备,轧钢厂 | Slab cleaning plant, rolling mill 板坯清理设备,轧钢厂 | Coiling machines, rolling mill 轧卷机,轧钢厂

Slab handling plant, rolling mill:板坯装卸设备,轧钢厂

Billet handling plant, rolling mill 坯料装卸设备,轧钢厂 | Slab handling plant, rolling mill 板坯装卸设备,轧钢厂 | Slab cleaning plant, rolling mill 板坯清理设备,轧钢厂

Slab and billet plant, rolling mill:厚钢板坯和钢坯成形机,轧钢厂

Ingot tilters, rolling mill 翻锭机,轧钢厂 | Slab and billet plant, rolling mill 厚钢板坯和钢坯成形机,轧钢厂 | Billet handling plant, rolling mill 坯料装卸设备,轧钢厂