英语人>词典>汉英 : 车辆轴 的英文翻译,例句
车辆轴 的英文翻译、例句


wagon axle
更多网络例句与车辆轴相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Described are the 6-axle, 8-axle gondola cars and tank car s, 4-axle and 3-axle bogies trial-manufactured and produced in the Former Soviet Union as well as the main technical parameters;and 5 types of wheelsets and 6 types of locomotive and rolling stock gauges are described briefly.


Described are the 6-axle, 8-axle gondola car s and tank cars, 4-axle and 3-axle bogies trial-manufactured and produced in the Former Soviet Union as well as the main technical parameters;and 5 types of wheelsets and 6 types of locomotive and rolling stock gauges are described briefly.


Since MCT photon device s are working under natural environment,the input and output characteristics appear unstable resulted from the enormous change in temperature,which will greatly influence the accuracy of MCT hotbox detector for measuring axle temperature.

MCT 光子器件工作在自然环境下,环境温度变化幅度大,导致MCT 光子器件的输入输出特性不稳定,严重影响MCT轴温探测器探测铁道车辆轴温的精度。

Since MCT photon devices are working under natural environment, the input and output characteristics appear unstable resulted from the enormous change in temperature, which will greatly influence the accuracy of MCT hotbox detector for measuring axle temperature.


A transmission for vehicles is provided with a plurality of drive gears, an input shaft connected to the drive shaft of an engine, an output shaft disposed parallel to the input shaft, a driven gear which meshes with each drive gear and is rotatably disposed on the output shaft, a synchromesh mechanism which has a sleeve movable in the axial direction of the output shaft, is engageable with a side portion of the driven gear, and couples the driven gear to the output shaft, and a parking gear formed integrally with the sleeve of the synchromesh mechanism.


A wind- and motor-powered land vehicle with a fore-and-aft longitudinal axis comprising a body supported by wheels, at least one of said wheels fixed to rotate in a plane parallel to the fore-and-aft axis of said vehicle, an airfoil system comprised of two vertically extending airfoils rigidly mounted on said body in an arrangement having bilateral symmetry about a vertical plane through said fore-and-aft axis, said airfoil system providing a forward propelling force of said vehicle when the airfoil system is subjected to certain cross wind conditions, and self-contained motor propulsion means on said vehicle for providing acceleration from a stationary position and for propelling the vehicle either independently or in combination with propelling forces generated by wind action on said airfoil system, each airfoil having a plurality of airfoil sections telescopically fitted together, the lower airfoil section being rigidly mounted in fixed relationship to said body, said airfoil system including a retracting mechanism for lowering upper airfoil sections of said airfoil system when desired and for subsequently extending said airfoil system, said retracting mechanism including a plurality of linkages interconnecting said sections and an actuator means operatively connected between said body and to said linkages for lowering and extending each airfoil, and an intermediate airfoil extending between the upper sections of each of said airfoils so as to provide an inverted U-shaped airfoil.

风力和电动机驱动的陆地车辆与前列和尾部长轴组成的一个机构的支持,车轮,至少有一说,车轮固定在一个旋转平面平行的前列和前后轴的说,车辆,翼型系统组成的两个垂直扩展翼型硬性安装在说,机构在安排后,双边对称约一垂直面说,通过国内外和前后轴,表示翼型系统提供了一个向前推进的力量说,车辆时,翼型系统是受到某些横风条件下,和自我载电机推进的手段就表示,车辆提供加速从一个固定的立场和为推进车辆单独或结合,与推进力量所产生的风的行动表示翼型系统,每个机翼有一个多元化翼型第telescopically装在一起,较低的翼型节被硬性安装在固定的关系,说身体,说翼型系统包括一个撤消的机制,降低上翼型章节说,翼型系统时,理想的和其后再将说,翼型制度,说收回机制包括多元化的联系互连说,部分和一个致动器的手段手术之间的连接说,身体和说,联系降低,并延长每翼型,及一个中间翼型延长之间的路段上的每说翼型,以便提供一个倒U -形翼型。

In this paper the effect of axle load difference on the equivalent axle load number and the pavementlife was analyzed.


In this paper the effect of axle load difference on the equivalent axle load number and the pavement life was analyz...


In this paper, model of vehicle with double axes is used to study the vibrations of vehicle-bridge dynamic interaction system. The active control law based on linear optimal control theory is designed, In which the transient power flow and displacement at mid-span of bridge are accounted separately.


The statistic analysis is made for the vehicle type,bearings and axle temperature of vehicles with application of the sample data of predicting hot box.


更多网络解释与车辆轴相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

rear axle:后轴

本油为高黏度指数之纯矿物性润滑油,掺有防泡沫添加剂,对齿轮及轴承无腐蚀性,适用於机动车辆之变速(Transmission)及后轴(Rear Axle) 齿轮,如斜齿轮、 螺旋齿轮及蜗齿轮之润滑等,但不适用於Hypoid Gear ,因此类齿轮齿面所受单位压力极大,

Axle Shaft:车(主动)轴

引擎动力可传送到四个轮子,因此车辆可越野行驶,也可以爬陡峭的斜坡,甚至可以在崎岖不平或泥泞的地上行驶. 车(主动)轴(Axle Shaft) 多使用在前轮驱动汽车上,除了可传轮由变速箱来的动力到左右两前轮外,还需配合转向角度的改变

Axle Shaft:主动轴

引擎动力可传送到四个轮子,因此车辆可越野行驶,也可以爬陡峭的斜坡,甚至可以在崎岖不平或泥泞的地上行驶. 车(主动)轴(Axle Shaft) 多使用在前轮驱动汽车上,除了可传轮由变速箱来的动力到左右两前轮外,还需配合转向角度的改变.


5.1.3倾斜平台与翻覆沟(ditch)之设置如图4:在其他轴上之轮胎挡块需调整至使车辆纵向中心面(VLCP)与旋转轴平行.两部高速相机,一部放置在前方,另一部放置在后方. 置放位置需与观测车辆的前、后端(wall)有一适当距离以产生可量测的图像,

four-wheel coupled:四连轴式,二联轴式

four-wheel car 四轮车辆 | four-wheel coupled 四连轴式,二联轴式 | four-wheel drive 四轮驱动

rigd wheelbase:固定轴距

轴距 wheelbase | 固定轴距 rigd wheelbase | 车辆全轴距 wheelbase of car


sweat like a pig [口](因出力或恐惧而)全身冒汗 | spragger (车辆下坡运行)跟车工 | fluidrive coupling 液力联轴节

Axle Shaft: 主动轴

引擎动力可传送到四个轮子,因此车辆可越野行驶,也可以爬陡峭的斜坡,甚至可以在崎岖不平或泥泞的地上行驶. 车(主动)轴(Axle Shaft) 多使用在前轮驱动汽车上,除了可传轮由变速箱来的动力到左右两前轮外,还需配合转向角度的改变.

Axle shaft gear:驱动轴齿轮,半轴齿轮

axle shaft ==> 车辆轴,车轴 | axle shaft gear ==> 驱动轴齿轮,半轴齿轮 | axle shaft steel ==> 车轴钢

car brake examination; car brake inspection:车辆制检

车辆轴检 car journal and box examination; car journal and box inspection | 车辆制检 car brake examination; car brake inspection | 车辆大修 car heavy repair